Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors ============================= #### Color Schemes For Elementary OS - Linux Mint - Ubuntu ![elementary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/themes.gif) ---- ### What's New Elementary os Freya 0.3 color scheme. ```bash wget -O xt http://git.io/vvmPj && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` ![new](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/new.png) ### How to install: - Just copy and paste One line command ```bash $ wget -O xt http://git.io/fXU8Jg && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` This way of installing is equals the below, the only thing is that a shortening of urls (git.io) was used and fits all commands on a single line. - **or** Download and save the script file, make this file executable and run it: ```bash $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/elementary.sh $ chmod +x elementary.sh $ ./elementary.sh ``` #### Elementary OS - Uncomment the following line in ```.bashrc``` ```bash #force_color_prompt=yes ``` - execute in terminal ```bash $ source .bashrc ``` ### New Script To have more control over colors, I made a new simple script to change those made with 4 bits. This new script has variables which can be set according to preferences. Please feel free to use and create your own color schemes. **You can send Pull Request.** - **The Script** https://github.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/blob/master/base.sh - **Variables** ```bash BACKGROUD_COLOR="#2F373B" # Background Color FOREGROUND_COLOR="#d9e6f2" # Text COLOR_01="#383838" # HOST COLOR_02="#9f9393" # SYNTAX_STRING COLOR_03="#939f93" # COMMAND COLOR_04="#9f9f93" # COMMAND_COLOR2 COLOR_05="#7cafc2" # PATH COLOR_06="#9f939f" # SYNTAX_VAR COLOR_07="#ab4642" # PROMP COLOR_08="#F2F2F2" # COLOR_09="#5D5D5D" # COLOR_10="#ab4642" # COMMAND_ERROR COLOR_11="#a1b56c" # EXEC COLOR_12="#FFD00A" # COLOR_13="#7cafc2" # FOLDER COLOR_14="#FF1D62" # COLOR_15="#4BB8FD" # COLOR_16="#A020F0" # ``` - **Explanation of colors and variables** The colors of the terminal are composed of 18 colors in 3 sections. Section 1: Regular text. Section 2: Bold text. Section 3: text and background. The basic colors are 8: - Black - Red - Green - Yellow - Blue - Purple - Cyan - White In comments variables is that of the console belongs each color. Here is a picture that explains a little better as colors are distributed. ![Colors](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/colors.png) - **View Colors** You can use this alias to view your color scheme in termial ```bash colors () { echo "" echo "# Regular" #black echo -e "\e[0;30m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_01" #red echo -e "\e[0;31m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_02" #green echo -e "\e[0;32m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_03" #yellow echo -e "\e[0;33m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_04" #blue echo -e "\e[0;34m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_05" #purple echo -e "\e[0;35m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_06" #cyan echo -e "\e[0;36m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_07" #white echo -e "\e[0;37m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_08" echo "" echo "# Bold" #black echo -e "\e[1;30m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_09" #red echo -e "\e[1;31m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_10" #green echo -e "\e[1;32m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_11" #yellow echo -e "\e[1;33m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_12" #blue echo -e "\e[1;34m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_13" #purple echo -e "\e[1;35m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_14" #cyan echo -e "\e[1;36m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_15" #white echo -e "\e[1;37m *** AaBbCs --- ███ \\e[0m ---> COLOR_16" } ``` #### Credits: - http://ciembor.github.io/4bit/ #### contributors: - https://github.com/javaguirre ------- ### More themes: - **Freya.sh** ![freya](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/freya.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/vvmPj && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **aci.sh** ![aci](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/aci.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/mGzs5Q && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **aco.sh** ![aco](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/aco.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/0l4A5w && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **azu.sh** ![azu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/azu.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/pDU8aQ && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **cai.sh** ![cai](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/cai.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/ECkzjg && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **elic.sh** ![elic](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/elic.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/sSSshQ && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **elio.sh** ![elio](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/elio.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/bCVhIA && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **miu.sh** ![miu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/miu.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/b-eZVQ && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **tin.sh** ![tin](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/tin.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/W5dkrA && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **elementary.sh** ![elementary](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/elementary.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/fXU8Jg && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **vag.sh** ![vag](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/vag.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/xwkzlg && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **bim.sh** ![bim](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/bim.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/-t0lXg && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **jup.sh** ![jup](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/jup.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/PE0xXw && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **mar.sh** ![mar](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/mar.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/g749-Q && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **nep.sh** ![nep](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/nep.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/6hJsiw && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **sat.sh** ![sat](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/vag.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/luv_2A && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **shel.sh** ![shel](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/shel.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/TF6KDA && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **ura.sh** ![ura](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/ura.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/GUFFsQ && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **pali.sh** ![pali](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/pali.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/xh3YKA && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ``` - **hydrid.sh** ![hydrid](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Elementary-OS-Terminal-Colors/master/images/Hybrid.png) ```bash # One line install: $ wget -O xt http://git.io/PWgNtA && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt ```