<p>Start writing your notes immediately in any terminal! No more time wasted on navigating and opening your text editor.</p>
<h3class="section__title">File Syncing</h3>
<p>Save your file in Dropbox then you can access to it from anywhere.</p>
<p>Encrypt your notes optionally. No one can get to your secrets! </p>
<p>Maintain all your settings in a single <spanclass="code code--inline">config.json</span> file. Never need to redo the setting every single time jotting down a note.</p>
<p>For better readability, scribbler has a clean, beautiful color scheme allow you to scan files fast.</p>
<p>You can expect common keybindings for scribbler. Customize <spanclass="code code--inline">bindings.json</span> for your own liking! </p>
<li>Improving the writing workflow with better key bindings</li>
<li>Design updates</li>
<li>SSL Verification for web hooks</li>
<li>Render Emoji</li>
<li>Adding Unicode support</li>
<li>Basic text highlighting</li>
<li>Fresh Design</li>
<li>Save default md file in new folders</li>
<li>Ability to quick search on existing notes</li>
<ahref="#"class="button--secondary">Checkout Full Log</a>
Scribbler is a free HTML template created exclusively for <ahref="https://tympanus.net/codrops/"target="_blank"class="link link--light">Codrops</a>.<br>
Edited by <ahref="https://iiiypuk.me/"target="_blank"class="link link--light">author</a> for this project.