## Legend - 🐛 - Bug - ✔ī¸ - Fixed - ❌ - Removed - ➕ - Added - ℹī¸ - Information - â™ģī¸ - Edited > This project use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 https://semver.org/ ## 31/07/2023 - (1.0.3) - â™ģī¸ - Format code via `clang-format --style=LLVM` ## 31/07/2023 - (1.0.2) - â™ģī¸ - Update software executable name - â™ģī¸ - Update Makefile - â™ģī¸ - Format code via `indent` - ➕ - Added cJSON library as submodule - ➕ - Added building with `tcc` - ❌ - Removed Conan building system ## 14/09/2022 - (1.0.1) - ➕ - Added [Conan](https://conan.io/) for Windows - ✔ī¸ - Fixed bad returned value of `assets_version` - â™ģī¸ - Changed the letter argument of the program to return version information from `s` to `i`