import sys import tkinter from .customtkinter_tk import CTk from .customtkinter_frame import CTkFrame from .appearance_mode_tracker import AppearanceModeTracker from .customtkinter_theme_manager import CTkThemeManager class CTkProgressBar(tkinter.Frame): """ tkinter custom progressbar, always horizontal, values are from 0 to 1 """ def __init__(self, *args, variable=None, bg_color=None, border_color="default_theme", fg_color="default_theme", progress_color="default_theme", width=160, height=10, border_width=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # overwrite configure methods of master when master is tkinter widget, so that bg changes get applied on child CTk widget too if isinstance(self.master, (tkinter.Tk, tkinter.Frame)) and not isinstance(self.master, (CTk, CTkFrame)): master_old_configure = self.master.config def new_configure(*args, **kwargs): if "bg" in kwargs: self.configure(bg_color=kwargs["bg"]) elif "background" in kwargs: self.configure(bg_color=kwargs["background"]) # args[0] is dict when attribute gets changed by widget[] syntax elif len(args) > 0 and type(args[0]) == dict: if "bg" in args[0]: self.configure(bg_color=args[0]["bg"]) elif "background" in args[0]: self.configure(bg_color=args[0]["background"]) master_old_configure(*args, **kwargs) self.master.config = new_configure self.master.configure = new_configure AppearanceModeTracker.add(self.change_appearance_mode, self) self.appearance_mode = AppearanceModeTracker.get_mode() # 0: "Light" 1: "Dark" self.bg_color = self.detect_color_of_master() if bg_color is None else bg_color self.border_color = CTkThemeManager.PROGRESS_BG_COLOR if border_color == "default_theme" else border_color self.fg_color = CTkThemeManager.PROGRESS_BG_COLOR if fg_color == "default_theme" else fg_color self.progress_color = CTkThemeManager.MAIN_COLOR if progress_color == "default_theme" else progress_color self.variable = variable self.variable_callback_blocked = False self.variabel_callback_name = None self.width = width self.height = self.calc_optimal_height(height) self.border_width = round(border_width) self.value = 0.5 self.configure(width=self.width, height=self.height) self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(master=self, highlightthicknes=0, width=self.width, height=self.height), y=0) # Each time an item is resized due to pack position mode, the binding Configure is called on the widget self.bind('', self.update_dimensions) self.draw() # initial draw if self.variable is not None: self.variabel_callback_name = self.variable.trace_add("write", self.variable_callback) self.variable_callback_blocked = True self.set(self.variable.get(), from_variable_callback=True) self.variable_callback_blocked = False def destroy(self): AppearanceModeTracker.remove(self.change_appearance_mode) if self.variable is not None: self.variable.trace_remove("write", self.variabel_callback_name) super().destroy() def detect_color_of_master(self): if isinstance(self.master, CTkFrame): return self.master.fg_color else: return self.master.cget("bg") @staticmethod def calc_optimal_height(user_height): if sys.platform == "darwin": return user_height # on macOS just use given value (canvas has Antialiasing) else: # make sure the value is always with uneven for better rendering of the ovals if user_height == 0: return 0 elif user_height % 2 == 0: return user_height + 1 else: return user_height def update_dimensions(self, event): # only redraw if dimensions changed (for performance) if self.width != event.width or self.height != event.height: self.width = event.width self.height = event.height self.draw() def draw(self, no_color_updates=False): # decide the drawing method if sys.platform == "darwin": # on macOS draw button with polygons (positions are more accurate, macOS has Antialiasing) self.draw_with_polygon_shapes() else: # on Windows and other draw with ovals (corner_radius can be optimised to look better than with polygons) self.draw_with_ovals_and_rects() if no_color_updates is False: self.canvas.configure(bg=CTkThemeManager.single_color(self.bg_color, self.appearance_mode)) self.canvas.itemconfig("border_parts", fill=CTkThemeManager.single_color(self.border_color, self.appearance_mode)) self.canvas.itemconfig("inner_parts", fill=CTkThemeManager.single_color(self.fg_color, self.appearance_mode)) self.canvas.itemconfig("progress_parts", fill=CTkThemeManager.single_color(self.progress_color, self.appearance_mode)) def draw_with_polygon_shapes(self): """ draw the progress bar parts with just three polygons that have a rounded border """ coordinate_shift = -1 width_reduced = -1 # create border button parts (only if border exists) if self.border_width > 0: if not self.canvas.find_withtag("border_parts"): self.canvas.create_line((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("border_line_1", "border_parts")) self.canvas.coords("border_line_1", (self.height / 2, self.height / 2, self.width - self.height / 2 + coordinate_shift, self.height / 2)) self.canvas.itemconfig("border_line_1", capstyle=tkinter.ROUND, width=self.height + width_reduced) self.canvas.lower("border_parts") # create inner button parts if not self.canvas.find_withtag("inner_parts"): self.canvas.create_line((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("inner_line_1", "inner_parts")) self.canvas.coords("inner_line_1", (self.height / 2, self.height / 2, self.width - self.height / 2 + coordinate_shift, self.height / 2)) self.canvas.itemconfig("inner_line_1", capstyle=tkinter.ROUND, width=self.height - self.border_width * 2 + width_reduced) # progress parts if not self.canvas.find_withtag("progress_parts"): self.canvas.create_line((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("progress_line_1", "progress_parts")) self.canvas.coords("progress_line_1", (self.height / 2, self.height / 2, self.height / 2 + (self.width + coordinate_shift - self.height) * self.value, self.height / 2)) self.canvas.itemconfig("progress_line_1", capstyle=tkinter.ROUND, width=self.height - self.border_width * 2 + width_reduced) def draw_with_ovals_and_rects(self): """ draw the progress bar parts with ovals and rectangles """ if sys.platform == "darwin": oval_bottom_right_shift = 0 rect_bottom_right_shift = 0 else: # ovals and rects are always rendered too large on Windows and need to be made smaller by -1 oval_bottom_right_shift = -1 rect_bottom_right_shift = -0 # frame_border if self.border_width > 0: if not self.canvas.find_withtag("border_parts"): self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("border_oval_1", "border_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_rectangle((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("border_rect_1", "border_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("border_oval_2", "border_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.coords("border_oval_1", (0, 0, self.height + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height + oval_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("border_rect_1", (self.height/2, 0, self.width-(self.height/2) + rect_bottom_right_shift, self.height + rect_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("border_oval_2", (self.width-self.height, 0, self.width + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height + oval_bottom_right_shift)) # foreground if not self.canvas.find_withtag("inner_parts"): self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("inner_oval_1", "inner_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_rectangle((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("inner_rect_1", "inner_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("inner_oval_2", "inner_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.coords("inner_oval_1", (self.border_width, self.border_width, self.height-self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height-self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("inner_rect_1", (self.height/2, self.border_width, self.width-(self.height/2 + rect_bottom_right_shift), self.height-self.border_width + rect_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("inner_oval_2", (self.width-self.height+self.border_width, self.border_width, self.width-self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height-self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift)) # progress parts if not self.canvas.find_withtag("progress_parts"): self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("progress_oval_1", "progress_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_rectangle((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("progress_rect_1", "progress_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.create_oval((0, 0, 0, 0), tags=("progress_oval_2", "progress_parts"), width=0) self.canvas.coords("progress_oval_1", (self.border_width, self.border_width, self.height - self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height - self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("progress_rect_1", (self.height / 2, self.border_width, self.height / 2 + (self.width - self.height) * self.value + rect_bottom_right_shift, self.height - self.border_width + rect_bottom_right_shift)) self.canvas.coords("progress_oval_2", (self.height / 2 + (self.width - self.height) * self.value - self.height / 2 + self.border_width, self.border_width, self.height / 2 + (self.width - self.height) * self.value + self.height / 2 - self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift, self.height - self.border_width + oval_bottom_right_shift)) def configure(self, *args, **kwargs): require_redraw = False # some attribute changes require a call of self.draw() at the end if "bg_color" in kwargs: self.bg_color = kwargs["bg_color"] del kwargs["bg_color"] require_redraw = True if "fg_color" in kwargs: self.fg_color = kwargs["fg_color"] del kwargs["fg_color"] require_redraw = True if "border_color" in kwargs: self.border_color = kwargs["border_color"] del kwargs["border_color"] require_redraw = True if "progress_color" in kwargs: self.progress_color = kwargs["progress_color"] del kwargs["progress_color"] require_redraw = True if "border_width" in kwargs: self.border_width = kwargs["border_width"] del kwargs["border_width"] require_redraw = True if "variable" in kwargs: if self.variable is not None: self.variable.trace_remove("write", self.variabel_callback_name) self.variable = kwargs["variable"] if self.variable is not None and self.variable != "": self.variabel_callback_name = self.variable.trace_add("write", self.variable_callback) self.set(self.variable.get(), from_variable_callback=True) else: self.variable = None del kwargs["variable"] super().configure(*args, **kwargs) if require_redraw is True: self.draw() def variable_callback(self, var_name, index, mode): if not self.variable_callback_blocked: self.set(self.variable.get(), from_variable_callback=True) def set(self, value, from_variable_callback=False): self.value = value if self.value > 1: self.value = 1 elif self.value < 0: self.value = 0 self.draw(no_color_updates=True) if self.variable is not None and not from_variable_callback: self.variable_callback_blocked = True self.variable.set(round(self.value) if isinstance(self.variable, tkinter.IntVar) else self.value) self.variable_callback_blocked = False def change_appearance_mode(self, mode_string): if mode_string.lower() == "dark": self.appearance_mode = 1 elif mode_string.lower() == "light": self.appearance_mode = 0 if isinstance(self.master, CTkFrame): self.bg_color = self.master.fg_color else: self.bg_color = self.master.cget("bg") self.draw()