* https://vm.tiktok.com/videoID (or similar shorturls)<br>
<b>N.B: </b> Any URL that is not under tiktok.com domain is not supported and will throw error<br>
Do not put URL of m.tiktok.com as this is not redirected to web version automatically and you are requested to collect either short url or desktop urls
* Create an issue in this repository and I will get to know.
* Make sure to follow correct video URL format.
* Try once again and wait for "Download Video" button to appear in bottom section of the page. It should auto scroll for you, if not, scroll down manually.
* Please do not create issues about "Watermark free videos not downloading after videos uploaded from and after 27th July, 2020" as there is already a open issue for that. As soon as I have a solution that is feasible, I will update the code mentioning the changes.