import sys import os import json class CTkThemeManager: theme = {} # contains all the theme data built_in_themes = ["blue", "green", "dark-blue"] @classmethod def load_theme(cls, theme_name_or_path: str): script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) if theme_name_or_path in cls.built_in_themes: with open(os.path.join(script_directory, "assets", "themes", f"{theme_name_or_path}.json"), "r") as f: cls.theme = json.load(f) else: with open(theme_name_or_path, "r") as f: cls.theme = json.load(f) if sys.platform == "darwin": cls.theme["text"] = cls.theme["text"]["macOS"] elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): cls.theme["text"] = cls.theme["text"]["Windows"] else: cls.theme["text"] = cls.theme["text"]["Linux"] @staticmethod def single_color(color, appearance_mode: int) -> str: """ color can be either a single hex color string or a color name or it can be a tuple color with (light_color, dark_color). The functions then returns always a single color string """ if type(color) == tuple or type(color) == list: return color[appearance_mode] else: return color @staticmethod def rgb2hex(rgb_color: tuple) -> str: return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(round(rgb_color[0]), round(rgb_color[1]), round(rgb_color[2])) @staticmethod def hex2rgb(hex_color: str) -> tuple: return tuple(int(hex_color.strip("#")[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) @classmethod def linear_blend(cls, color_1: str, color_2: str, blend_factor: float) -> str: """ Blends two hex colors linear, where blend_factor of 0 results in color_1 and blend_factor of 1 results in color_2. """ if color_1 is None or color_2 is None: return None rgb_1 = cls.hex2rgb(color_1) rgb_2 = cls.hex2rgb(color_2) new_rgb = (rgb_1[0] + (rgb_2[0] - rgb_1[0]) * blend_factor, rgb_1[1] + (rgb_2[1] - rgb_1[1]) * blend_factor, rgb_1[2] + (rgb_2[2] - rgb_1[2]) * blend_factor) return cls.rgb2hex(new_rgb) @classmethod def multiply_hex_color(cls, hex_color: str, factor: float = 1.0) -> str: try: rgb_color = CTkThemeManager.hex2rgb(hex_color) dark_rgb_color = (min(255, rgb_color[0] * factor), min(255, rgb_color[1] * factor), min(255, rgb_color[2] * factor)) return CTkThemeManager.rgb2hex(dark_rgb_color) except Exception as err: # sys.stderr.write("ERROR (CTkColorManager): failed to darken the following color: " + str(hex_color) + " " + str(err)) return hex_color @classmethod def set_main_color(cls, main_color, main_color_hover): cls.MAIN_COLOR = main_color cls.MAIN_HOVER_COLOR = main_color_hover CTkThemeManager.load_theme("blue") # standard theme