mirror of https://github.com/Tygs/0bin.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:00 +03:00

492 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
2012-04-26 23:04:36 +04:00
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
/* Start random number generator seeding ASAP */
2012-04-24 22:15:38 +04:00
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
/* Ensure jquery use cache for ajax requests */
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
2012-04-24 22:15:38 +04:00
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
zerobin = {
/** Base64 + compress + encrypt, with callbacks before each operation,
and all of them are executed in a timed continuation to give
a change to the UI to respond.
encrypt: function(key, content, toBase64Callback,
compressCallback, encryptCallback, doneCallback) {
setTimeout (function(){
content = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(content);
if (toBase64Callback) {toBase64Callback()}
content = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(content);
if (compressCallback) {compressCallback()}
content = lzw.compress(content);
if (encryptCallback) {encryptCallback()}
content = sjcl.encrypt(key, content);
if (doneCallback) {doneCallback(content)}
}, 250);
}, 250);
}, 250);
}, 250);
2012-04-26 23:04:36 +04:00
/** Base64 decoding + uncompress + decrypt, with callbacks before each operation,
and all of them are executed in a timed continuation to give
a change to the UI to respond.
This is where using a library to fake synchronicity could start to be
useful, this code is starting be difficult to read. If anyone read this
and got a suggestion, by all means, speak your mind.
decrypt: function(key, content, errorCallback, uncompressCallback,
fromBase64Callback, toStringCallback, doneCallback) {
/* Decrypt */
try {
content = sjcl.decrypt(key, content);
if (uncompressCallback) {uncompressCallback()}
/* Decompress */
try {
content = lzw.decompress(content);
if (fromBase64Callback) {fromBase64Callback()}
/* From base 64 to bits */
try {
content = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(content);
if (toStringCallback) {toStringCallback()}
/* From bits to string */
try {
content = sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(content);
if (doneCallback) {doneCallback(content)}
} catch (err) {
}, 250); /* "End of from bits to string" */
} catch (err) {
}, 250); /* End of "from base 64 to bits" */
} catch (err) {
}, 250); /* End of "decompress" */
} catch (err) {
}, 250); /* End of "decrypt" */
2012-04-26 23:04:36 +04:00
/** Create a random base64 string long enought to be suitable as
an encryption key */
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
makeKey: function() {
2012-04-26 17:26:58 +04:00
return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(sjcl.random.randomWords(8, 0), 0);
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
getDate: function(){
var date = new Date();
return date.getDate()+"-"+(date.getMonth()+1)+"-"+date.getFullYear();
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
getTime: function(){
var date = new Date();
var h=date.getHours();
var m=date.getMinutes();
var s=date.getSeconds();
if (h<10) {h = "0" + h}
if (m<10) {m = "0" + m}
if (s<10) {s = "0" + s}
return h+":"+m+":"+s;
numOrdA: function(a, b){
return (a-b);
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
getKeys: function(){
var keys = new Array();
for(i=0; i<=localStorage.length; i++){
if(localStorage.key(i) != null)
keys[i] = parseInt(localStorage.key(i),10);
return keys.sort(zerobin.numOrdA);
2012-04-28 23:13:32 +04:00
/** Get a tinyurl using JSONP */
getTinyURL: function(longURL, success) {
var api = 'http://json-tinyurl.appspot.com/?url=';
2012-05-01 19:36:51 +04:00
$.getJSON(api + encodeURIComponent(longURL) + '&callback=?', function(data){
2012-04-28 23:13:32 +04:00
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
support: {
localstorage: function(){
return !!(localStorage);
history: function(){
return !!(window.history && history.pushState);
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
storatePaste: function(url){
if (zerobin.support.localstorage){
var date = new Date();
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
var paste = zerobin.getDate()+" "+zerobin.getTime()+";"+url;
var keys = zerobin.getKeys();
if(keys.length < 1)
keys[0] = 0;
if (localStorage.length > 19)
void localStorage.removeItem(keys[0]);
localStorage.setItem(keys.reverse()[0]+1, paste);
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
getPastes: function(){
if (zerobin.support.localstorage){
var pastes = '';
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
var keys = zerobin.getKeys();
for (i=0; i<=keys.length-1; i++)
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
var paste = localStorage.getItem(keys[i]);
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
if (paste.split(';')[0].split(' ')[0] == zerobin.getDate()){
var display_date = paste.split(';')[0].split(' ')[1];
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
var on_at = 'at ';
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
var display_date = zerobin.getDate();
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
var on_at = 'on ';
pastes = pastes + '<li><a class="items" href="' + paste.split(';')[1] + '">' + on_at + display_date + '</a></li>';
if (!pastes){
return '<i class="grey">Your previous pastes will be saved in your browser using <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/webstorage/">localStorage</a>.</i>';
return pastes;
return 'Sorry your browser does not support LocalStorage, We cannot display your previous pastes.';
2012-04-29 01:51:54 +04:00
getPasteContent: function(){
2012-04-29 01:51:54 +04:00
var content_clone = '' ;
$("#paste-content li").each(function(index) {
content_clone = content_clone + $(this).text() + '\n';
return content_clone;
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
count: function(text, options) {
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
// Set option defaults
var crlf = /(\r?\n|\r)/g;
var whitespace = /(\r?\n|\r|\s+)/g;
options = options || {};
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
options.lineBreaks = options.lineBreaks || 1;
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
var length = text.length,
nonAscii = length - text.replace(/[\u0100-\uFFFF]/g, '').length,
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
lineBreaks = length - text.replace(crlf, '').length;
return length + nonAscii + Math.max(0, options.lineBreaks * (lineBreaks - 1));
message: function(type, message, title, flush, callback) {
if (flush) {$('.alert-'+type).remove()}
$message = $('#alert-template').clone().attr('id', null)
.addClass('alert alert-' + type);
$('.message', $message).html(message);
if (title) {$('.title', $message).html(title)}
else {$('.title', $message).remove()}
$message.prependTo($('#main')).show('fadeUp', callback);
2012-04-26 23:04:36 +04:00
2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
2012-04-26 17:26:58 +04:00
2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
On the create paste page:
On click on the send button, compress and encrypt data before
posting it using ajax. Then redirect to the address of the
newly created paste, adding the key in the hash.
2012-04-28 16:50:48 +04:00
$('button[type=submit]').live("click", function(e){
2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
var paste = $('textarea').val();
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
var sizebytes = zerobin.count($('#content').val(), { });
2012-04-29 22:35:28 +04:00
var oversized = sizebytes > zerobin.max_size;
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
var readable_fsize = Math.round(sizebytes/1024);
var readable_maxsize = Math.round(zerobin.max_size/1024)
2012-04-29 22:35:28 +04:00
if (oversized){
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
('Your file is <strong class="file-size">' + readable_fsize +
'</strong>KB. You have reached the maximum size limit of ' +
readable_maxsize + 'KB.'),
'Warning!', true)
2012-04-29 22:35:28 +04:00
if (!oversized && paste.trim()) {
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
$form = $('input, textarea, select, button').prop('disabled', true);
$form.prop('disabled', true);
$bar = $('form.well .progress').show();
var $loading = $('form.well .progress .bar')
.css('width', '25%')
.text('Converting paste to bits...');
/* Encode, compress, encrypt and send the paste then redirect the user
to the new paste. We ensure a loading animation is updated
during the process by passing callbacks.
try {
var expiration = $('#expiration').val();
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
var key = zerobin.makeKey();
zerobin.encrypt(key, paste,
function(){$loading.text('Encoding to base64...').css('width', '45%')},
function(){$loading.text('Compressing...').css('width', '65%')},
function(){$loading.text('Encrypting...').css('width', '85%')},
/* This block deal with sending the data, redirection or error handling */
$loading.text('Sending...').css('width', '95%');
var data = {content: content, expiration: expiration};
$.post('/paste/create', data)
.error(function(error) {
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
$form.prop('disabled', false);
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
'Paste could not be saved. Please try again later.',
.success(function(data) {
$loading.text('Redirecting to new paste...').css('width', '100%');
if (data['status'] == 'error') {
zerobin.message('error', data['message'], 'Error');
$form.prop('disabled', false);
} else {
var paste_url = '/paste/' + data['paste'] + '#' + key;
window.location = (paste_url);
} catch (err) {
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
$form.prop('disabled', false);
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
zerobin.message('error', 'Paste could not be encrypted. Aborting.',
2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
2012-04-24 22:15:38 +04:00
2012-04-26 13:38:55 +04:00
2012-04-24 22:15:38 +04:00
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
On the display paste page, decrypt and decompress the paste content,
add syntax coloration then setup the copy to clipboard button.
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
2012-04-26 17:26:58 +04:00
var content = $('#paste-content').text().trim();
var key = window.location.hash.substring(1);
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
var error = false;
2012-04-26 17:26:58 +04:00
if (content && key) {
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
var $bar = $('.well form .progress').show();
var $loading = $('.well form .progress .bar').css('width', '25%')
.text('Decrypting paste...');
zerobin.decrypt(key, content,
/* On error*/
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
zerobin.message('error', 'Could not decrypt data (Wrong key ?)',
/* Update progress bar */
function(){$loading.text('Decompressing...').css('width', '45%')},
function(){$loading.text('Base64 decoding...').css('width', '65%')},
function(){$loading.text('From bits to string...').css('width', '85%')},
/* When done */
/* Decrypted content goes back to initial container*/
content = '';
$loading.text('Code coloration...').css('width', '95%');
/* Add a continuation to let the UI redraw */
/* Setup link to get the paste short url*/
$('#short-url').click(function(e) {
$('#short-url').text('Loading short url...');
zerobin.getTinyURL(window.location.toString(), function(tinyurl){
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
2012-05-01 19:36:51 +04:00
'<a href="' + tinyurl + '">' + tinyurl + '</a>',
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
'Short url'
$('#short-url').text('Get short url');
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
/* Setup flash clipboard button */
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client();
clip.addEventListener('mouseup', function(){
clip.addEventListener('complete', function(){
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
zerobin.message('info', 'The paste is now in your clipboard',
'', false, function(){clip.reposition()});
2012-04-28 23:13:32 +04:00
2012-04-28 23:13:32 +04:00
window.onresize = clip.reposition;
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
/** Syntaxic coloration */
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
/* Display result */
$loading.text('Done').css('width', '100%');
}, 250);
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
} /* End of "DECRYPTION" */
2012-04-28 21:57:18 +04:00
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
/* Synchronize expiration select boxes value */
$('.paste-option select').live('change', function(){
var value = $(this).val();
$('.paste-option select').val(value);
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
/* Resize Textarea according to content */
2012-04-28 15:25:43 +04:00
/* Display bottom paste option buttons when needed */
2012-04-28 14:51:30 +04:00
$('#content').live('keyup change', function(){
2012-04-28 19:11:32 +04:00
if($('#content').height() < 400 ){
else {
if ($('.paste-option').length == 1) {
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
/* Display previous pastes */
2012-04-29 22:10:36 +04:00
$('.previous-pastes .items').html(zerobin.getPastes());
2012-04-28 21:58:30 +04:00
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
/* clone a paste */
var content_clone = zerobin.getPasteContent();
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
2012-04-28 22:09:51 +04:00
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
2012-04-28 22:09:51 +04:00
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
2012-04-29 19:36:26 +04:00
/* Upload file using HTML5 File API */
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
2012-04-29 19:36:26 +04:00
var file_upload = function(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event) {
var content = event.target.result;
try {
$('#file-upload').change(function() {
catch (e) {
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
zerobin.message('error', 'Could no upload the file', 'Error');
2012-04-29 19:36:26 +04:00
$(this).css( 'cursor', 'pointer' );
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
/* Alerts */
2012-04-30 00:15:11 +04:00
$(".close").live('click', function(){
2012-04-29 22:10:04 +04:00
2012-04-28 21:55:00 +04:00
}); /* End of "document ready" jquery callback */