/* DHT library MIT license written by Adafruit Industries */ #ifndef DHT_H #define DHT_H #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif // Uncomment to enable printing out nice debug messages. //#define DHT_DEBUG // Define where debug output will be printed. #define DEBUG_PRINTER Serial // Setup debug printing macros. #ifdef DHT_DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) { DEBUG_PRINTER.print(__VA_ARGS__); } #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...) { DEBUG_PRINTER.println(__VA_ARGS__); } #else #define DEBUG_PRINT(...) {} #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(...) {} #endif // Define types of sensors. #define DHT11 11 #define DHT22 22 #define DHT21 21 #define AM2301 21 class DHT { public: DHT(uint8_t pin, uint8_t type, uint8_t count=6); void begin(void); float readTemperature(bool S=false); float convertCtoF(float); float convertFtoC(float); float computeHeatIndex(float temperature, float percentHumidity, bool isFahrenheit=true); float readHumidity(void); boolean read(void); private: uint8_t data[6]; uint8_t _pin, _type, _bit, _port; uint32_t _lastreadtime, _maxcycles; bool _firstreading; bool _lastresult; uint32_t expectPulse(bool level); }; class InterruptLock { public: InterruptLock() { noInterrupts(); } ~InterruptLock() { interrupts(); } }; #endif