import tkinter from distutils.version import StrictVersion as Version import sys import os import platform import ctypes import re from typing import Union, Tuple from ..appearance_mode_tracker import AppearanceModeTracker from ..theme_manager import ThemeManager from ..scaling_tracker import ScalingTracker from ..settings import Settings class CTk(tkinter.Tk): def __init__(self, *args, fg_color="default_theme", **kwargs): ScalingTracker.activate_high_dpi_awareness() # make process DPI aware self.enable_macos_dark_title_bar() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # add set_appearance_mode method to callback list of AppearanceModeTracker for appearance mode changes AppearanceModeTracker.add(self.set_appearance_mode, self) self.appearance_mode = AppearanceModeTracker.get_mode() # 0: "Light" 1: "Dark" # add set_scaling method to callback list of ScalingTracker for automatic scaling changes ScalingTracker.add_widget(self.set_scaling, self) self.window_scaling = ScalingTracker.get_window_scaling(self) self.current_width = 600 # initial window size, always without scaling self.current_height = 500 self.min_width: int = 0 self.min_height: int = 0 self.max_width: int = 1_000_000 self.max_height: int = 1_000_000 self.last_resizable_args: Union[Tuple[list, dict], None] = None # (args, kwargs) self.fg_color = ThemeManager.theme["color"]["window_bg_color"] if fg_color == "default_theme" else fg_color if "bg" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["bg"] del kwargs["bg"] elif "background" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["background"] del kwargs["background"] super().configure(bg=ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode)) super().title("CTk") self.geometry(f"{self.current_width}x{self.current_height}") self.window_exists = False # indicates if the window is already shown through .update or .mainloop if sys.platform.startswith("win"): if self.appearance_mode == 1: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("dark") else: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("light") self.bind('', self.update_dimensions_event) self.block_update_dimensions_event = False def update_dimensions_event(self, event=None): if not self.block_update_dimensions_event: detected_width = self.winfo_width() # detect current window size detected_height = self.winfo_height() if self.current_width != round(detected_width / self.window_scaling) or self.current_height != round(detected_height / self.window_scaling): self.current_width = round(detected_width / self.window_scaling) # adjust current size according to new size given by event self.current_height = round(detected_height / self.window_scaling) # _current_width and _current_height are independent of the scale def set_scaling(self, new_widget_scaling, new_spacing_scaling, new_window_scaling): self.window_scaling = new_window_scaling # block update_dimensions_event to prevent current_width and current_height to get updated self.block_update_dimensions_event = True # force new dimensions on window by using min, max, and geometry super().minsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_height)) super().maxsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_height)) super().geometry(f"{self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_width)}x"+f"{self.apply_window_scaling(self.current_height)}") # set new scaled min and max with 400ms delay (otherwise it won't work for some reason) self.after(400, self.set_scaled_min_max) # release the blocking of update_dimensions_event after a small amount of time (slight delay is necessary) def set_block_update_dimensions_event_false(): self.block_update_dimensions_event = False self.after(100, lambda: set_block_update_dimensions_event_false()) def set_scaled_min_max(self): if self.min_width is not None or self.min_height is not None: super().minsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.min_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.min_height)) if self.max_width is not None or self.max_height is not None: super().maxsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.max_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.max_height)) def destroy(self): AppearanceModeTracker.remove(self.set_appearance_mode) ScalingTracker.remove_window(self.set_scaling, self) self.disable_macos_dark_title_bar() super().destroy() def update(self): if self.window_exists is False: self.deiconify() self.window_exists = True super().update() def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.window_exists: self.deiconify() self.window_exists = True super().mainloop(*args, **kwargs) def resizable(self, *args, **kwargs): super().resizable(*args, **kwargs) self.last_resizable_args = (args, kwargs) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): if self.appearance_mode == 1: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("dark") else: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("light") def minsize(self, width=None, height=None): self.min_width = width self.min_height = height if self.current_width < width: self.current_width = width if self.current_height < height: self.current_height = height super().minsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.min_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.min_height)) def maxsize(self, width=None, height=None): self.max_width = width self.max_height = height if self.current_width > width: self.current_width = width if self.current_height > height: self.current_height = height super().maxsize(self.apply_window_scaling(self.max_width), self.apply_window_scaling(self.max_height)) def geometry(self, geometry_string: str = None): if geometry_string is not None: super().geometry(self.apply_geometry_scaling(geometry_string)) # update width and height attributes width, height, x, y = self.parse_geometry_string(geometry_string) if width is not None and height is not None: self.current_width = max(self.min_width, min(width, self.max_width)) # bound value between min and max self.current_height = max(self.min_height, min(height, self.max_height)) else: return self.reverse_geometry_scaling(super().geometry()) @staticmethod def parse_geometry_string(geometry_string: str) -> tuple: # index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 # regex group structure: ('x', '', '', '+-+-', '-', '-') result ="((\d+)x(\d+)){0,1}(\+{0,1}([+-]{0,1}\d+)\+{0,1}([+-]{0,1}\d+)){0,1}", geometry_string) width = int( if is not None else None height = int( if is not None else None x = int( if is not None else None y = int( if is not None else None return width, height, x, y def apply_geometry_scaling(self, geometry_string: str) -> str: width, height, x, y = self.parse_geometry_string(geometry_string) if x is None and y is None: # no and in geometry_string return f"{round(width * self.window_scaling)}x{round(height * self.window_scaling)}" elif width is None and height is None: # no and in geometry_string return f"+{x}+{y}" else: return f"{round(width * self.window_scaling)}x{round(height * self.window_scaling)}+{x}+{y}" def reverse_geometry_scaling(self, scaled_geometry_string: str) -> str: width, height, x, y = self.parse_geometry_string(scaled_geometry_string) if x is None and y is None: # no and in geometry_string return f"{round(width / self.window_scaling)}x{round(height / self.window_scaling)}" elif width is None and height is None: # no and in geometry_string return f"+{x}+{y}" else: return f"{round(width / self.window_scaling)}x{round(height / self.window_scaling)}+{x}+{y}" def apply_window_scaling(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float)): return int(value * self.window_scaling) else: return value def config(self, *args, **kwargs): self.configure(*args, **kwargs) def configure(self, *args, **kwargs): bg_changed = False if "bg" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["bg"] bg_changed = True kwargs["bg"] = ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode) elif "background" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["background"] bg_changed = True kwargs["background"] = ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode) elif "fg_color" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["fg_color"] kwargs["bg"] = ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode) del kwargs["fg_color"] bg_changed = True elif len(args) > 0 and type(args[0]) == dict: if "bg" in args[0]: self.fg_color=args[0]["bg"] bg_changed = True args[0]["bg"] = ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode) elif "background" in args[0]: self.fg_color=args[0]["background"] bg_changed = True args[0]["background"] = ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode) if bg_changed: from ..widgets.widget_base_class import CTkBaseClass for child in self.winfo_children(): if isinstance(child, CTkBaseClass): child.configure(bg_color=self.fg_color) super().configure(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def enable_macos_dark_title_bar(): if sys.platform == "darwin" and not Settings.deactivate_macos_window_header_manipulation: # macOS if Version(platform.python_version()) < Version("3.10"): if Version(tkinter.Tcl().call("info", "patchlevel")) >= Version("8.6.9"): # Tcl/Tk >= 8.6.9 os.system("defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No") # This command allows dark-mode for all programs @staticmethod def disable_macos_dark_title_bar(): if sys.platform == "darwin" and not Settings.deactivate_macos_window_header_manipulation: # macOS if Version(platform.python_version()) < Version("3.10"): if Version(tkinter.Tcl().call("info", "patchlevel")) >= Version("8.6.9"): # Tcl/Tk >= 8.6.9 os.system("defaults delete -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance") # This command reverts the dark-mode setting for all programs. def windows_set_titlebar_color(self, color_mode: str): """ Set the titlebar color of the window to light or dark theme on Microsoft Windows. Credits for this function: MORE INFO: """ if sys.platform.startswith("win") and not Settings.deactivate_windows_window_header_manipulation: super().withdraw() # hide window so that it can be redrawn after the titlebar change so that the color change is visible if not self.window_exists: super().update() if color_mode.lower() == "dark": value = 1 elif color_mode.lower() == "light": value = 0 else: return try: hwnd = ctypes.windll.user32.GetParent(self.winfo_id()) DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE = 20 DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_BEFORE_20H1 = 19 # try with DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE if ctypes.windll.dwmapi.DwmSetWindowAttribute(hwnd, DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(value)), ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int(value))) != 0: # try with DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_BEFORE_20h1 ctypes.windll.dwmapi.DwmSetWindowAttribute(hwnd, DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE_BEFORE_20H1, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(value)), ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int(value))) except Exception as err: print(err) if self.window_exists: self.deiconify() def set_appearance_mode(self, mode_string): if mode_string.lower() == "dark": self.appearance_mode = 1 elif mode_string.lower() == "light": self.appearance_mode = 0 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): if self.appearance_mode == 1: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("dark") else: self.windows_set_titlebar_color("light") super().configure(bg=ThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode))