![elementary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/Gogh-logo.png) ----- ## Install: - Just copy and paste One line command. - Each theme has his own line. ```bash $ wget -O xt http://git.io/v3D4o && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` This way of installing is equals the below, the only thing is that a shortening of URLs (git.io) was used and fits all commands on a single line. - **or** Download and save the script file, make this file executable and run it: ```bash $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Gogh/master/themes/freya.sh $ chmod +x freya.sh $ ./freya.sh ``` ## Elementary OS 1 - Uncomment the following line in ```.bashrc``` you can find this file in your ```/home/USER/``` directory. ```bash #force_color_prompt=yes ``` 2 - execute in terminal ```bash $ source .bashrc ``` ## Install by Script You also can execute this script this will list all available themas allowing you to select the one you like. ```bash $ wget -O xt http://git.io/vGz67 && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` ## Create a command line WARNING: Only if you know what you are doing or thrust me :) ```bash $ sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/gogh http://git.io/vGz67 && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gogh ``` Now in your terminal just type ```gogh``` ```bash $ gogh ``` **DEMO:** ![Script Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/script-demo.gif)