import time import os import glob import tempfile import codecs import unicodedata import hashlib import secrets from functools import partial from zerobin import default_settings from runpy import run_path class SettingsValidationError(Exception): pass class SettingsContainer(object): """ Singleton containing the settings for the whole app """ _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(SettingsContainer, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) cls._instance.update_with_module(default_settings) return cls._instance def update_with_dict(self, dict): """ Update settings with values from the given mapping object. (Taking only variable with uppercased name) """ for name, value in dict.items(): if name.isupper(): setattr(self, name, value) return self def update_with_module(self, module): """ Update settings with values from the given module. Uses update_with_dict() behind the scenes. """ return self.update_with_dict(module.__dict__) @classmethod def from_module(cls, module): """ Create an instance of SettingsContainer with values based on the one in the passed module. """ settings = cls() settings.update_with_module(module) return settings def update_with_file(self, filepath): """ Update settings with values from the given module file. Uses update_with_dict() behind the scenes. """ settings = run_path(filepath) return self.update_with_dict(settings) settings = SettingsContainer() def to_ascii(utext): """ Take a unicode string and return ascii bytes. Try to replace non ASCII char by similar ASCII char. If it can't, replace it with "?". """ return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", utext).encode("ascii", "replace") # Make sure to always specify encoding when using open in Python 2 or 3 safe_open = partial(, encoding="utf8") def as_unicode(obj): """ Return the unicode representation of an object """ try: return unicode(obj) except NameError: return str(obj) def ensure_var_env(): """ Ensure all the variable things we generate are available. This will make sure we have: - a var dir - a content dir - a secret key - an admin URL """ settings.VAR_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) settings.PASTE_FILES_ROOT = settings.VAR_DIR / "content" settings.PASTE_FILES_ROOT.mkdir(exist_ok=True) settings.SESSIONS_DIR = settings.VAR_DIR / "sessions" settings.SESSIONS_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) secret_key_file = settings.VAR_DIR / "secret_key" if not secret_key_file.is_file(): secret_key_file.write_text(secrets.token_urlsafe(64)) settings.SECRET_KEY = secret_key_file.read_text() admin_password_file = settings.VAR_DIR / "admin_password" if not secret_key_file.is_file(): admin_password_file.write_text( "No password set. Use the set_admin_passord command. Don't write this file by hand." ) settings.ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE = admin_password_file payload = ("admin" + settings.SECRET_KEY).encode("ascii") settings.ADMIN_URL = "/admin/" + hashlib.sha256(payload).hexdigest() + "/" def hash_password(password): return hashlib.scrypt( password.encode("utf8"), salt=settings.SECRET_KEY.encode("ascii"), n=16384, r=8, p=1, dklen=32, ) def check_password(password): try: return settings.ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE.read_bytes() == hash_password(password) except (FileNotFoundError, AttributeError): return False