# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Main script including controller, rooting, dependancy management, and server run. """ import os import hashlib import thread import time import tempfile import glob from datetime import datetime, timedelta from src import settings, setup_path, Paste setup_path() from privilege import drop_privileges_permanently, coerce_user, coerce_group from bottle import (Bottle, route, run, abort, static_file, debug, view, request) app = Bottle() @app.route('/') @view('home') def index(): return {} @app.route('/paste/create', method='POST') def create_paste(): try: content = unicode(request.forms.get('content', ''), 'utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if content: expiration = request.forms.get('expiration', u'burn_after_reading') paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content) paste.save() return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. Please try later."} @app.route('/paste/:paste_id') @view('paste') def display_paste(paste_id): now = datetime.now() keep_alive = False try: paste = Paste.load(paste_id) # Delete the paste if it expired: if 'burn_after_reading' in str(paste.expiration): # burn_after_reading contains the paste creation date # if this read appends 10 seconds after the creation date # we don't delete the paste because it means it's the redirection # to the paste that happens during the paste creation try: keep_alive = paste.expiration.split('#')[1] keep_alive = datetime.strptime(keep_alive,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') keep_alive = now < keep_alive + timedelta(seconds=10) except IndexError: keep_alive = False if not keep_alive: paste.delete() elif paste.expiration < now: paste.delete() raise ValueError() except (TypeError, ValueError): abort(404, u"This paste doesn't exist or has expired") return {'paste': paste, 'keep_alive': keep_alive} @app.route('/static/') def server_static(filename): return static_file(filename, root=settings.STATIC_FILES_ROOT) if __name__ == "__main__": def drop_privileges(): time.sleep(5) if settings.USER: settings.GROUP = settings.GROUP or settings.USER try: user = coerce_user(settings.USER) group = coerce_group(settings.GROUP) lock_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'bottle.*.lock')) for lock_file in lock_files: os.chown(lock_file, user, group) drop_privileges_permanently(settings.USER, settings.GROUP, ()) except Exception: print "Failed to drop privileges. Running with current user." thread.start_new_thread(drop_privileges, ()) if settings.DEBUG: debug(True) run(app, host=settings.DEV_HOST, port=settings.DEV_PORT, reloader=True, server="cherrypy") else: run(app, host=settings.PROD_HOST, port=settings.PROD_PORT, server="cherrypy")