#!/usr/bin/env bash # | # | Early pre-requisites check # | =========================================== UUIDGEN="${UUIDGEN:-$(command -v uuidgen | xargs echo)}" DCONF="${DCONF:-$(command -v dconf | xargs echo)}" GCONF="${GCONF:-$(command -v gconftool-2 | xargs echo)}" GS="${GS:-$(command -v gsettings | xargs echo)}" # Note: xargs echo is to make the command sucessful even if it was not # otherwise the script will exit if the command does not exist (elementary os) # | # | Make sure all exported variables get unset no matter what # | Defining this in this script because it gets called even if # | gogh.sh was not called. Exported variables in gogh.sh gets # | handled there in case there was en error before this script was called # | ============================================ GLOBAL_VAR_CLEANUP() { unset PROFILE_NAME unset PROFILE_SLUG unset scratchdir unset TILIX_RES unset TERMINAL unset LOOP unset OPTLENGTH for c in $(seq -s " " -w 16); do unset DEMO_COLOR_${c} unset COLOR_${c} done unset BACKGROUND_COLOR unset FOREGROUND_COLOR unset CURSOR_COLOR unset HIGHLIGHT_FG_COLOR unset HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR unset USE_SYS_TRANSPARENCY unset PROFILE_NAME } # Note: Since all scripts gets invoked in a subshell the traps from the parent shell # will not get inherited. Hence traps defined in gogh.sh and print-themes.sh will still trigger trap 'GLOBAL_VAR_CLEANUP; trap - EXIT' EXIT HUP INT QUIT PIPE TERM # | # | Second test for TERMINAL in case user ran # | theme script directly instead of gogh.sh # | ============================================ if [[ -z "${TERMINAL:-}" ]]; then # | # | Check for the terminal name (depening on os) # | =========================================== OS="$(uname)" if [[ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]]; then TERMINAL=$TERM_PROGRAM elif [[ "${OS#CYGWIN}" != "${OS}" ]]; then TERMINAL="mintty" else # | # | Depending on how the script was invoked, we need # | to loop until pid is no longer a subshell # | =========================================== pid="$$" TERMINAL="$(ps -h -o comm -p $pid)" while [[ "${TERMINAL:(-2)}" == "sh" ]]; do pid="$(ps -h -o ppid -p $pid)" TERMINAL="$(ps -h -o comm -p $pid)" done fi fi case "${TERMINAL}" in pantheon-terminal|io.elementary.t* ) if [[ -z "${GS}" ]]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Error gsettings not found" printf '%s\n' "sudo apt install dconf?" printf '%s\n\n' "or export GS=/path/to/gsettings" exit 1 fi ;; mintty ) CFGFILE="${HOME}/.minttyrc" if [[ ! -f "${CFGFILE}" ]]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Warning: Couldn't find an existing configuration file, so one will be created for you." printf '%s\n\n' "Warning: Are you really running Cygwin's mintty?" touch "${CFGFILE}" fi ;; guake|tilix|mate-terminal|gnome-terminal* ) case "${TERMINAL}" in guake|gnome-terminal* ) if [[ -z "${DCONF}" ]] && [[ -z "${GCONF}" ]]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Error gconftool not found!" printf '%s\n' "sudo apt install gconftool?" printf '%s\n\n' "or export GCONF=/path/to/gconftool-2/" exit 1 fi ;; esac if [[ -z "${DCONF}" ]]; then printf '\n%s\n' "Error dconf not found" printf '%s\n' "sudo apt install dconf?" printf '%s\n\n' "or export DCONF=/path/to/dconf" exit 1 fi ;; esac # | # | Convert RGB to gnome colors # | =========================================== gnome_color () { AA=${1:1:2} BB=${1:3:2} CC=${1:5:2} echo "#${AA}${AA}${BB}${BB}${CC}${CC}" } hexToDec () { echo "$((16#${1}))" } hexRGBtoDecRGB () { R="$(hexToDec "${1:1:2}")" G="$(hexToDec "${1:3:2}")" B="$(hexToDec "${1:5:2}")" echo "${R}" "${G}" "${B}" } convertRGBtoMac () { local color="${1}" set -- set -- $(hexRGBtoDecRGB "${color}") R=${1}; shift; G=${1}; shift; B=${1}; shift R=$(echo "${R} / 255" | bc -l) G=$(echo "${G} / 255" | bc -l) B=$(echo "${B} / 255" | bc -l) echo "${R}" "${G}" "${B}" } createMinttyEntry () { local name="${1}" local color="${2}" set -- set -- $(hexRGBtoDecRGB "${color}") R=${1}; shift; G=${1}; shift; B=${1}; shift echo "${name}=${R},${G},${B}" } updateMinttyConfig () { local config="${1}" local color="${2}" local name="${3}" sed -i -r -e "s/^${name}=.+/$(createMinttyEntry "${name}" "${color}")/g" "${config}" } convertNameAndRGBtoITerm() { local name="${1}" local color="${2}" set -- set -- $(convertRGBtoMac "${color}") R=${1}; shift; G=${1}; shift; B=${1}; shift echo "${name}Blue Component${B}Green Component${G}Red Component${R}" } dset() { local key="${1}"; shift local val="${1}" "${DCONF}" write "${PROFILE_KEY}/${key}" "${val}" } # Because dconf still doesn't have "append" dlist_append() { local key="${1}"; shift local val="${1}"; shift local entries entries="$( { "${DCONF}" read "${key}" | tr -d "[]" | tr , "\n" | grep -F -v "${val}" echo "'${val}'" } | head -c-1 | tr "\n" , )" "${DCONF}" write "${key}" "[${entries}]" } gcset() { local type="${1}"; shift local key="${1}"; shift local val="${1}" "${GCONF}" --set --type "${type}" "${PROFILE_KEY}/${key}" -- "${val}" } # Because gconftool doesn't have "append" glist_append() { local type="${1}"; shift local key="${1}"; shift local val="${1}"; shift local entries entries="$( { "${GCONF}" --get "${key}" | tr -d "[]" | tr , "\n" | grep -F -v "${val}" echo "${val}" } | head -c-1 | tr "\n" , )" "${GCONF}" --set --type list --list-type "${type}" "${key}" "[${entries}]" } gset() { local key="${1}"; shift local val="${1}" "${GS}" set "${PROFILE_KEY}" "${key}" "${val}" } set_theme() { dset visible-name "'${PROFILE_NAME}'" dset background-color "'${BACKGROUND_COLOR}'" dset foreground-color "'${FOREGROUND_COLOR}'" if [[ -n "${HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR:-}" ]]; then dset highlight-colors-set "true" dset highlight-background-color "'${HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR}'" if [[ -n "${HIGHLIGHT_FG_COLOR:-}" ]]; then dset highlight-foreground-color "'${HIGHLIGHT_FG_COLOR}'" fi fi if [[ -n "${BOLD_COLOR:-}" ]]; then dset bold-color "'${BOLD_COLOR}'" dset bold-color-same-as-fg "false" else dset bold-color "'${FOREGROUND_COLOR}'" dset bold-color-same-as-fg "true" fi dset use-theme-colors "false" dset use-theme-background "false" dset use-theme-transparency "${USE_SYS_TRANSPARENCY:-false}" } legacy_set_theme() { gcset string visible_name "${PROFILE_NAME}" gcset string background_color "${BACKGROUND_COLOR}" gcset string foreground_color "${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" if [[ -n "${BOLD_COLOR:-}" ]]; then gcset string bold_color "${BOLD_COLOR}" gcset bool bold_color_same_as_fg "false" else gcset string bold_color "${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" gcset bool bold_color_same_as_fg "true" fi gcset bool use_theme_colors "false" gcset bool use_theme_background "false" } # | # | If terminal supports truecolor then we can show theme colors without applying the theme # | =========================================== if [[ "${COLORTERM:-}" == "truecolor" ]] || [[ "${COLORTERM:-}" == "24bit" ]]; then # gogh_colors have been moved here to avoid multiple definitions function gogh_colors () { # Build up the color string to avoid visual rendering local color_str # Note: {01..16} does not work on OSX for c in $(seq -s " " -w 16); do local color="COLOR_$c" set -- $(hexRGBtoDecRGB "${!color}") color_str+="\033[38;2;${1};${2};${3}m█████$(tput sgr0)" [[ ${GOGH_DRY_RUN:-0} -eq 1 ]] && export "DEMO_COLOR_$c=\033[38;2;${1};${2};${3}m" [[ "$c" == "08" ]] && color_str+="\n" # new line done printf '\n%b\n\n\n' "${color_str}" unset color_str } else function gogh_colors () { # Build up the color string to avoid visual rendering local color_str for c in {0..15}; do color_str+="$(tput setaf $c)█████$(tput sgr0)" [[ $c == 7 ]] && color_str+="\n" # new line done printf '\n%b\n\n' "${color_str}" unset color_str } fi # | # | Print theme colors # | =========================================== gogh_colors if [[ ${GOGH_DRY_RUN:-0} -eq 1 ]]; then color # End here if dry run was initiated exit 0 fi apply_elementary() { # | # | Applying values on elementary/pantheon terminal # | =========================================== gset background "${BACKGROUND_COLOR}" gset foreground "${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" gset cursor-color "${CURSOR_COLOR}" gset palette "${COLOR_01}:${COLOR_02}:${COLOR_03}:${COLOR_04}:${COLOR_05}:${COLOR_06}:${COLOR_07}:${COLOR_08}:${COLOR_09}:${COLOR_10}:${COLOR_11}:${COLOR_12}:${COLOR_13}:${COLOR_14}:${COLOR_15}:${COLOR_16}" } apply_cygwin() { # | # | Applying values on mintty (cygwin) # | =========================================== echo "Patching mintty configuration file (${CFGFILE}) with new colors..." updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_01" "Black" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_02" "Red" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_03" "Green" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_04" "Yellow" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_05" "Blue" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_06" "Magenta" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_07" "Cyan" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_08" "White" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_09" "BoldBlack" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_10" "BoldRed" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_11" "BoldGreen" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_12" "BoldYellow" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_13" "BoldBlue" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_14" "BoldMagenta" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_15" "BoldCyan" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$COLOR_16" "BoldWhite" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$BACKGROUND_COLOR" "Backgroundcolor" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$FOREGROUND_COLOR" "Foregroundcolor" updateMinttyConfig "$CFGFILE" "$CURSOR_COLOR" "Cursorcolor" echo "Done - please reopen your Cygwin terminal to see the changes" } apply_darwin() { # | # | Applying values on iTerm2 # | =========================================== BACKGROUND_COLOR=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Background Color" "$BACKGROUND_COLOR") FOREGROUND_COLOR=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Foreground Color" "$FOREGROUND_COLOR") COLOR_01=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 0 Color" "$COLOR_01") COLOR_02=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 1 Color" "$COLOR_02") COLOR_03=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 2 Color" "$COLOR_03") COLOR_04=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 3 Color" "$COLOR_04") COLOR_05=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 4 Color" "$COLOR_05") COLOR_06=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 5 Color" "$COLOR_06") COLOR_07=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 6 Color" "$COLOR_07") COLOR_08=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 7 Color" "$COLOR_08") COLOR_09=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 8 Color" "$COLOR_09") COLOR_10=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 9 Color" "$COLOR_10") COLOR_11=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 10 Color" "$COLOR_11") COLOR_12=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 11 Color" "$COLOR_12") COLOR_13=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 12 Color" "$COLOR_13") COLOR_14=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 13 Color" "$COLOR_14") COLOR_15=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 14 Color" "$COLOR_15") COLOR_16=$(convertNameAndRGBtoITerm "Ansi 15 Color" "$COLOR_16") # Assemble color scheme file contents ITERMCOLORS=''${BACKGROUND_COLOR}${FOREGROUND_COLOR}${COLOR_01}${COLOR_02}${COLOR_03}${COLOR_04}${COLOR_05}${COLOR_06}${COLOR_07}${COLOR_08}${COLOR_09}${COLOR_10}${COLOR_11}${COLOR_12}${COLOR_13}${COLOR_14}${COLOR_15}'' # Dump iTerm color scheme to file and import it by opening it echo "${ITERMCOLORS}" > "${PROFILE_NAME}.itermcolors" open "${PROFILE_NAME}.itermcolors" rm "${PROFILE_NAME}.itermcolors" } apply_gtk() { # | # | Applying values to gnome/mate/tilix # | =========================================== local legacy="${1:-}" # This is to avoid doing the profile loop definition twice if [[ -z "${legacy}" ]]; then CONFTOOL="${DCONF} read" VISIBLE_NAME="visible-name" else CONFTOOL="${GCONF} --get" VISIBLE_NAME="visible_name" fi # Check first wether profile already exists profile_hashes=($(${CONFTOOL} "${PROFILE_LIST_KEY}" | tr "[]'," " ")) for profile in "${profile_hashes[@]}"; do if [[ "$(${CONFTOOL} "${BASE_DIR}${profile}/${VISIBLE_NAME}" | tr -d "'")" == "${PROFILE_NAME}" ]]; then printf '%s\n' "Profile already exists" "Skipping..." exit 0 fi done # Fallback if there is no default profile set -- $(${CONFTOOL} ${PROFILE_LIST_KEY} | tr "[]'," " ") : ${DEFAULT_SLUG:="$1"} : ${PROFILE_NAME:="Default"} : ${PROFILE_SLUG:="Default"} DEFAULT_KEY="${BASE_DIR}${DEFAULT_SLUG:-}" PROFILE_KEY="${BASE_DIR}${PROFILE_SLUG:-}" if [[ -z "${legacy}" ]]; then if [[ -z "$(${DCONF} list ${BASE_DIR%:})" ]]; then # Provide a user friendly error text if no saved profile exists, otherwise it will display "Error gconftool not found!" # it could happen on a newly installed system. (happened on CentOS 7) printf '%s\n' \ "Error, no saved profiles found!" \ "Possible fix, new a profile (Terminal > Edit > Preferences > Profiles > New, then Close) and try again." \ "You can safely delete the created profile after the installation." exit 1 fi BACKGROUND_COLOR=$(gnome_color "$BACKGROUND_COLOR") FOREGROUND_COLOR=$(gnome_color "$FOREGROUND_COLOR") HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR=$(gnome_color "$HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR") HIGHLIGHT_FG_COLOR=$(gnome_color "$HIGHLIGHT_FG_COLOR") COLOR_01=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_01") COLOR_02=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_02") COLOR_03=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_03") COLOR_04=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_04") COLOR_05=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_05") COLOR_06=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_06") COLOR_07=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_07") COLOR_08=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_08") COLOR_09=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_09") COLOR_10=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_10") COLOR_11=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_11") COLOR_12=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_12") COLOR_13=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_13") COLOR_14=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_14") COLOR_15=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_15") COLOR_16=$(gnome_color "$COLOR_16") # copy existing settings from default profile $DCONF dump "${DEFAULT_KEY}/" | $DCONF load "${PROFILE_KEY}/" # add new copy to global list of profiles dlist_append "${PROFILE_LIST_KEY}" "${PROFILE_SLUG#:}" set_theme dset palette "${LEFT_WRAPPER:-}'${COLOR_01}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_02}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_03}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_04}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_05}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_06}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_07}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_08}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_09}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_10}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_11}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_12}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_13}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_14}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_15}${PALETTE_DELIM}${COLOR_16}'${RIGHT_WRAPPER:-}" ${LEGACY_BOLD:-} && dset allow-bold "true" # mate else # Append the Base16 profile to the profile list glist_append string "${PROFILE_LIST_KEY}" "${PROFILE_SLUG}" legacy_set_theme gcset string palette "${COLOR_01}:${COLOR_02}:${COLOR_03}:${COLOR_04}:${COLOR_05}:${COLOR_06}:${COLOR_07}:${COLOR_08}:${COLOR_09}:${COLOR_10}:${COLOR_11}:${COLOR_12}:${COLOR_13}:${COLOR_14}:${COLOR_15}:${COLOR_16}" ${LEGACY_BOLD:-} && gcset bool allow-bold "true" fi } apply_guake() { # | # | Applying values to guake # | =========================================== local legacy="${1:-}" PROFILE_KEY="/apps/guake/style/font" if [[ -z "${legacy}" ]]; then dset palette "'${COLOR_01}:${COLOR_02}:${COLOR_03}:${COLOR_04}:${COLOR_05}:${COLOR_06}:${COLOR_07}:${COLOR_08}:${COLOR_09}:${COLOR_10}:${COLOR_11}:${COLOR_12}:${COLOR_13}:${COLOR_14}:${COLOR_15}:${COLOR_16}:${FOREGROUND_COLOR}:${BACKGROUND_COLOR}'" dset palette-name "'${PROFILE_NAME}'" dset allow-bold 'true' else gcset string color "${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" gcset string palette "${COLOR_01}:${COLOR_02}:${COLOR_03}:${COLOR_04}:${COLOR_05}:${COLOR_06}:${COLOR_07}:${COLOR_08}:${COLOR_09}:${COLOR_10}:${COLOR_11}:${COLOR_12}:${COLOR_13}:${COLOR_14}:${COLOR_15}:${COLOR_16}" gcset string palette-name "${PROFILE_NAME}" PROFILE_KEY="/apps/guake/style/background" gcset string color "${BACKGROUND_COLOR}" fi } appy_tilixschemes() { # | # | Applying values to tilix colorschemes # | =========================================== if [[ ${TILIX_RES::1} =~ ^(y|Y)$ ]]; then [[ -d "${HOME}/.config/tilix/schemes" ]] || mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/tilix/schemes" TILIXCOLORS='{\n\t"name": "'${PROFILE_NAME}'",\n\t"comment": "Generated by Gogh",\n\t"foreground-color": "'${FOREGROUND_COLOR}'",\n\t"background-color":"'${BACKGROUND_COLOR}'",\n\t"cursor-background-color": "'${CURSOR_COLOR}'",\n\t"palette": [\n\t\t"'${COLOR_01}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_02}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_03}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_04}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_05}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_06}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_07}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_08}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_09}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_10}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_11}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_12}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_13}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_14}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_15}'",\n\t\t"'${COLOR_16}'"\n\t],\n\t"use-badge-color": false,\n\t"use-bold-color": false,\n\t"use-cursor-color": false,\n\t"use-highlight-color": false,\n\t"use-theme-colors": false\n}' echo -e "${TILIXCOLORS}" > "${scratchdir}/${PROFILE_NAME}.json" # Note: Tilix does not store color scheme name in dconf # so we have to update color palette for the current profile in order to switch to the new theme # but only set the palette on the last loop to avoid a flashing terminal if ((LOOP == OPTLENGTH)); then cp -f ${scratchdir}/* "$HOME/.config/tilix/schemes/" rm -rf "${scratchdir}" read -r -p "All done - apply new theme? [y/N] " -n 1 TILIX_RES if [[ ${TILIX_RES::1} =~ ^(y|Y)$ ]]; then PROFILE_KEY="${BASE_DIR}${DEFAULT_SLUG}" PROFILE_NAME="$(${DCONF} read ${PROFILE_KEY}/visible-name | tr -d \')" set_theme dset palette "['${COLOR_01}', '${COLOR_02}', '${COLOR_03}', '${COLOR_04}', '${COLOR_05}', '${COLOR_06}', '${COLOR_07}', '${COLOR_08}', '${COLOR_09}', '${COLOR_10}', '${COLOR_11}', '${COLOR_12}', '${COLOR_13}', '${COLOR_14}', '${COLOR_15}', '${COLOR_16}']" fi fi unset PROFILE_NAME unset PROFILE_SLUG unset TILIXCOLORS exit 0 fi } apply_xfce4-terminal() { # XFCE4 terminal has no profiles, instead it uses color presets SCHEMEDIR="${HOME}/.local/share/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes" CONFFILE="${HOME}/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc" if [[ ! (-w "${CONFFILE}") ]]; then echo "ERROR: config file not present or not writeable!" exit 1 fi [[ -d "${SCHEMEDIR}" ]] || mkdir -p "${SCHEMEDIR}" F_NAME=${PROFILE_NAME// /-} F_NAME=$(echo ${F_NAME} | tr -d ":()") F_NAME=$(echo "${F_NAME}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}') FF_NAME="${SCHEMEDIR}/${F_NAME}.theme" touch "${FF_NAME}" L_COLORCURSOR="ColorCursor=${CURSOR_COLOR}" L_COLORPALETTE="ColorPalette=${COLOR_01};${COLOR_02};${COLOR_03};${COLOR_04};${COLOR_05};${COLOR_06};${COLOR_07};${COLOR_08};${COLOR_09};${COLOR_10};${COLOR_11};${COLOR_12};${COLOR_13};${COLOR_14};${COLOR_15};${COLOR_16}" printf '%s\n' \ "; Generated by Gogh" \ "; https://mayccoll.github.io/Gogh" \ "[Scheme]" \ "Name=${PROFILE_NAME}" \ "ColorForeground=${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" \ "ColorBackground=${BACKGROUND_COLOR}" \ "${L_COLORCURSOR}" \ "${L_COLORPALETTE}" \ "ColorCursorUseDefault=FALSE" > ${FF_NAME} # apply last theme in queue # xfce4-terminal monitors its rc file and doesn't reference # any of the themes in there. The color settings need to # be written there directly. if ((LOOP == OPTLENGTH)); then read -r -p "All done - apply new theme? [y/N] " -n 1 XFCE4_APPLY_CURR_THEME if [[ ${XFCE4_APPLY_CURR_THEME::1} =~ ^(y|Y)$ ]]; then if grep -q "^ColorPalette=" "${CONFFILE}"; then sed -i -r -e "s/^ColorPalette=.*/${L_COLORPALETTE}/" "${CONFFILE}" else echo "${L_COLORPALETTE}" >> "${CONFFILE}" fi if grep -q "^ColorCursor=" "${CONFFILE}"; then sed -i -r -e "s/^ColorCursor=.*/${L_COLORCURSOR}/" "${CONFFILE}" else echo "${L_COLORCURSOR}" >> "${CONFFILE}" fi if grep -q "^ColorForeground=" "${CONFFILE}"; then sed -i -r -e "s/^ColorForeground=.*/ColorForeground=${FOREGROUND_COLOR}/" "${CONFFILE}" else echo "ColorForeground=${FOREGROUND_COLOR}" >> "${CONFFILE}" fi if grep -q "^ColorBackground=" "${CONFFILE}"; then sed -i -r -e "s/^ColorBackground=.*/ColorBackground=${BACKGROUND_COLOR}/" "${CONFFILE}" else echo "ColorBackground=${BACKGROUND_COLOR}" >> "${CONFFILE}" fi if grep -q "^ColorCursorUseDefault=FALSE" "${CONFFILE}"; then true else echo "ColorCursorUseDefault=FALSE" >> "${CONFFILE}" fi fi fi unset SCHEMEDIR unset CONFFILE unset PROFILE_NAME unset F_NAME unset FF_NAME unset L_COLORCURSOR unset L_COLORPALETTE exit 0 } [[ -n "${UUIDGEN}" ]] && PROFILE_SLUG="$(uuidgen)" case "${TERMINAL}" in pantheon-terminal|io.elementary.t* ) if [[ "${TERMINAL}" == "pantheon-terminal" ]]; then PROFILE_KEY="org.pantheon.terminal.settings" else PROFILE_KEY="io.elementary.terminal.settings" fi apply_elementary ;; iTerm.app ) apply_darwin ;; mintty ) apply_cygwin ;; guake ) if [[ -n "$(${DCONF} list /apps/guake/style/)" ]]; then apply_guake else apply_guake legacy fi ;; gnome-terminal* ) if [[ -n "$(${DCONF} list /org/gnome/terminal/)" ]]; then BASE_DIR="/org/gnome/terminal/legacy/profiles:/:" PROFILE_LIST_KEY="${BASE_DIR%:}list" PROFILE_SLUG="${PROFILE_SLUG}" # Note -- ${BASE_DIR%s} is a workaround to avoid doing additional conditional testing for existing profiles # if terminal is set to gnome-terminal : ${DEFAULT_SLUG:="$(${DCONF} read ${BASE_DIR%:}default | tr -d \')"} LEFT_WRAPPER="[" RIGHT_WRAPPER="]" PALETTE_DELIM="', '" apply_gtk else BASE_DIR="/apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/" PROFILE_LIST_KEY="${BASE_DIR/profiles/global}profile_list" LEGACY_BOLD=true : ${DEFAULT_SLUG:="$(${GCONF} read ${BASE_DIR}default_profile)"} apply_gtk legacy fi ;; mate-terminal ) BASE_DIR="/org/mate/terminal/profiles/" PROFILE_LIST_KEY="${BASE_DIR/profiles/global}profile-list" LEGACY_BOLD=true : ${DEFAULT_SLUG:="$(${DCONF} read ${BASE_DIR/profiles/global}default-profile | tr -d \')"} PALETTE_DELIM=":" apply_gtk ;; tilix ) BASE_DIR="/com/gexperts/Tilix/profiles/" PROFILE_LIST_KEY="${BASE_DIR}list" : ${DEFAULT_SLUG:="$(${DCONF} read ${BASE_DIR}default | tr -d \')"} LEFT_WRAPPER="[" RIGHT_WRAPPER="]" PALETTE_DELIM="', '" appy_tilixschemes apply_gtk ;; xfce4-terminal ) apply_xfce4-terminal ;; * ) printf '%s\n' \ "Unsupported terminal!" \ "" \ "Supported terminals:" \ " mintty and deriviates" \ " guake" \ " iTerm2" \ " elementary terminal (pantheon/elementary)" \ " mate-terminal" \ " gnome-terminal" \ " tilix" \ " xfce4-terminal" \ "" \ "If you believe you have recieved this message in error," \ "try manually setting \`TERMINAL', hint: ps -h -o comm -p \$PPID" exit 1 ;; esac unset PROFILE_NAME unset PROFILE_SLUG unset DEFAULT_SLUG