#!/usr/bin/env bash # Define traps and trapfunctions early in case any errors before script exits GLOBAL_VAR_CLEANUP(){ [[ -n "$(command -v TILIX_TMP_CLEANUP)" ]] && TILIX_TMP_CLEANUP unset PROFILE_NAME unset PROFILE_SLUG unset TILIX_RES unset TERMINAL } trap 'GLOBAL_VAR_CLEANUP; trap - EXIT' EXIT HUP INT QUIT PIPE TERM declare -a THEMES=( '3024-day.sh' '3024-night.sh' 'aci.sh' 'aco.sh' 'adventuretime.sh' 'afterglow.sh' 'alien-blood.sh' 'argonaut.sh' 'arthur.sh' 'atom.sh' 'azu.sh' 'belafonte-day.sh' 'belafonte-night.sh' 'bim.sh' 'birds-of-paradise.sh' 'blazer.sh' 'borland.sh' 'broadcast.sh' 'brogrammer.sh' 'c64.sh' 'cai.sh' 'chalk.sh' 'chalkboard.sh' 'ciapre.sh' 'clone-of-ubuntu.sh' 'clrs.sh' 'cobalt-neon.sh' 'cobalt2.sh' 'crayon-pony-fish.sh' 'dark-pastel.sh' 'darkside.sh' 'desert.sh' 'dimmed-monokai.sh' 'dracula.sh' 'earthsong.sh' 'elemental.sh' 'elementary.sh' 'elic.sh' 'elio.sh' 'espresso-libre.sh' 'espresso.sh' 'fishtank.sh' 'flat.sh' 'flatland.sh' 'foxnightly.sh' 'freya.sh' 'frontend-delight.sh' 'frontend-fun-forrest.sh' 'frontend-galaxy.sh' 'github.sh' 'gooey.sh' 'google-dark.sh' 'google-light.sh' 'grape.sh' 'grass.sh' 'gruvbox-dark.sh' 'gruvbox.sh' 'hardcore.sh' 'harper.sh' 'hemisu-dark.sh' 'hemisu-light.sh' 'highway.sh' 'hipster-green.sh' 'homebrew.sh' 'hurtado.sh' 'hybrid.sh' 'ic-green-ppl.sh' 'ic-orange-ppl.sh' 'idle-toes.sh' 'ir-black.sh' 'jackie-brown.sh' 'japanesque.sh' 'jellybeans.sh' 'jup.sh' 'kibble.sh' 'later-this-evening.sh' 'lavandula.sh' 'liquid-carbon-transparent.sh' 'liquid-carbon.sh' 'man-page.sh' 'mar.sh' 'material.sh' 'mathias.sh' 'medallion.sh' 'misterioso.sh' 'miu.sh' 'molokai.sh' 'mona-lisa.sh' 'monokai-dark.sh' 'monokai-soda.sh' 'n0tch2k.sh' 'neopolitan.sh' 'nep.sh' 'neutron.sh' 'nightlion-v1.sh' 'nightlion-v2.sh' 'nighty.sh' 'nord-light.sh' 'nord.sh' 'novel.sh' 'obsidian.sh' 'ocean-dark.sh' 'ocean.sh' 'oceanic-next.sh' 'ollie.sh' 'one-dark.sh' 'one-half-black.sh' 'one-light.sh' 'pali.sh' 'paraiso-dark.sh' 'paul-millr.sh' 'pencil-dark.sh' 'pencil-light.sh' 'peppermint.sh' 'pnevma.sh' 'pro.sh' 'red-alert.sh' 'red-sands.sh' 'rippedcasts.sh' 'royal.sh' 'sat.sh' 'sea-shells.sh' 'seafoam-pastel.sh' 'seti.sh' 'shaman.sh' 'shel.sh' 'slate.sh' 'smyck.sh' 'snazzy.sh' 'soft-server.sh' 'solarized-darcula.sh' 'solarized-dark-higher-contrast.sh' 'solarized-dark.sh' 'solarized-light.sh' 'spacedust.sh' 'spacegray-eighties-dull.sh' 'spacegray-eighties.sh' 'spacegray.sh' 'spring.sh' 'square.sh' 'srcery.sh' 'sundried.sh' 'symphonic.sh' 'teerb.sh' 'terminal-basic.sh' 'terminix-dark.sh' 'thayer-bright.sh' 'tin.sh' 'tomorrow-night-blue.sh' 'tomorrow-night-bright.sh' 'tomorrow-night-eighties.sh' 'tomorrow-night.sh' 'tomorrow.sh' 'toy-chest.sh' 'treehouse.sh' 'twilight.sh' 'ura.sh' 'urple.sh' 'vag.sh' 'vaughn.sh' 'vibrant-ink.sh' 'warm-neon.sh' 'wez.sh' 'wild-cherry.sh' 'wombat.sh' 'wryan.sh' 'zenburn.sh' ) # Allow developer to change url to forked url for easier testing BASE_URL=${BASE_URL:-"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Gogh/master"} PROGRESS_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phenonymous/shell-progressbar/1.0/progress.sh" capitalize() { local ARGUMENT=$1 local RES="" local STR="" local RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="" for CHAR in $ARGUMENT; do STR=$(echo "${CHAR:0:1}" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")"${CHAR:1} " RES="${RES}${STR}" RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="$(echo -e "${RES}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" done echo "${RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE}" } set_gogh() { string=$1 string_r="${string%???}" string_s=${string_r//\./_} result=$(capitalize "${string_s}") url="${BASE_URL}/themes/$1" export {PROFILE_NAME,PROFILE_SLUG}="$result" # Evaluate if Gogh was called from local source - i.e cloned repo SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" if [[ -e "${SCRIPT_PATH}/themes/$1" ]]; then bash "${SCRIPT_PATH}/themes/$1" else if [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]]; then # OSX ships with curl bash -c "$(curl -sLo- "${url}")" else # Linux ships with wget bash -c "$(wget -qO- "${url}")" fi fi } remove_file_extension (){ echo "${1%.*}" } ### Get length of an array ARRAYLENGTH=${#THEMES[@]} NUM=1 # | # | ::::::: Print logo # | tput clear if [[ ${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} -ge 80 ]]; then gogh_str="" gogh_str+=" \n" gogh_str+=" █████████ █████ \n" gogh_str+=" ███ ███ ███ \n" gogh_str+=" ███ ██████ ███████ ███████ \n" gogh_str+=" ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ \n" gogh_str+=" ███ █████ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ \n" gogh_str+=" ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ \n" gogh_str+=" █████████ ██████ ███████ ████ █████ \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 0)█████████$(tput setaf 1)█████████$(tput setaf 2)█████████$(tput setaf 3)█████████$(tput setaf 4)█████$(tput sgr 0)███$(tput setaf 4)█$(tput setaf 5)█████████$(tput setaf 6)█████████$(tput setaf 7)█████████ \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 0)█████████$(tput setaf 1)█████████$(tput setaf 2)█████████$(tput setaf 3)█████████$(tput sgr 0)███$(tput setaf 4)██$(tput sgr 0)███$(tput setaf 4)█$(tput setaf 5)█████████$(tput setaf 6)█████████$(tput setaf 7)█████████ \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 0)█████████$(tput setaf 1)█████████$(tput setaf 2)█████████$(tput setaf 3)█████████$(tput setaf 4)█$(tput sgr0)██████$(tput setaf 4)██$(tput setaf 5)█████████$(tput setaf 6)█████████$(tput setaf 7)█████████ \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 8)█████████$(tput setaf 9)█████████$(tput setaf 10)█████████$(tput setaf 11)█████████$(tput setaf 12)█████████$(tput setaf 13)█████████$(tput setaf 14)█████████$(tput setaf 15)█████████$(tput sgr 0) \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 8)█████████$(tput setaf 9)█████████$(tput setaf 10)█████████$(tput setaf 11)█████████$(tput setaf 12)█████████$(tput setaf 13)█████████$(tput setaf 14)█████████$(tput setaf 15)█████████$(tput sgr 0) \n" gogh_str+=" $(tput setaf 8)█████████$(tput setaf 9)█████████$(tput setaf 10)█████████$(tput setaf 11)█████████$(tput setaf 12)█████████$(tput setaf 13)█████████$(tput setaf 14)█████████$(tput setaf 15)█████████$(tput sgr 0) \n" gogh_str+=" " printf '%b\n' "${gogh_str}" sleep 2.5 else echo -e "\nGogh\n" for c in {0..15}; do echo -n "$(tput setaf $c)█████$(tput sgr0)" [[ $c == 7 ]] && echo # new line done echo fi # | # | ::::::: Print Themes # | echo -e "\nThemes:\n" for TH in "${THEMES[@]}"; do KEY=$(printf "%02d" $NUM) FILENAME=${TH::$((${#TH}-3))} FILENAME_SPACE=${FILENAME//-/ } echo -e " ($(tput setaf 4) $KEY $(tput sgr0)) $(capitalize "${FILENAME_SPACE}")" ((NUM++)) done echo -e " ($(tput setaf 4) ALL $(tput sgr0)) All themes" # | # | ::::::: Select Option # | echo -e "\nUsage : Enter Desired Themes Numbers ($(tput setaf 4)OPTIONS$(tput sgr0)) Separated By A Blank Space" echo -e " Press $(tput setaf 4)ENTER$(tput sgr0) without options to Exit\n" read -r -p 'Enter OPTION(S) : ' -a OPTION # Automagically generate options if user opts for all themes [[ "$OPTION" == ALL ]] && OPTION=($(seq -s " " $ARRAYLENGTH)) # | # | ::::::: Get terminal # | if [[ -z "${TERMINAL:-}" ]]; then # | # | Check for the terminal name (depening on os) # | =========================================== OS="$(uname)" if [[ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]]; then TERMINAL=$TERM_PROGRAM elif [[ "${OS#CYGWIN}" != "${OS}" ]]; then TERMINAL="mintty" else # | # | Depending on how the script was invoked, we need # | to loop until pid is no longer a subshell # | =========================================== pid="$$" TERMINAL="$(ps -h -o comm -p $pid)" while [[ "${TERMINAL:(-2)}" == "sh" ]]; do pid="$(ps -h -o ppid -p $pid)" TERMINAL="$(ps -h -o comm -p $pid)" done fi fi # | # | ::::::: Fancy progressbar for lengthy operations # | if [[ ${#OPTION[@]} -gt 5 ]]; then # Note: We use eval here because we want the functions to be available in this script if [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]]; then eval "$(curl -so- ${PROGRESS_URL})" 2> /dev/null else eval "$(wget -qO- ${PROGRESS_URL})" 2> /dev/null fi fi # | # | Tilix supports fg/bg in color schemes - ask wether user wants to go that route # | This is to avoid creating multiple profiles just for colors # | =========================================== if [[ "$TERMINAL" = "tilix" ]] && [[ ${#OPTION[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then echo read -r -p "Tilix detected - use color schemes instead of profiles? [y/N] " -n 1 TILIX_RES echo # | # | When selecting multiple themes and user opts for color schemes, we save all themes # | in a tmpdir and copy the files once all themes has been processed.. If a user # | desides to abort before all themes has been processed this section will cleanup the tmpdir # | ======================================= if [[ ${TILIX_RES::1} =~ ^(y|Y)$ ]]; then TILIX_TMP_CLEANUP() { echo echo "Cleaning up" rm -rf "$scratchdir" unset LOOP OPTLENGTH scratchdir echo "Done..." exit 0 } scratchdir=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXX) export scratchdir fi fi # | # | ::::::: Export one-off variables # | [[ -n "${TILIX_RES:-}" ]] && export TILIX_RES export TERMINAL LOOP OPTLENGTH=${#OPTION[@]} # | # | ::::::: Apply Theme # | declare color_dot_str for c in {0..15}; do color_dot_str+="$(tput setaf $c)•$(tput sgr0)" [[ $c == 7 ]] && color_dot_str+=" " done # Note: # Constants with a leading 0 are interpreted as octal numbers # Hence option 08 and 09 will not work # Solution is to remove the leading 0 from the parsed options command -v bar::start > /dev/null && bar::start for OP in "${OPTION[@]#0}"; do # See appy_tilixschemes in apply-colors.sh for usage of LOOP LOOP=$((${LOOP:-0}+1)) command -v bar::status_changed > /dev/null && bar::status_changed $LOOP ${#OPTION[@]} if [[ OP -le ARRAYLENGTH && OP -gt 0 ]]; then FILENAME=$(remove_file_extension "${THEMES[((OP-1))]}") FILENAME_SPACE="${FILENAME//-/ }" echo -e "\nTheme: $(capitalize "${FILENAME_SPACE}")" echo "${color_dot_str}" echo SET_THEME="${THEMES[((OP-1))]}" set_gogh "${SET_THEME}" else echo -e "$(tput setaf 1) ~ INVALID OPTION! ~$(tput sgr0)" exit 1 fi done # If you skip || : and the command does not exist the script will exit with code 1 # this will always return exit code 0 if we got this far command -v bar::stop > /dev/null && bar::stop || :