
155 lines
4.5 KiB

'use strict';
import config from '../config.json'; // game configuration
import gameData from '../gameData.json'; // game data
import { getMousePos, isInside } from './buttons.js';
import { clearContext } from './draw.js';
// Engine variables -------------------------------------
let DEBUG = true;
let canvas = null; // canvas id
let context = null; // context id
let cW = null; // canvas with
let cH = null; // canvas height
let orientation = null; // screen orientation
let button = null; // buttons array
let area = null; // game areas (buttons, images, etc.)
// Init -------------------------------------------------
window.onload = function() {
// init canvas id and sizes
canvas = document.getElementById('game');
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
cW = canvas.width;
cH = canvas.height;
// set screen orientation by carculate canvas width&height
if (cW >= cH) { orientation = true; }
else { orientation = false; }
button = {
info: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
sfx: { x: cW - 80, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
canvas.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
let mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
// bet inscrease
if (isInside(mousePos, button.info)) {
}, false);
// GameLoop ---------------------------------------------
function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Game update func -------------------------------------
function update() {
// Draw to canvas func ----------------------------------
function draw() {
clearContext(canvas, config); // flush?! canvas
if (DEBUG) {
context.strokeStyle = "red";
context.lineWidth = 2;
// answer buttons area
if (orientation)
// TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape
console.log('TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape');
context.strokeRect(10, cH - 390, cW - 20, 300);
// draw image ------------------------------------------
// let imageSize = { w: 320, h: 140 };
// let graImage = context.createLinearGradient(cW / 2 - imageSize.w / 2, cH / 2 - imageSize.h / 2, cW / 2 - imageSize.w / 2 + imageSize.w, cH / 2 - imageSize.h / 2 + imageSize.h);
// graImage.addColorStop(0, "#ff4ba7");
// graImage.addColorStop(1, "#ffda64");
// context.fillStyle = graImage;
// context.fillRect(cW / 2 - imageSize.w / 2, cH / 2 - imageSize.h / 2,
// imageSize.w, imageSize.h);
// draw quest ------------------------------------------
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillText(gameData[0].question, cW / 2, cH - 420);
// draw buttons ------------------------------------------
let graButton = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, cW / 2, cH / 2);
graButton.addColorStop(0, "#3fff7c");
graButton.addColorStop(1, "#3ffbe0");
context.fillStyle = graButton;
function centerW(size) {
return cW / 2 - size / 2;
function centerH(size) {
return cH / 2 - size / 2;
context.fillRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 380, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.fillRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 320, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.fillRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 260, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.fillRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 200, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.strokeRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 380, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.strokeRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 320, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.strokeRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 260, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.strokeRect(centerW(cW / 1.5), cH - 200, cW / 1.5, 50);
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
context.fillText(gameData[0].answer[i], cW / 2, cH - 380 + 35);
case 1:
context.fillText(gameData[0].answer[i], cW / 2, cH - 320 + 35);
case 2:
context.fillText(gameData[0].answer[i], cW / 2, cH - 260 + 35);
case 3:
context.fillText(gameData[0].answer[i], cW / 2, cH - 200 + 35);
// UI ------------------------------------------
context.fillStyle = "red";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.fillRect(button.info.x, button.info.y, button.info.w, button.info.h); // info button
context.strokeRect(button.info.x, button.info.y, button.info.w, button.info.h); // info button
context.fillRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
context.strokeRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
let q = 10;
for (var i = 1; i <= q - 1; i++) {