Module XORCrypto Sub Main() Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine() Dim output As String = encryptDecrypt(input) Console.WriteLine("Input : " & input) Console.WriteLine("Output : " & output) Dim rett As String = encryptDecrypt(output) Console.WriteLine("RoundAbout : " & rett) Console.ReadLine() End Sub ''' ''' Encrypts and Decrypts string via XOR Operation ''' ''' String to be encrypted/decrypted ''' Encrypted/Decrypted output string Private Function encryptDecrypt(input As String) As String Dim key As Char() = {"K"c, "C"c, "Q"c} 'Any chars will work, in an array of any size Dim output As Char() = New Char(input.Length - 1) {} For i As Integer = 0 To input.Length - 1 output(i) = ChrW(AscW(input(i)) Xor AscW(key(i Mod key.Length))) 'ChrW(CharCode As Integer) As Char (Unicode) : Returns the character associated with the specified character code 'AscW([String] As Char) As Integer (Unicode) : Returns an integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character Next Return New String(output) End Function End Module