#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ "${COLORTERM:-}" != "truecolor" ]] && [[ "${COLORTERM:-}" != "24bit" ]]; then echo "TrueColor support is needed for this to function" echo "You can try to manually set COLORTERM to truecolor" exit 1 fi # Reset color export RS="$(tput sgr0)" # Print all themes without applying, this variable gets checked in apply-colors.sh export GOGH_DRY_RUN=1 color () { # echo "" #black echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_01} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 01 'tput setaf 0'" #red echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_02} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 02 'tput setaf 1'" #green echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_03} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 03 'tput setaf 2'" #yellow echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_04} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 04 'tput setaf 3'" #blue echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_05} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 05 'tput setaf 4'" #purple echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_06} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 06 'tput setaf 5'" #cyan echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_07} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 07 'tput setaf 6'" #white echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_08} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 08 'tput setaf 7'" echo "" #black echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_09} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 09 'tput setaf 8'" #red echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_10} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 10 'tput setaf 9'" #green echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_11} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 11 'tput setaf 10'" #yellow echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_12} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 12 'tput setaf 11'" #blue echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_13} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 13 'tput setaf 12'" #purple echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_14} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 14 'tput setaf 13'" #cyan echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_15} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 15 'tput setaf 14'" #white echo -e "${DEMO_COLOR_16} ███ *** AaBbCs --- ███ ${RS} ---> Color 16 'tput setaf 15'" echo "" } export -f color declare -a THEMES=( '3024-day.sh' '3024-night.sh' 'aci.sh' 'aco.sh' 'adventuretime.sh' 'afterglow.sh' 'alien-blood.sh' 'argonaut.sh' 'arthur.sh' 'atom.sh' 'azu.sh' 'belafonte-day.sh' 'belafonte-night.sh' 'bim.sh' 'birds-of-paradise.sh' 'blazer.sh' 'borland.sh' 'broadcast.sh' 'brogrammer.sh' 'c64.sh' 'cai.sh' 'chalk.sh' 'chalkboard.sh' 'ciapre.sh' 'clone-of-ubuntu.sh' 'clrs.sh' 'cobalt-neon.sh' 'cobalt2.sh' 'crayon-pony-fish.sh' 'dark-pastel.sh' 'darkside.sh' 'desert.sh' 'dimmed-monokai.sh' 'dracula.sh' 'earthsong.sh' 'elemental.sh' 'elementary.sh' 'elic.sh' 'elio.sh' 'espresso-libre.sh' 'espresso.sh' 'fishtank.sh' 'flat.sh' 'flatland.sh' 'foxnightly.sh' 'freya.sh' 'frontend-delight.sh' 'frontend-fun-forrest.sh' 'frontend-galaxy.sh' 'github.sh' 'google-dark.sh' 'google-light.sh' 'gooey.sh' 'grape.sh' 'grass.sh' 'gruvbox-dark.sh' 'gruvbox.sh' 'hardcore.sh' 'harper.sh' 'hemisu-dark.sh' 'hemisu-light.sh' 'highway.sh' 'hipster-green.sh' 'homebrew.sh' 'hurtado.sh' 'hybrid.sh' 'ic-green-ppl.sh' 'ic-orange-ppl.sh' 'idle-toes.sh' 'ir-black.sh' 'jackie-brown.sh' 'japanesque.sh' 'jellybeans.sh' 'jup.sh' 'kibble.sh' 'later-this-evening.sh' 'lavandula.sh' 'liquid-carbon-transparent.sh' 'liquid-carbon.sh' 'man-page.sh' 'mar.sh' 'material.sh' 'mathias.sh' 'medallion.sh' 'misterioso.sh' 'miu.sh' 'molokai.sh' 'mona-lisa.sh' 'monokai-dark.sh' 'monokai-soda.sh' 'n0tch2k.sh' 'neopolitan.sh' 'nep.sh' 'neutron.sh' 'nightlion-v1.sh' 'nightlion-v2.sh' 'nighty.sh' 'nord-light.sh' 'nord.sh' 'novel.sh' 'obsidian.sh' 'ocean-dark.sh' 'ocean.sh' 'oceanic-next.sh' 'ollie.sh' 'one-dark.sh' 'one-half-black.sh' 'one-light.sh' 'pali.sh' 'paraiso-dark.sh' 'paul-millr.sh' 'pencil-dark.sh' 'pencil-light.sh' 'peppermint.sh' 'pnevma.sh' 'pro.sh' 'red-alert.sh' 'red-sands.sh' 'rippedcasts.sh' 'royal.sh' 'sat.sh' 'sea-shells.sh' 'seafoam-pastel.sh' 'seti.sh' 'shaman.sh' 'shel.sh' 'slate.sh' 'smyck.sh' 'snazzy.sh' 'soft-server.sh' 'solarized-darcula.sh' 'solarized-dark-higher-contrast.sh' 'solarized-dark.sh' 'solarized-light.sh' 'spacedust.sh' 'spacegray-eighties-dull.sh' 'spacegray-eighties.sh' 'spacegray.sh' 'spring.sh' 'square.sh' 'srcery.sh' 'sundried.sh' 'symphonic.sh' 'teerb.sh' 'terminal-basic.sh' 'terminix-dark.sh' 'thayer-bright.sh' 'tin.sh' 'tomorrow-night-blue.sh' 'tomorrow-night-bright.sh' 'tomorrow-night-eighties.sh' 'tomorrow-night.sh' 'tomorrow.sh' 'toy-chest.sh' 'treehouse.sh' 'twilight.sh' 'ura.sh' 'urple.sh' 'vag.sh' 'vaughn.sh' 'vibrant-ink.sh' 'warm-neon.sh' 'wez.sh' 'wild-cherry.sh' 'wombat.sh' 'wryan.sh' 'zenburn.sh' ) # Allow developer to change url to forked url for easier testing BASE_URL=${BASE_URL:-"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mayccoll/Gogh/master"} capitalize() { local ARGUMENT=$1 local RES="" local STR="" local RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="" for CHAR in $ARGUMENT do STR=$(echo "${CHAR:0:1}" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")"${CHAR:1} " RES="${RES}${STR}" RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE="$(echo -e "${RES}" | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')" done echo "${RES_NO_TRAIL_SPACE}" } set_gogh() { url="${BASE_URL}/themes/$1" # Evaluate if Gogh was called from local source - i.e cloned repo SCRIPT_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" PARENT_PATH="$(dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}")" if [[ -e "${PARENT_PATH}/themes/$1" ]]; then bash "${PARENT_PATH}/themes/$1" else if [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]]; then bash -c "$(curl -so- "${url}")" else bash -c "$(wget -qO- "${url}")" fi fi } remove_file_extension (){ echo "${1%.*}" } # Fancy progress bar if [[ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]]; then eval "$(curl -sLo- https://git.io/progressbar)" 2> /dev/null else eval "$(wget -qO- https://git.io/progressbar)" 2> /dev/null fi declare color_dot_str for c in {0..15}; do color_dot_str+="$(tput setaf $c)•$(tput sgr0)" [[ $c == 7 ]] && color_dot_str+=" " done command -v bar::start > /dev/null && bar::start for THEME in "${THEMES[@]}"; do LOOP=$((${LOOP:-(-1)}+1)) command -v bar::status_changed > /dev/null && bar::status_changed $LOOP ${#THEMES[@]} FILENAME=$(remove_file_extension "${THEME}") FILENAME_SPACE="${FILENAME//-/ }" echo -e "\nTheme: $(capitalize "${FILENAME_SPACE}")" echo "${color_dot_str}" echo set_gogh "${THEME}" done LOOP=$((${LOOP:-(-1)}+1)) command -v bar::status_changed > /dev/null && bar::status_changed $LOOP ${#THEMES[@]} command -v bar::stop > /dev/null && bar::stop || : unset GOGH_DRY_RUN