#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 """ Main script including controller, rooting, dependency management, and server run. """ import os import sys import thread import urlparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta # add project dir and libs dir to the PYTHON PATH to ensure they are # importable from utils import settings, SettingsValidationError import bottle from bottle import (Bottle, run, static_file, view, request) import clize from paste import Paste from utils import drop_privileges, dmerge app = Bottle() GLOBAL_CONTEXT = { 'settings': settings, 'pastes_count': Paste.get_pastes_count(), 'refresh_counter': datetime.now() } @app.route('/') @view('home') def index(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route('/faq/') @view('faq') def faq(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route('/paste/create', method='POST') def create_paste(): try: body = urlparse.parse_qs(request.body.read(int(settings.MAX_SIZE * 1.1))) except ValueError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} try: content = unicode(''.join(body['content']), 'utf8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, KeyError): return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error # without saving paste. prevent from unusual use of the # system. need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = body.get('expiration', [u'burn_after_reading'])[0] paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content, uuid_length=settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH) paste.save() # display counter if settings.DISPLAY_COUNTER: #increment paste counter paste.increment_counter() # if refresh time elapsed pick up new counter value now = datetime.now() timeout = (GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] + timedelta(seconds=settings.REFRESH_COUNTER)) if timeout < now: GLOBAL_CONTEXT['pastes_count'] = Paste.get_pastes_count() GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] = now return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. " u"Please try later."} @app.route('/paste/:paste_id') @view('paste') def display_paste(paste_id): now = datetime.now() keep_alive = False try: paste = Paste.load(paste_id) if not paste.is_alive(): paste.delete() raise ValueError() except (TypeError, ValueError): return error404(ValueError) context = {'paste': paste, 'keep_alive': keep_alive} return dmerge(context, GLOBAL_CONTEXT) @app.error(404) @view('404') def error404(code): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route('/static/') def server_static(filename): return static_file(filename, root=settings.STATIC_FILES_ROOT) def get_app(debug=None, settings_file='', compressed_static=None, settings=settings): """ Return a tuple (settings, app) configured using passed parameters and/or a setting file. """ settings_file = settings_file or os.environ.get('ZEROBIN_SETTINGS_FILE') if settings_file: settings.update_with_file(os.path.realpath(settings_file)) if settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH < 4: raise SettingsValidationError('PASTE_ID_LENGTH cannot be lower than 4') if compressed_static is not None: settings.COMPRESSED_STATIC_FILES = compressed_static if debug is not None: settings.DEBUG = debug # make sure the templates can be loaded for d in reversed(settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS): bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, d) if settings.DEBUG: bottle.debug(True) return settings, app @clize.clize(coerce={'debug': bool, 'compressed_static': bool}) def runserver(host='', port='', debug=None, user='', group='', settings_file='', compressed_static=None, version=False, paste_id_length=None, server="cherrypy", purge=False): if version: print '0bin V%s' % settings.VERSION sys.exit(0) if purge: print 'Purging expired pastes excluding burn notices' purged_pastes = Paste.purge() print 'Done (%s pastes removed)' % (purged_pastes) sys.exit(0) settings.HOST = host or settings.HOST settings.PORT = port or settings.PORT settings.USER = user or settings.USER settings.GROUP = group or settings.GROUP settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH = paste_id_length or settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH try: _, app = get_app(debug, settings_file, compressed_static, settings=settings) except SettingsValidationError as err: print >>sys.stderr, 'Configuration error: %s' % err.message sys.exit(1) thread.start_new_thread(drop_privileges, (settings.USER, settings.GROUP)) if settings.DEBUG: run(app, host=settings.HOST, port=settings.PORT, reloader=True, server="cherrypy") else: run(app, host=settings.HOST, port=settings.PORT, server="cherrypy") def main(): clize.run(runserver)