/*global sjcl:true, jQuery:true, $:true, lzw:true, zerobin:true, ZeroClipboard:true, vizhash:true, prettyPrint:true, confirm:true */ ; (function () { "use strict"; /* Start random number generator seeding ASAP */ sjcl.random.startCollectors(); /* Ensure jquery use cache for ajax requests */ $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); /** Create a function that create inline callbacks. We use it to create callbacks for onliners with static arguments E.G: $('stuff').hide(function()(console.log(1, 2, 3))) Becomes: $('stuff').hide(mkcb(console.log, 1, 2, 3)) */ function mkcb(func) { var args = arguments; return function () { return func.apply(func, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); }; } /*************************** **** 0bin utilities *** ***************************/ window.zerobin = { /** Base64 + compress + encrypt, with callbacks before each operation, and all of them are executed in a timed continuation to give a change to the UI to respond. */ version: '0.1.1', encrypt: function (key, content, toBase64Callback, compressCallback, encryptCallback, doneCallback) { setTimeout(function () { content = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(content); if (toBase64Callback) { toBase64Callback(); } setTimeout(function () { content = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(content); if (compressCallback) { compressCallback(); } setTimeout(function () { // content = lzw.compress(content); // Create a bug with JPG if (encryptCallback) { encryptCallback(); } setTimeout(function () { try { content = sjcl.encrypt(key, content); } catch (e) { $('input, textarea, select, button').prop('disabled', false); zerobin.progressBar('form.well .progress').container.hide(); zerobin.message('error', 'Paste could not be encrypted. Aborting.', 'Error'); } if (doneCallback) { doneCallback(content); } }, 250); }, 250); }, 250); }, 250); }, /** Base64 decoding + uncompress + decrypt, with callbacks before each operation, and all of them are executed in a timed continuation to give a change to the UI to respond. This is where using a library to fake synchronicity could start to be useful, this code is starting be difficult to read. If anyone read this and got a suggestion, by all means, speak your mind. */ decrypt: function (key, content, errorCallback, uncompressCallback, fromBase64Callback, toStringCallback, doneCallback) { /* Decrypt */ setTimeout(function () { try { content = sjcl.decrypt(key, content); if (uncompressCallback) { uncompressCallback(); } /* Decompress */ setTimeout(function () { try { content = lzw.decompress(content); if (fromBase64Callback) { fromBase64Callback(); } /* From base 64 to bits */ setTimeout(function () { try { content = sjcl.codec.base64.toBits(content); if (toStringCallback) { toStringCallback(); } /* From bits to string */ setTimeout(function () { try { content = sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(content); if (doneCallback) { doneCallback(content); } } catch (err) { errorCallback(err); } }, 250); /* "End of from bits to string" */ } catch (err) { errorCallback(err); } }, 250); /* End of "from base 64 to bits" */ } catch (err) { errorCallback(err); } }, 250); /* End of "decompress" */ } catch (err) { errorCallback(err); } }, 250); /* End of "decrypt" */ }, /** Create a random base64-like string long enought to be suitable as an encryption key */ makeKey: function (entropy) { entropy = Math.ceil(entropy / 6) * 6; /* non-6-multiple produces same-length base64 */ var key = sjcl.bitArray.clamp( sjcl.random.randomWords(Math.ceil(entropy / 32), 0), entropy ); return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(key, 0).replace(/\=+$/, '').replace(/\//, '-'); }, getFormatedDate: function (date) { date = date || new Date(); return ((date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + '-' + date.getFullYear()); }, getFormatedTime: function (date) { date = date || new Date(); var h = date.getHours(), m = date.getMinutes(), s = date.getSeconds(); if (h < 10) { h = "0" + h; } if (m < 10) { m = "0" + m; } if (s < 10) { s = "0" + s; } return h + ":" + m + ":" + s; }, numOrdA: function (a, b) { return (a - b); }, /** Return a reverse sorted list of all the keys in local storage that are prefixed with with the passed version (default being this lib version) */ getLocalStorageKeys: function () { var version = 'zerobinV0.1'; var keys = []; for (var key in localStorage) { if (key.indexOf(version) !== -1) { keys.push(key); } } keys.sort(); keys.reverse(); return keys; }, /** Get a tinyurl using JSONP */ getTinyURL: function(longURL, success) { $.ajax({ url: 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url', type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify({ "longUrl": longURL }), processData: false, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data){ success(data.id); }); }, /** Check for browser support of the named featured. Store the result and add a class to the html tag with the result */ support: { localStorage: (function () { var val = !! (localStorage); $('html').addClass((val ? '' : 'no-') + 'local-storage'); return val; })(), history: (function () { var val = !! (window.history && history.pushState); $('html').addClass((val ? '' : 'no-') + 'history'); return val; })(), fileUpload: (function () { var w = window; var val = !! (w.File && w.FileReader && w.FileList && w.Blob); $('html').addClass((val ? '' : 'no-') + 'file-upload'); return val; })() }, /** Store the paste of a URL in local storate, with a storage format version prefix and the paste date as the key */ storePaste: function (url, date) { date = date || new Date(); date = (date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate() + ' ' + zerobin.getFormatedTime(date)); var keys = zerobin.getLocalStorageKeys(); if (localStorage.length > 19) { void localStorage.removeItem(keys[19]); } localStorage.setItem('zerobinV' + zerobin.version + "#" + date, url); }, /** Return a list of the previous paste url with the creation date If the paste is from today, date format should be "at hh:ss", else it should be "the mm-dd-yyy" */ getPreviousPastes: function () { var pastes = [], keys = zerobin.getLocalStorageKeys(), today = zerobin.getFormatedDate(); $.each(keys, function (i, key) { var pasteDateTime = key.replace(/^[^#]+#/, ''); var displayDate = pasteDateTime.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s/); displayDate = displayDate[2] + '-' + displayDate[3] + '-' + displayDate[1]; var prefix = 'the '; if (displayDate === today) { displayDate = pasteDateTime.split(' ')[1]; prefix = 'at '; } pastes.push({ displayDate: displayDate, prefix: prefix, link: localStorage.getItem(key) }); }); return pastes; }, /** Return an link object with the URL as href so you can extract host, protocol, hash, etc. This function use a closure to store a
parent for the because IE requires the link be processed by it's HTML parser for the URL to be parsed. */ parseUrl: (function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ""; return function (url) { div.firstChild.href = url; div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML; return div.firstChild; }; })(), getPasteId: function (url) { var loc = url ? zerobin.parseUrl(url) : window.location; return loc.pathname.replace(/\/|paste/g, ''); }, getPasteKey: function (url) { var loc = url ? zerobin.parseUrl(url) : window.location; return loc.hash.replace('#', '').replace(/(\?|&).*$/, ''); }, /** Return the paste content stripted from any code coloration */ getPasteContent: function () { var copy = ''; $("#paste-content li").each(function (index) { copy = copy + $(this).text().replace(/[\u00a0]+/g, ' ') + '\n'; }); if (copy == '') { copy = $("#paste-content").text(); } return copy; }, /** Return an approximate estimate the number of bytes in a text */ count: function (text, options) { // Set option defaults var crlf = /(\r?\n|\r)/g; var whitespace = /(\r?\n|\r|\s+)/g; options = options || {}; options.lineBreaks = options.lineBreaks || 1; var length = text.length, nonAscii = length - text.replace(/[\u0100-\uFFFF]/g, '').length, lineBreaks = length - text.replace(crlf, '').length; return length + nonAscii + Math.max(0, options.lineBreaks * (lineBreaks - 1)); }, /** Create a message, style it and insert it in the alert box */ message: function (type, message, title, flush, callback) { $(window).scrollTop(0); if (flush) { $('.alert-' + type).remove(); } var $message = $('#alert-template').clone().attr('id', null) .addClass('alert alert-' + type); $('.message', $message).html(message); if (title) { $('.title', $message).html(title); } else { $('.title', $message).remove(); } $message.prependTo($('#main')).show('fadeUp', callback); }, /** Return a progress bar object */ progressBar: function (selector) { var $container = $(selector); var bar = { container: $container, elem: $container.find('.bar') }; bar.set = function (text, rate) { bar.elem.text(text).css('width', rate); }; return bar; }, /** Return an integer ranking the probability this text is any kind of source code. */ isCode: function (text) { var code_chars = /[A-Z]{3}[A-Z]+|\.[a-z]|[=:<>{}\[\]$_'"&]| {2}|\t/g; var comments = /(:?\/\*|)|(\/\/|#)(.*?)\n/g; var formating = /[-*=_+]{4,}/; var total = 0; var size = 0; var m = text.match(comments); if (m) { total += text.match(comments).length; } text = text.replace(comments, ''); text.replace(formating, ''); text = text.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var line = text[i]; size += line.length; var match = line.replace(formating, '').match(code_chars); if (match) { total += match.length; } } return total * 1000 / size; }, // prevent defaults ignoreDrag: function (e) { e.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); e.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }, // Handle Drop handleDrop: function (e) { e.originalEvent.preventDefault(); zerobin.upload(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files); $("#content").removeClass('hover'); }, handleDragOver: function (e) { zerobin.ignoreDrag(e); $(this).addClass('hover'); }, handleDragLeave: function (e) { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }, upload: function (files) { var current_file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); if (current_file.type.indexOf('image') == 0) { reader.onload = function (event) { var image = new Image(); image.src = event.target.result; image.onload = function() { var maxWidth = 1024, maxHeight = 1024, imageWidth = image.width, imageHeight = image.height; if (imageWidth > imageHeight) { if (imageWidth > maxWidth) { imageHeight *= maxWidth / imageWidth; imageWidth = maxWidth; } } else { if (imageHeight > maxHeight) { imageWidth *= maxHeight / imageHeight; imageHeight = maxHeight; } } var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = imageWidth; canvas.height = imageHeight; image.width = imageWidth; image.height = imageHeight; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight); var paste = canvas.toDataURL(current_file.type); $('#content').val(paste).trigger('change'); $('#content').hide(); $(image).css('max-width', '742px'); $('#content').after(image); } } reader.readAsDataURL(current_file); } else { reader.onload = function (event) { $('#content').val(event.target.result).trigger('change'); }; reader.readAsText(current_file); } } }; /*************************** **** On document ready *** ****************************/ $(function () { /** On the create paste page: On click on the send button, compress and encrypt data before posting it using ajax. Then redirect to the address of the newly created paste, adding the key in the hash. */ $('.btn-primary').live("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var paste = $('textarea').val(); if (paste.trim()) { var $form = $('input, textarea, select, button').prop('disabled', true); // set up progress bar var bar = zerobin.progressBar('form.well .progress'); bar.container.show(); bar.set('Converting paste to bits...', '25%'); /* Encode, compress, encrypt and send the paste then redirect the user to the new paste. We ensure a loading animation is updated during the process by passing callbacks. */ try { var expiration = $('#expiration').val(); var key = zerobin.makeKey(48); zerobin.encrypt(key, paste, mkcb(bar.set, 'Encoding to base64...', '45%'), mkcb(bar.set, 'Compressing...', '65%'), mkcb(bar.set, 'Encrypting...', '85%'), /* This block deal with sending the data, redirection or error handling */ function (content) { bar.set('Sending...', '95%'); var data = { content: content, expiration: expiration }; var sizebytes = zerobin.count(JSON.stringify(data)); var oversized = sizebytes > zerobin.max_size; // 100kb - the others header information var readableFsize = Math.round(sizebytes / 1024); var readableMaxsize = Math.round(zerobin.max_size / 1024); if (oversized) { bar.container.hide(); $form.prop('disabled', false); zerobin.message('error', ('The encrypted file was ' + readableFsize + 'KB. You have reached the maximum size limit of ' + readableMaxsize + 'KB.'), 'Warning!', true); return; } $.post('/paste/create', data) .error(function (error) { $form.prop('disabled', false); bar.container.hide(); zerobin.message( 'error', 'Paste could not be saved. Please try again later.', 'Error'); }) .success(function (data) { bar.set('Redirecting to new paste...', '100%'); if (data.status === 'error') { zerobin.message('error', data.message, 'Error'); $form.prop('disabled', false); bar.container.hide(); } else { var paste_url = '/paste/' + data.paste + '#' + key; if (zerobin.support.localStorage) { zerobin.storePaste(paste_url); } window.location = (paste_url); } }); }); } catch (err) { $form.prop('disabled', false); bar.container.hide(); zerobin.message('error', 'Paste could not be encrypted. Aborting.', 'Error'); } } }); /** DECRYPTION: On the display paste page, decrypt and decompress the paste content, add syntax coloration then setup the copy to clipboard button. Also calculate and set the paste visual hash. */ var content = $('#paste-content').text().trim(); var key = zerobin.getPasteKey(); var error = false; if (content && key) { /* Load the lib for visual canvas, create one from the paste id and insert it */ $.getScript("/static/js/vizhash.min.js").done(function (script, textStatus) { if (vizhash.supportCanvas) { var vhash = vizhash.canvasHash(zerobin.getPasteId(), 24, 24); $('').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (confirm("This picture is unique to your paste so you can identify" + " it quickly. \n\n Do you want to know more about this?")) { window.open("http://is.gd/IJaMRG", "_blank"); } }).prependTo('.lnk-option').append(vhash.canvas); } }); var $form = $('input, textarea, select, button').prop('disabled', true); var bar = zerobin.progressBar('.well form .progress'); bar.container.show(); bar.set('Decrypting paste...', '25%'); zerobin.decrypt(key, content, /* On error*/ function () { bar.container.hide(); zerobin.message('error', 'Could not decrypt data (Wrong key ?)', 'Error'); }, /* Update progress bar */ mkcb(bar.set, 'Decompressing...', '45%'), mkcb(bar.set, 'Base64 decoding...', '65%'), mkcb(bar.set, 'From bits to string...', '85%'), /* When done */ function (content) { /* Decrypted content goes back to initial container*/ $('#paste-content').text(content); if (content.indexOf('data:image') == 0) { // Display Image $('#paste-content').hide(); var img = $(''); $(img).attr('src', content); $(img).css('max-width', '742px'); $('#paste-content').after(img); // Display Download button $('.btn-clone').hide(); var button = $('').attr('href', content); $(button).attr('download', '0bin_' + document.location.pathname.split('/').pop()); $(button).addClass('btn'); $(button).html(' Download'); $('.btn-clone').after(button); } bar.set('Code coloration...', '95%'); /* Add a continuation to let the UI redraw */ setTimeout(function () { /* Setup flash clipboard button */ ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath('/static/js/ZeroClipboard.swf'); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); // Callback to reposition the clibpboad flash animation overlay var reposition = function () { clip.reposition(); }; clip.addEventListener('mouseup', function () { $('#clip-button').text('Copying paste...'); clip.setText(zerobin.getPasteContent()); }); clip.addEventListener('complete', function () { $('#clip-button').text('Copy to clipboard'); zerobin.message('info', 'The paste is now in your clipboard', '', true, reposition); }); clip.glue('clip-button'); window.onresize = reposition; /* Setup link to get the paste short url*/ $('#short-url').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#short-url').text('Loading short url...'); zerobin.getTinyURL(window.location.toString(), function (tinyurl) { clip.setText(tinyurl); $('#copy-success').hide(); zerobin.message('success', '' + tinyurl + '', 'Short url', true, reposition); $('#short-url').text('Get short url'); }); }); /* Remap the message close handler to include the clipboard flash reposition */ $(".close").die().live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().fadeOut(reposition); }); /** Syntaxic coloration */ if (zerobin.isCode(content) > 100) { $('#paste-content').addClass('linenums'); prettyPrint(); } else { if (content.indexOf('data:image') != 0) { zerobin.message('info', "The paste did not seem to be code, so it " + "was not colorized. " + "Force coloration", '', false, reposition); } } /* Class to switch to paste content style with coloration done */ $('#paste-content').addClass('done'); /* Display result */ bar.set('Done', '100%'); bar.container.hide(); $form.prop('disabled', false); content = ''; }, 250); }); } /* End of "DECRYPTION" */ /* Synchronize expiration select boxes value */ $('.paste-option select').live('change', function () { $('.paste-option select').val($(this).val()); }); /* Resize Textarea according to content */ $('#content').elastic(); /* Display bottom paste option buttons when needed */ $('#content').live('keyup change', function () { if ($('#content').height() < 400) { $('.paste-option.down').remove(); } else { if ($('.paste-option').length === 1) { $('.paste-option').clone().addClass('down').appendTo('form.well'); } } }); /* Display previous pastes */ if (zerobin.support.localStorage) { var $container = $('.previous-pastes'), pastes = zerobin.getPreviousPastes(); if (pastes.length) { $.getScript("/static/js/vizhash.min.js").done(function (script, textStatus) { $container.find('.item').remove(); $.each(zerobin.getPreviousPastes(), function (i, paste) { var $li = $('
  • ').appendTo($container); var $link = $('').attr('href', paste.link) .text(paste.prefix + paste.displayDate) .appendTo($li); if (vizhash.supportCanvas) { var pasteId = zerobin.getPasteId(paste.link); var vhash = vizhash.canvasHash(pasteId, 24, 24).canvas; $link.prepend($(vhash).addClass('vhash')); } // hightlite the current link and make sure clicking the link // does redirect to the page if (paste.link.replace(/#[^#]+/, '') === window.location.pathname) { $li.addClass('active'); $link.click(function () { window.location = $link.attr('href'); window.location.reload(); }); } }); }); } } /* Event handler for "clone paste" button */ $('.btn-clone').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.submit-form').show(); $('.paste-form').hide(); $('#content').val(zerobin.getPasteContent()).trigger('change'); }); $('.clone .btn-danger').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.submit-form').hide(); $('.paste-form').show(); }); /* Upload file using HTML5 File API */ if (zerobin.support.fileUpload) { var $buttonOverlay = $('#file-upload'); var $button = $('.btn-upload'); try { $button.val('Uploading...'); $button.prop('disabled', true); $buttonOverlay.change(function () { zerobin.upload(this.files); }); } catch (e) { zerobin.message('error', 'Could no upload the file', 'Error'); $button.val('Upload File'); $button.prop('disabled', false); } $button.prop('disabled', false); $button.val('Upload File'); $buttonOverlay.mouseover(mkcb($(this).css, 'cursor', 'pointer')); // Implements drag & drop upload $('#content').bind('drop', zerobin.handleDrop); $('#content').bind('dragover', zerobin.handleDragOver); $('#content').bind('dragleave', zerobin.handleDragLeave); } /* Alerts */ $(".close").live('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().fadeOut(); }); /* Parse obfuscaded emails and make them usable */ $('.email-link').each(function (i, elem) { var $obfuscatedEmail = $(this); var address = $obfuscatedEmail.attr('title').replace('__AT__', '@'); var text = $obfuscatedEmail.text().replace('__AT__', '@'); var $plainTextEmail = $('' + text + ''); $obfuscatedEmail.replaceWith($plainTextEmail); }); /* Show the page using javascript. Non js enabled browser will see an error message */ $('#wrap-content').each(function (i, elem) { $(elem).show(); }); /* Remove expired pasted from history */ if (zerobin.support.history && zerobin.paste_not_found) { var paste_id = zerobin.getPasteId(); var keys = zerobin.getLocalStorageKeys(); $.each(keys, function (i, key) { if (localStorage[key].indexOf(paste_id) !== -1) { localStorage.removeItem(key); return false; } }); } /* Force text coloration when clickin on link */ $("#force-coloration").live("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#paste-content').addClass('linenums'); $(this).die(e).text('Applying coloration'); prettyPrint(); $(this).remove(); }); /* Send the paste by email */ $('#email-link').click(function() { zerobin.getTinyURL(window.location.toString(), function(tinyurl) { document.location.href= 'mailto:friend@example.com?body=' + tinyurl; }); return false; }); }); /* End of "document ready" jquery callback */ })(); /* End of self executing function */