XOR Encryption ================== Simple implementation of XOR Encryption/Decrypting in various languages, including: - [C](C/main.c) - [C++](C++/main.cpp) - [Groovy](Groovy/XOREncryption.groovy) - [Java](Java (Android compatible\)/XOREncryption.java) - [JavaScript](JavaScript/XOREncryption.js) - [Objective-C](Objective-C/main.m) - [Python](Python/XOREncryption.py) This implementation goes beyond the basic single-key model to use multiple keys in a particular sequence, making it that much more difficult to brute-force. In these examples, I'm encrypting the same string with the same keys in order to keep consistency with the output, and to demonstrate that an encrypted string from a C program will be decryptable in a Java application, etc. For an in-depth explanation of the code, check out [KyleWBanks.com](http://kylewbanks.com/post/show/Simple-XOR-Encryption-Decryption-in-Cpp).