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# Contributing to DHT11 Arduino Library
Thank you for considering contributing to the DHT11 Arduino Library. It's community members like you that enhance the usefulness of this library.
## Code of Conduct
I'm committed to fostering a welcoming and open environment. All contributors are expected to adhere to the [DHT11 Arduino Library Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). If you encounter unacceptable behavior, please report it to dhrubasaha@outlook.com.
## How Can I Contribute?
### Reporting Bugs
- **Ensure the bug wasn't previously reported** by searching on GitHub under [Issues](https://github.com/dhrubasaha08/DHT11/issues).
- If you can't find an existing issue addressing the problem, [open a new one](https://github.com/dhrubasaha08/DHT11/issues/new).
### Suggesting Enhancements
Have an idea for an enhancement or a new feature? Please create an issue labeled `enhancement`.
### Pull Requests
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch (`git checkout -b new-feature`).
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add a new feature'`).
4. Push the branch (`git push origin new-feature`).
5. Submit a Pull Request.
## Styleguides
### Git Commit Messages
- Use present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").
- Start with a capital letter.
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or fewer.
### Code Styleguide
Stick to the coding conventions evident in the project.
## Additional Notes
### Issue and Pull Request Labels
Possible labels for issues or PRs include:
- `bug` - For bug-related issues.
- `enhancement` - For enhancements or new features.
- `documentation` - For documentation-related issues.