
345 lines
11 KiB

'use strict';
// Import game configs and questsData -------------------
import config from './config.json'; // game configuration
import gameData from './gameData.json'; // game data
// Import engine libs -----------------------------------
import * as Engine from './engine.js';
import * as Buttons from './buttons.js';
import * as Draw from './draw.js';
import * as Music from './music.js';
import * as Areas from './areas.js';
import * as Game from './game.js';
// Engine variables -------------------------------------
const DEBUG = config.debug;
let canvas = null; // canvas id
let context = null; // context id
let cW = null; // canvas with
let cH = null; // canvas height
let landscape_orientation = null; // canvas orientation
let game = {}; // main game variable
let areas = null;
let images = {};
let buttons = {};
let buttonsUi = {};
let music = {};
// Engine init ------------------------------------------
window.onload = function() {
// init canvas id and sizes
canvas = document.getElementById('game');
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
cW = canvas.width;
cH = canvas.height;
if (DEBUG)
console.log(`Canvas size ${cW} x ${cH}`);
// set screen orientation by carculate canvas width & height
landscape_orientation = Engine.setOrientation(canvas)
let imageLogo = new Image();
imageLogo.src = "assets/logo.png";
images.logo = imageLogo;
let loadingImages = [];
loadingImages.push(gameData.result.notPassed, gameData.result.passed);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(gameData.questions)) {
Engine.imagePreloader(loadingImages, function() {
game.loadedState = true;
game.showAlpha = 1;
// TODO: rewrite playMusic() func
music.music = new AudioContext() || new webkitAudioContext();
Music.playMusic(config, music.music);
game.showAlpha = null;
game.showInfo = false;
game.loadedState = false;
game.finish = false;
game.currentQuest = 0;
// shuffle quests and first quest answers
gameData.questions.forEach(quest => {
// set all quest status 'not answered'
gameData.questions.forEach(element => element.status = null);
// set areas sizes
areas = Areas.setAreas(canvas, landscape_orientation, images.logo);
// hover by buttons
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
let mousePos = Buttons.getMousePos(canvas, e);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(buttonsUi)) {
if (Buttons.isInside(mousePos, value)) {
console.log("hover", key)
}, false);
// click by buttons
canvas.addEventListener('click', e => {
let mousePos = Buttons.getMousePos(canvas, e);
if (game.loadedState) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(buttonsUi)) {
if (Buttons.isInside(mousePos, value)) {
// Music button
if (key == "uiMusic") {
if (music.music.state == "suspended") {
// Info button
if (key == "uiInfo") {
game.showInfo = true;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(buttons)) {
if (!game.finish && key != undefined) {
if (Buttons.isInside(mousePos, value)) {
Game.checkAnswer(gameData.questions[game.currentQuest], value.data);
if (game.currentQuest < gameData.questions.length - 1) {
game.currentQuest += 1;
else {
game.finish = true;
game.showAlpha = 1;
if (game.finish && buttons.btnRestart != undefined) {
if (Buttons.isInside(mousePos, buttons.btnRestart)) {
Game.restartGame(game, gameData.questions);
delete buttons.btnRestart;
}, false);
// GameLoop ---------------------------------------------
function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Game update func -------------------------------------
function update() {
if (game.showAlpha >= 0) {
game.showAlpha -= 0.01;
if (!game.loadedState) {
if (areas.splash.pointer.position < areas.splash.border.w - 50 && areas.splash.pointer.direction) {
areas.splash.pointer.position += 1;
else areas.splash.pointer.direction = false;
if (!areas.splash.pointer.direction) {
if (areas.splash.pointer.position <= 0)
areas.splash.pointer.direction = true;
areas.splash.pointer.position -= 1;
if (game.loadedState && !game.finish) {
buttons.answerButton0 = { x: Draw.getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton1 = { x: Draw.getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton2 = { x: Draw.getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton3 = { x: Draw.getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
let answerButtonsArray = [buttons.answerButton0, buttons.answerButton1,
buttons.answerButton2, buttons.answerButton3];
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value, index, array) {
if (index == 0)
array[index].y = areas.game.btnAnswer.y;
array[index].y = array[index - 1].y + value.h + 15;
// Update answer buttons label
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value, index) {
value.data = gameData.questions[game.currentQuest].answer[index];
buttonsUi.uiInfo = { x: areas.game.btnUi.x, y: areas.game.btnUi.y, w: areas.game.btnUi.h, h: areas.game.btnUi.h };
buttonsUi.uiMusic = { x: areas.game.btnUi.w + areas.game.btnUi.x - areas.game.btnUi.h, y: areas.game.btnUi.y, w: areas.game.btnUi.h, h: areas.game.btnUi.h };
buttonsUi.uiSfx = { x: areas.game.btnUi.w + areas.game.btnUi.x - (areas.game.btnUi.h * 2) - 10, y: areas.game.btnUi.y, w: areas.game.btnUi.h, h: areas.game.btnUi.h };
if (game.finish) {
delete buttons.answerButton0;
delete buttons.answerButton1;
delete buttons.answerButton2;
delete buttons.answerButton3;
buttons.btnRestart = { x: Draw.getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: areas.finish.labelTotalInfo.y + areas.finish.labelTotalInfo.h + 20, w: cW / 1.5, h: 70, data: "Ответить на вопросы заново" };
// Draw to canvas func ----------------------------------
function draw() {
Draw.clearContext(canvas, config.colors.back); // clean canvas
// render splash screen -----------------------------
if (!game.loadedState) {
context.drawImage(images.logo, Draw.getCenterH(cW, images.logo.width), Draw.getCenterV(cH, images.logo.height));
context.font = "32px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(areas.splash.pointer.position + areas.splash.border.x, areas.splash.border.y, 50, areas.splash.border.h);
context.strokeRect(areas.splash.border.x, areas.splash.border.y,
areas.splash.border.w, areas.splash.border.h);
// render game --------------------------------------
if (!game.finish && game.loadedState) {
// draw progress bar
Draw.drawProgressBar(context, areas.game.questProgress, config.colors, gameData.questions);
// draw quest image
Draw.placeImage(canvas, areas.game.questImage,
gameData.questions[game.currentQuest].image, config.colors);
// draw question label
Draw.drawQuestionLabel(canvas, areas.game.labelQuestion, gameData.questions[game.currentQuest].question);
// draw answer buttons
context.fillStyle = config.colors.buttonFill;
context.strokeStyle = config.colors.buttonStroke;
context.lineWidth = config.colors.strokeSize;
let answerButtonsArray = [buttons.answerButton0, buttons.answerButton1,
buttons.answerButton2, buttons.answerButton3];
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function(btn) {
context.fillRect(btn.x, btn.y, btn.w, btn.h);
context.strokeRect(btn.x, btn.y, btn.w, btn.h);
// draw answer button label
context.font = "32px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = config.colors.buttonFont;
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value) {
context.fillText(value.data, cW / 2, value.y + 35);
// draw UI buttons
context.fillStyle = config.colors.buttonFill;
context.strokeStyle = config.colors.buttonStroke;
context.lineWidth = config.colors.strokeSize;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(buttonsUi)) {
context.fillRect(value.x, value.y, value.w, value.h);
context.strokeRect(value.x, value.y, value.w, value.h);
// render result game -------------------------------
if (game.finish) {
// draw game name label
context.font = "32px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillText(config['gameName'], cW / 2, areas.finish.labelFinishGameName.y + 25);
/// draw finish game image
let rightAnswer = 0;
gameData.questions.forEach(element => element.status ? rightAnswer += 1 : null);
let rightAnswerPercentage = Math.ceil(rightAnswer / gameData.questions.length * 100);
let i = new Image();
if (rightAnswerPercentage >= gameData.result.minRightAnswer) {
i.src = `assets/images/${gameData.result.passed}`
else {
i.src = `assets/images/${gameData.result.notPassed}`
context.drawImage(i, Draw.getCenterH(cW, i.width), areas.finish.image.y + areas.finish.image.h - i.height);
// draw labelTotalAnswerRight
context.font = "50px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.fillText(`Результат: ${rightAnswer} из ${gameData.questions.length} ответов верны`, cW / 2, areas.finish.labelTotalAnswerRight.y + 45);
// draw labelTotalAnswerPercent
context.font = "75px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.fillText(`Выполнено на ${rightAnswerPercentage}%`, cW / 2, areas.finish.labelTotalAnswerPercent.y + 65);
// labelTotalInfo
context.font = "50px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
let resultInfo = null;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(gameData.answerResult)) {
if (key <= rightAnswerPercentage) {
resultInfo = value;
context.fillText(resultInfo, cW / 2, areas.finish.labelTotalInfo.y + 55);
// draw btnRestart
context.fillStyle = config.colors.buttonFill;
context.strokeStyle = config.colors.buttonStroke;
context.fillRect(buttons.btnRestart.x, buttons.btnRestart.y, buttons.btnRestart.w, buttons.btnRestart.h);
context.strokeRect(buttons.btnRestart.x, buttons.btnRestart.y, buttons.btnRestart.w, buttons.btnRestart.h);
context.font = "32px Yanone Kaffeesatz";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = config.colors.buttonFont;
context.fillText(buttons.btnRestart.data, cW / 2, buttons.btnRestart.y + 43);
// draw game areas ----------------------------------
if (DEBUG && !game.finish && game.loadedState) {
Draw.drawGameAreas(context, areas.game);
else if (DEBUG && game.finish) {
Draw.drawGameAreas(context, areas.finish);
// draw alpha animation -----------------------------
if (game.showAlpha != null) {
context.fillStyle = `rgba(0,0,0,${game.showAlpha})`;
context.fillRect(0, 0, cW, cH);
// draw info window [indev] -------------------------
if (game.showInfo) {
Draw.drawInfo(canvas, landscape_orientation);