# log.c A simple logging library implemented in C99 ![Screenshot](./.screenshot.png) ## Usage **[log.c](src/log.c?raw=1)** and **[log.h](src/log.h?raw=1)** should be dropped into an existing project and compiled along with it. The library provides 6 function-like macros for logging: ```c log_trace(const char *fmt, ...); log_debug(const char *fmt, ...); log_info(const char *fmt, ...); log_warn(const char *fmt, ...); log_error(const char *fmt, ...); log_fatal(const char *fmt, ...); ``` Each function takes a printf format string followed by additional arguments: ```c log_trace("Hello %s", "world") ``` Resulting in a line with the given format printed to stderr: ``` 20:18:26 TRACE src/main.c:11: Hello world ``` #### log_set_quiet(bool enable) Quiet-mode can be enabled by passing `true` to the `log_set_quiet()` function. While this mode is enabled the library will not output anything to `stderr`, but will continue to write to files and callbacks if any are set. #### log_set_level(int level) The current logging level can be set by using the `log_set_level()` function. All logs below the given level will not be written to `stderr`. By default the level is `LOG_TRACE`, such that nothing is ignored. #### log_add_fp(FILE *fp, int level) One or more file pointers where the log will be written can be provided to the library by using the `log_add_fp()` function. The data written to the file output is of the following format: ``` 2047-03-11 20:18:26 TRACE src/main.c:11: Hello world ``` Any messages below the given `level` are ignored. If the library failed to add a file pointer a value less-than-zero is returned. #### log_add_callback(log_LogFn fn, void *udata, int level) One or more callback functions which are called with the log data can be provided to the library by using the `log_add_callback()` function. A callback function is passed a `log_Event` structure containing the `line` number, `filename`, `fmt` string, `va` printf va\_list, `level` and the given `udata`. #### log_set_lock(log_LockFn fn, void *udata) If the log will be written to from multiple threads a lock function can be set. The function is passed the boolean `true` if the lock should be acquired or `false` if the lock should be released and the given `udata` value. #### const char* log_level_string(int level) Returns the name of the given log level as a string. #### LOG_USE_COLOR If the library is compiled with `-DLOG_USE_COLOR` ANSI color escape codes will be used when printing. #### LOG_DONT_CODE If the library is compiled with `-DLOG_DONT_CODE`, then the source code file name and line number will be removed from the output. ## License This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.