# Yolo_label ## WHAT IS THIS?! Reinventing The Wheel!!!! ![1_hfyjxxcfingbcyzcgksaiq](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47629997-b47aa200-db81-11e8-8873-71ae653563e0.png) In the world, there are many good image labeling tools for object detection. -e.g. , ([Yolo_mark](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/Yolo_mark), [BBox-Label-Tool](https://github.com/puzzledqs/BBox-Label-Tool), [labelImg](https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg)). But... I reinvented it... ## WHY DID YOU REINVENT THE WHEEL? ARE YOU STUPID? When I use the pre-existing program to annotate a training set for YOLO V3, I am sooooooooooo bored... So I thought about why it is so fxxking bored?? And I found that anwer. The answer is that pre-existing programs are not **sensitive**. So I decided to make a **sensitive** image labeling tool for object detection. ## SHOW ME YOUR SENSITIVE IMAGE LABELING TOOL!! It's the **SENSITIVE** image labeling tool for object detection! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47644151-bd369c80-dbb0-11e8-9505-d7ada78911c2.png) ![ezgif-5-85c0613befb3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47693025-3d094900-dc3b-11e8-9d96-ea2f7e37cf7a.gif) ![ezgif-5-c57fe634145b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47693028-3f6ba300-dc3b-11e8-9e22-70c448d59398.gif) ## HMM... I SAW THIS DESIGN SOMEWHERE I referred to [the website of Joseph Redmon](https://pjreddie.com/darknet/ ) who invented the [YOLO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPU2HistivI). ![redmon2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47635529-a1270100-db98-11e8-8c03-1dcea7c77d1d.PNG) # TUTORIAL / USAGE 1. Put your .jpg, .png -images into some directory (In this tutorial I will use the Kangarooo and the Raccoon Images. These images are in the 'Samples' folder.) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47640641-5791e280-dba7-11e8-8709-83fba08bbbcd.png) 2. Put names of objects, one for each line in some file( .txt, .names) and save ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47643863-0803e480-dbb0-11e8-87b1-2becf72f4a43.png) 3. Run Yolo label! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47644151-bd369c80-dbb0-11e8-9505-d7ada78911c2.png) 4. Click the button 'Open Files'and open the directory that you saved your custom images and object name lists file that you saved at step 2. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47694149-d20e4100-dc3f-11e8-9d97-fba87a6e1b5a.png) 5. And... Drag and Drop... Welcome to Hell... I really hate this work in the world ![ezgif-5-805073516651](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47698872-5bc80980-dc54-11e8-8984-e3e1230eccaf.gif) 6. End ## Shorcuts | Key | Action | |---|:---:| | `A` | Save and Next Image | | `D, Space` | Save and Prev Image | | `W` | Prev Label ![ezgif-5-ee915c66dad8](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47703191-d39d3080-dc62-11e8-800b-986ec214b80c.gif) | | `S` | Next Label ![ezgif-5-f7ee77cd24c3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35001605/47703190-d3049a00-dc62-11e8-846f-5bd91e98bdbc.gif) | | `Ctrl + S` | Save | | `Ctrl + C` | Delete All Rect Box | ## Mouse Events