#include "label_img.h" #include using std::ifstream; QColor label_img::BOX_COLORS[10] ={ Qt::green, Qt::darkGreen, Qt::blue, Qt::darkBlue, Qt::yellow, Qt::darkYellow, Qt::red, Qt::darkRed, Qt::cyan, Qt::darkCyan}; label_img::label_img(QWidget *parent) :QLabel(parent) { init(); } void label_img::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { std::cout<< "moved"<< std::endl; setMousePosition(ev->x(), ev->y()); showImage(); emit Mouse_Moved(); } void label_img::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { std::cout<< "clicked"<< std::endl; setMousePosition(ev->x(), ev->y()); if(ev->button() == Qt::RightButton) { removeFocusedObjectBox(m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui); showImage(); } else if(ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if(m_bLabelingStarted == false) { m_relatvie_mouse_pos_LBtnClicked_in_ui = m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui; m_bLabelingStarted = true; } else { ObjectLabelingBox objBoundingbox; objBoundingbox.label = m_focusedObjectLabel; objBoundingbox.box = getRelativeRectFromTwoPoints(m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui, m_relatvie_mouse_pos_LBtnClicked_in_ui); bool width_is_too_small = objBoundingbox.box.width() < 0.01; bool height_is_too_small = objBoundingbox.box.height() < 0.01; if(!width_is_too_small && !height_is_too_small) m_objBoundingBoxes.push_back(objBoundingbox); m_bLabelingStarted = false; showImage(); } } emit Mouse_Pressed(); } void label_img::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *ev) { std::cout<< "released"<< std::endl; emit Mouse_Release(); } void label_img::init() { m_objBoundingBoxes.clear(); m_bLabelingStarted = false; m_focusedObjectLabel = 0; QPoint mousePosInUi = this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); bool mouse_is_in_image = QRect(0, 0, this->width(), this->height()).contains(mousePosInUi); if (mouse_is_in_image) { setMousePosition(mousePosInUi.x(), mousePosInUi.y()); } else { setMousePosition(0., 0.); } } void label_img::setMousePosition(int x, int y) { if(x < 0) x = 0; if(y < 0) y = 0; if(x > this->width()) x = this->width() - 1; if(y > this->height()) y = this->height() - 1; m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui = cvtAbsoluteToRelativePoint(QPoint(x, y)); } void label_img::openImage(const QString &qstrImg, bool &ret) { QImage img(qstrImg); if(img.isNull()) { m_inputImg = QImage(); ret = false; } else { ret = true; m_objBoundingBoxes.clear(); m_inputImg = img.copy(); m_inputImg = m_inputImg.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888); m_bLabelingStarted = false; QPoint mousePosInUi = this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); bool mouse_is_in_image = QRect(0, 0, this->width(), this->height()).contains(mousePosInUi); if (mouse_is_in_image) { setMousePosition(mousePosInUi.x(), mousePosInUi.y()); } else { setMousePosition(0., 0.); } } } void label_img::showImage() { if(m_inputImg.isNull()) return; QImage imageOnUi = m_inputImg.scaled(this->width(), this->height(),Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation); QPainter painter(&imageOnUi); int penThick = 3; QColor crossLineColor(255, 187, 0); drawCrossLine(painter, crossLineColor, penThick); drawFocusedObjectBox(painter, Qt::magenta, penThick); drawObjectBoxes(painter, penThick); this->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imageOnUi)); } void label_img::loadLabelData(const QString& labelFilePath) { ifstream inputFile(labelFilePath.toStdString()); if(inputFile.is_open()) { double inputFileValue; QVector inputFileValues; while(inputFile >> inputFileValue) inputFileValues.push_back(inputFileValue); for(int i = 0; i < inputFileValues.size(); i += 5) { try { ObjectLabelingBox objBox; objBox.label = static_cast(inputFileValues.at(i)); double midX = inputFileValues.at(i + 1); double midY = inputFileValues.at(i + 2); double width = inputFileValues.at(i + 3); double height = inputFileValues.at(i + 4); double leftX = midX - width/2.; double topY = midY - height/2.; objBox.box.setX(leftX); // translation: midX -> leftX objBox.box.setY(topY); // translation: midY -> topY objBox.box.setWidth(width); objBox.box.setHeight(height); m_objBoundingBoxes.push_back(objBox); } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { std::cout << "loadLabelData: Out of Range error."; } } } } void label_img::setFocusObjectLabel(int nLabel) { m_focusedObjectLabel = nLabel; } void label_img::setFocusObjectName(QString qstrName) { m_foucsedObjectName = qstrName; } bool label_img::isOpened() { return !m_inputImg.isNull(); } QImage label_img::crop(QRect rect) { return m_inputImg.copy(rect); } void label_img::drawCrossLine(QPainter& painter, QColor color, int thickWidth) { if(m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui == QPointF(0., 0.)) return; QPen pen; pen.setWidth(thickWidth); pen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(pen); QPoint absolutePoint = cvtRelativeToAbsolutePoint(m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui); std::cout <<"absolutePoint.x() = "<< absolutePoint.x() << std::endl; //draw cross line painter.drawLine(QPoint(absolutePoint.x(),0), QPoint(absolutePoint.x(), this->height() - 1)); painter.drawLine(QPoint(0,absolutePoint.y()), QPoint(this->width() - 1, absolutePoint.y())); std::cout << "draw Cross Line" << std::endl; } void label_img::drawFocusedObjectBox(QPainter& painter, Qt::GlobalColor color, int thickWidth) { if(m_bLabelingStarted == true) { QPen pen; pen.setWidth(thickWidth); pen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(pen); //relative coord to absolute coord QPoint absolutePoint1 = cvtRelativeToAbsolutePoint(m_relatvie_mouse_pos_LBtnClicked_in_ui); QPoint absolutePoint2 = cvtRelativeToAbsolutePoint(m_relative_mouse_pos_in_ui); painter.drawRect(QRect(absolutePoint1, absolutePoint2)); } } void label_img::drawObjectBoxes(QPainter& painter, int thickWidth) { QPen pen; pen.setWidth(thickWidth); for(ObjectLabelingBox boundingbox: m_objBoundingBoxes) { pen.setColor(m_drawObjectBoxColor.at(boundingbox.label)); painter.setPen(pen); painter.drawRect(cvtRelativeToAbsoluteRectInUi(boundingbox.box)); } } void label_img::removeFocusedObjectBox(QPointF point) { int removeBoxIdx = -1; double nearestBoxDistance = 99999999999999.; for(int i = 0; i < m_objBoundingBoxes.size(); i++) { QRectF objBox = m_objBoundingBoxes.at(i).box; if(objBox.contains(point)) { double distance = objBox.width() + objBox.height(); if(distance < nearestBoxDistance) { nearestBoxDistance = distance; removeBoxIdx = i; } } } if(removeBoxIdx != -1) { m_objBoundingBoxes.remove(removeBoxIdx); } } QRectF label_img::getRelativeRectFromTwoPoints(QPointF p1, QPointF p2) { double midX = (p1.x() + p2.x()) / 2.; double midY = (p1.y() + p2.y()) / 2.; double width = fabs(p1.x() - p2.x()); double height = fabs(p1.y() - p2.y()); QPointF topLeftPoint(midX - width/2., midY - height/2.); QPointF bottomRightPoint(midX + width/2., midY + height/2.); return QRectF(topLeftPoint, bottomRightPoint); } QRect label_img::cvtRelativeToAbsoluteRectInUi(QRectF rectF) { return QRect(static_cast(rectF.x() * this->width() + 0.5), static_cast(rectF.y() * this->height()+ 0.5), static_cast(rectF.width() * this->width()+ 0.5), static_cast(rectF.height()* this->height()+ 0.5)); } QRect label_img::cvtRelativeToAbsoluteRectInImage(QRectF rectF) { return QRect(static_cast(rectF.x() * m_inputImg.width()), static_cast(rectF.y() * m_inputImg.height()), static_cast(rectF.width() * m_inputImg.width()), static_cast(rectF.height()* m_inputImg.height())); } QPoint label_img::cvtRelativeToAbsolutePoint(QPointF p) { return QPoint(static_cast(p.x() * this->width() + 0.5), static_cast(p.y() * this->height() + 0.5)); } QPointF label_img::cvtAbsoluteToRelativePoint(QPoint p) { return QPointF(static_cast(p.x()) / this->width(), static_cast(p.y()) / this->height()); }