diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0d3bbbc5..6aca69eb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -876,7 +876,6 @@ A [news aggregator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_aggregator), also termed - [Kriss Feed](https://github.com/tontof/kriss_feed) - Simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader. `CC0-1.0` `PHP` - [Leed](https://github.com/LeedRSS/Leed) - Leed (for Light Feed) is a Free and minimalist RSS aggregator. `AGPL-3.0` `PHP` - [Miniflux](https://miniflux.app/) - Miniflux is a minimalist and open source news reader, written in Go and PostgreSQL. ([Source Code](https://github.com/miniflux/v2)) `Apache-2.0` `Go` -- [Moonmoon](https://moonmoon.org/) - Simple feed aggregator (planet like): it only aggregates feeds and spits them out in one single page. ([Source Code](https://github.com/moonmoon/moonmoon)) `BSD-3-Clause` `PHP` - [NewsBlur](https://www.newsblur.com/) - NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings people together to talk about the world. A new sound of an old instrument. ([Source Code](https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur)) `MIT` `Python` - [newsdash](https://github.com/buzz/newsdash) - A news dashboard inspired by iGoogle and Netvibes. `AGPL-3.0` `Nodejs` - [Newspipe](https://git.sr.ht/~cedric/newspipe) - Newspipe is a web news reader. ([Demo](https://www.newspipe.org/signup)) `AGPL-3.0` `Python`