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Tutorial: HTTP errors
HTTPError is used to return an error response to the client.
CherryPy has lots of options regarding how such errors are
logged, displayed, and formatted.
import os
localDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
curpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), localDir))
import cherrypy
class HTTPErrorDemo(object):
# Set a custom response for 403 errors.
_cp_config = {'error_page.403':
os.path.join(curpath, "custom_error.html")}
def index(self):
# display some links that will result in errors
tracebacks = cherrypy.request.show_tracebacks
if tracebacks:
trace = 'off'
trace = 'on'
return """
<p>Toggle tracebacks <a href="toggleTracebacks">%s</a></p>
<p><a href="/doesNotExist">Click me; I'm a broken link!</a></p>
<a href="/error?code=403">
Use a custom error page from a file.
<p>These errors are explicitly raised by the application:</p>
<li><a href="/error?code=400">400</a></li>
<li><a href="/error?code=401">401</a></li>
<li><a href="/error?code=402">402</a></li>
<li><a href="/error?code=500">500</a></li>
<p><a href="/messageArg">You can also set the response body
when you raise an error.</a></p>
""" % trace
index.exposed = True
def toggleTracebacks(self):
# simple function to toggle tracebacks on and off
tracebacks = cherrypy.request.show_tracebacks
cherrypy.config.update({'request.show_tracebacks': not tracebacks})
# redirect back to the index
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/')
toggleTracebacks.exposed = True
def error(self, code):
# raise an error based on the get query
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(status=code)
error.exposed = True
def messageArg(self):
message = ("If you construct an HTTPError with a 'message' "
"argument, it wil be placed on the error page "
"(underneath the status line by default).")
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, message=message)
messageArg.exposed = True
import os.path
tutconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tutorial.conf')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# CherryPy always starts with app.root when trying to map request URIs
# to objects, so we need to mount a request handler root. A request
# to '/' will be mapped to HelloWorld().index().
cherrypy.quickstart(HTTPErrorDemo(), config=tutconf)
# This branch is for the test suite; you can ignore it.
cherrypy.tree.mount(HTTPErrorDemo(), config=tutconf)