============ Options ============ 0bin's behavior can be adjusted with options passed using a configuration file or directly using the command line. Some parameters are only available in the configuration file. If an option is not passed, 0bin will use the default value from the file zerobin/default_settings.py. Command line ================== --host and --port ------------------- The host and port on which to listen for incomming request. Usually and 8000 to listen locally or and 80 to listen from the outside. Default: and 8000 Setting file : HOST and PORT --debug ---------- Display a listing of useful debugging information when something goes wrong instead of showing the 500 error page. In debug mode, the server also reload automatically any modified Python file; Default: False Configuration file equivalent: DEBUG .. _user-and-group-en: --user and --group ------------------- The user and group the server will adopt after start up. Useful when you run the command with admin rights to be able to listen to the port 80, but you wish that the process do not have access to protected files. --group is set to --user if not passed. Default: None Configuration file equivalent: USER and GROUP --settings-file ----------------- Path to the configuration file, if you use any. Default: None Configuration file equivalent: None --compressed-static -------------------- Serve minified static files (css and js). Use it in production to get a faster web site. Default: False Configuration file equivalent: COMPRESSED_STATIC_FILES --version and --help -------------------- Display the help or the version of 0bin. Default: None Configuration file equivalent: None Examples ---------- Production:: sudo zerobin --host --port 80 --user foo --compressed-static Developpement:: zerobin --debug --serve-static Configuration file ==================== The configuration file should be an ordinary Python file, usually named settings.py. It's used this way:: zerobin --settings-file '/path/to/settings.py' Any options passed to the command line will have priority on the ones in the configuration file. The zerobin/default_settings.py can be used as an example to create your own file. It's heavily commented. DEBUG ----- Display a listing of useful debugging information when something goes wrong instead of showing the 500 error page. In debug mode, the server also reload automatically any modified Python file; Default: False Command line equivalent: --debug .. _static-root-en: STATIC_FILES_ROOT ------------------ Asbolute path to the directory where 0bin is going to look for static files (css, js and images). Default: "static" directory in the "zerobin" directory Command line equivalent: None COMPRESSED_STATIC_FILES ------------------------- Serve minified static files (css and js). Use it in production to get a faster web site. Default: False Command line equivalent: --compressed-static PASTE_FILES_ROOT ----------------- Absolute path to the directory in which 0bin is going to look save pastes. Default: "static/content" direcotry in the "zerobin" directory Command line equivalent: None .. _template-dirs-en: TEMPLATE_DIRS -------------- List of absolute path to directories containing templates that 0bin uses to generate the web site pages. The first list items have priotity on the later. If you wish to use your own templates, add the directory containing them at the begining of the list:: from zerobin.defauls_settings import TEMPLATE_DIRS TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( '/directy/path/to/your/templates', ) + TEMPLATE_DIRS Default: "view" directory in the "zerobin" directory Command line equivalent: None HOST and PORT ------------------- The host and port on which to listen for incomming request. Usually and 8000 to listen locally or and 80 to listen from the outside. Default: and 8000 Configuration file equivalent: --host and --port USER and GROUP ------------------- The user and group the server will adopt after start up. Useful when you run the command with admin rights to be able to listen to the port 80, but you wish that the process do not have access to protected files. GROUP is set to USER if not passed. Default: None Configuration file equivalent: --user and --group MENU ------ A list of 'name' + 'link' pairs used to buld the menu at the top of each page. You can use a relative or absolute link, and even an email address. Any email address will be automatically protected against spam. Default:: MENU = ( ('Home', '/'), ('Download 0bin', 'https://github.com/sametmax/0bin'), ('Contact', 'mailto:your@email.com') # email ) Command line equivalent: None MAX_SIZE --------- Approximative value for a paste size limite. Valeur approximative de limite de taille d'un paste. Default = 500000 octets (500 ko) Command line equivalent: None