Extended Dump and Load Utility
Updated 2023-07-30 11:26:54 +03:00
Wavelovers that can make a vibrating massager out of a gamepad
Updated 2023-09-09 23:41:17 +03:00
📊 A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics
Updated 2023-07-30 09:17:14 +03:00
Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation
Updated 2023-08-10 05:42:59 +03:00
Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
Updated 2022-11-12 21:34:41 +03:00
Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522
Updated 2024-06-08 01:03:47 +03:00
An online canvas based Pixel Art creation tool for Lospec.com
Updated 2023-02-13 20:12:20 +03:00
A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art.
Updated 2021-07-02 16:12:00 +03:00
Pasty is a fast and lightweight code pasting server
Updated 2023-06-17 22:58:05 +03:00
nocurses.h - A terminal screen manipulation library (colors, position, clears, attributes,...)
Updated 2022-03-13 05:07:35 +03:00
A simple music browser for MPD
Updated 2023-08-02 16:20:17 +03:00
Self-hosted music scrobble database to create personal listening statistics and charts
Updated 2023-06-25 19:00:23 +03:00
libserialport (sometimes abbreviated as "sp") is a minimal, cross-platform shared library written in C that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports.
Updated 2021-07-01 19:03:31 +03:00
ii is a minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client. It creates an irc directory tree with server, channel and nick name directories. In every directory a FIFO in file and a normal out file is created.
Updated 2022-09-24 13:36:02 +03:00
Screenshots with JavaScript
Updated 2022-01-22 19:55:25 +03:00
Simply beautiful open source icons
Updated 2023-03-21 23:11:27 +03:00
Faker is a Crystal library that generates fake data for you
Updated 2022-04-04 21:44:02 +03:00
Get access to +3600 emojis as class constants
Updated 2022-11-10 00:20:58 +03:00
Convolutional Neural Networks
Updated 2022-07-18 00:26:40 +03:00