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<h1>Theming<a class="headerlink" href="#theming" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>0bin comes with a complete theming support, but for now it&#8217;s not well integrated.</p>
<p>If you wish to create your own theme, you&#8217;ll need to create templates similar
2012-05-19 00:47:17 +04:00
to the ones in zerobin/view, and add the path to the directory containing them
2015-05-10 20:53:55 +03:00
to the <a class="reference internal" href="options.html#template-dirs-en"><span>configuration file</span></a>.</p>
2012-05-19 00:47:17 +04:00
<p>You&#8217;ll also need to copy static files from zerobin/static to a new directory
where you can edit them. And you need to add this directory in the
2015-05-10 20:53:55 +03:00
<a class="reference internal" href="options.html#static-root-en"><span>configuration file</span></a> too.</p>
<p>Of course, if you look for something simple, you can just edit all files in place/</p>
<p>But be careful, the javascript code is tightly coupled with HTML ID and classes,
and they are not very well organized for now.</p>
<p>If you have serious theming needs, please contact us so we improve the support.</p>
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