program .version('0.0.1') .usage('[options] [ file ... ]\n\n' + ' Paste contents of file(s) or stdin to 0bin site.') .option('-u, --url [url]', 'URL of a 0bin site.') .option('-e, --expire [period]', 'Expiration period - one of: 1_view, 1_day (default), 1_month, never.', '1_day') .option('-k, --entropy [bytes]', 'Encryption key entropy (and hence length) to use,'\ + ' in bytes (default: 32).\n'\ + ' That key will be processed by 1000 pbkdf2-sha256 iterations, not used as-is.', 32) .option('-c, --config [path]', 'Path to zerobin configuration file (default: ~/.zerobinpasterc).\n'\ + ' Should be json-file with the same keys as can be specified on the command line.\n'\ + ' Example contents: {"url": ""}', '~/.zerobinpasterc') .parse(process.argv); [http, url, qs, fs, path] = ['http', 'url', 'querystring', 'fs', 'path'].map(require) # Parse config file, if any config = program.config.replace(/^~\/+/, '') config = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, config) try if fs.statSync(config).isFile() config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(config)) (program[k] = v) for own k, v of config # Sanity checks and option processing if not program.url console.error('ERROR: URL option must be specified.') process.exit(1) if program.expire == '1_view' # "burn_after_reading" is too damn long for cli program.expire = 'burn_after_reading' expire_opts = ['burn_after_reading', '1_day', '1_month', 'never'] if program.expire not in expire_opts console.error( "ERROR: --expire value (provided: '#{program.expire}')"\ + ' must be one of: ' + expire_opts.join(', ') + "." ) process.exit(1) program.entropy = parseInt(program.entropy) # Generated key will use base64 (6b per char) charset # Key is not decoded for pbkdf2, so it's generated via base64 here just for convenience generate_key = (entropy) -> entropy = Math.ceil(entropy / 8.0) * 8 key = sjcl.bitArray.clamp( sjcl.random.randomWords(Math.ceil(entropy / 32), 0), entropy ) return sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(key, 0).replace(/\=+$/, '').replace(/\//, '-') # Paste one dump and print URL, optionally prefixed with name paste_file = (content, name) -> content = sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits(content) content = sjcl.codec.base64.fromBits(content) # content = lzw.compress(content) key = generate_key(program.entropy) content = sjcl.encrypt(key, content) content = qs.stringify content: content expiration: program.expire # -> if not program.url.match(/^https?:\/\//) program.url = 'http://' + program.url.replace(/^\/+/, '') req_opts = url.parse(program.url) req_opts.method = 'POST' req_opts.headers = 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 'Content-Length': content.length req_url_base = req_opts.path .replace(/\/paste\/create\/?$/, '').replace(/\/+$/, '') req_opts.path = req_url_base + '/paste/create' req = http.request req_opts, (res) -> req_reply = '' res.setEncoding('utf8') res.on 'data', (chunk) -> req_reply += chunk res.on 'end', -> req_reply = JSON.parse(req_reply) if req_reply.status != 'ok' console.error("ERROR: failure posting #{name} - " + req_reply.message) return req_opts.pathname = req_url_base + '/paste/' + req_reply.paste req_opts.hash = key paste = url.format(req_opts) console.log(if name then "#{name} #{paste}" else paste) req.write(content) req.end() # Seed sjcl prng from /dev/(u)random do (bytes=64) -> for src in ['/dev/urandom', '/dev/random', null] break if not src or fs.existsSync(src) if not src console.error( 'ERROR: Failed to seed PRNG -'\ + ' /dev/(u)random is unavailable, relying only on sjcl entropy sources' ) return fd = fs.openSync(src, 'r') buff = new Buffer(bytes) fs.readSync(fd, buff, 0, bytes) fs.closeSync(fd) sjcl.random.addEntropy( (buff.readUInt32BE(n) for n in [0..bytes/4]), bytes * 8, src ) # Loop over file args or read stdin if not program.args or not program.args.length process.stdin.resume() process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8') stdin_data = '' process.stdin.on 'data', (chunk) -> stdin_data += chunk process.stdin.on 'end', -> paste_file(stdin_data) else for file in program.args paste_file( fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'), if program.args.length > 1 then path.basename(file) else null )