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2020-01-12 20:31:00 +03:00
2020-01-12 18:29:21 +03:00
# Awesome V [![Awesome](https://awesome.re/badge.svg)](https://awesome.re)
2019-07-15 17:46:57 +03:00
2020-01-12 20:31:52 +03:00
> A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
2020-01-20 19:13:35 +03:00
[V](https://vlang.io/) is a simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
2020-01-19 02:21:37 +03:00
2020-01-12 18:29:21 +03:00
## Contents
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Applications](#applications)
- [Interpreters/Compilers](#interpreterscompilers)
- [Operating systems/Kernels](#operating-systemskernels)
- [Package managers](#package-managers)
- [Editors](#editors)
- [Web](#web)
- [Graphics](#graphics)
- [Games](#games)
- [Command-line](#command-line)
- [Project management](#project-management)
- [Serialization](#serialization)
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Libraries](#libraries)
- [Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell](#command-line-interface-cli--terminal--shell)
- [Text processing](#text-processing)
- [Graphics](#graphics-1)
- [Game development](#game-development)
- [Web](#web-1)
- [Database clients](#database-clients)
- [Audio](#audio)
- [Operating system](#operating-system)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Serial Communications](#serial-communications)
- [Automation](#automation)
- [Telegram](#telegram)
- [Discord](#discord)
- [IRC](#irc)
- [Files](#files)
- [Eventing](#eventing)
- [User Interface toolkits](#user-interface-toolkits)
- [Scientific computing](#scientific-computing)
- [Utility](#utility)
- [Telecommunications](#telecommunications)
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Other](#other)
- [Syntax highlighting](#syntax-highlighting)
- [Editor plugins](#editor-plugins)
- [GitHub actions](#github-actions)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Programming contests](#programming-contests)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [IDEs with V](#ides-with-v)
- [Online IDEs with V](#online-ides-with-v)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Books](#books)
- [Communities](#communities)
- [Forums](#forums)
- [Operating Systems & OS Development Examples](#operating-systems--os-development-examples)
## Applications
2020-01-11 12:16:39 +03:00
### Interpreters/Compilers
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [v](https://github.com/vlang/v) - V itself. Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
- [vbf](https://github.com/vpervenditti/vbf) - A brainfuck interpreter/compiler.
- [monkey_v](https://github.com/Delta456/monkey_v) - Implementation of [Thorsten Ball's Monkey Language](https://interpreterbook.com/) in V.
- [vcc](https://github.com/lemoncmd/vcc) - A C compiler written in V.
- [Vork](https://github.com/Itay2805/Vork) - Alternative V compiler/interpreter written in Python.
2022-08-09 01:19:58 +03:00
- [Stas](https://github.com/l1mey112/stas) - A werid little stack based programming language written in V, created to learn the ins and outs of compilers.
2019-12-27 11:17:08 +03:00
2021-07-05 22:52:49 +03:00
### Operating systems/Kernels
- [Vinix](https://github.com/vlang/vinix) - Small and simple OS in V. Runs bash.
### Package managers
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vpm](https://github.com/yue-best-practices/vpm) - The V language package management tool written in V.
2019-08-03 00:27:08 +03:00
2019-08-08 20:19:51 +03:00
### Editors
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-10-01 20:42:10 +03:00
- [ved](https://github.com/vlang/ved) - 1 MB text editor written in V with hardware accelerated text rendering. Compiles in <1s.
- [vee](https://github.com/Larpon/vee) - V Editor Engine. A V module providing the guts of a text editor. Comes with a [TUI editor example](https://github.com/Larpon/vee/blob/master/examples/tuieditor/).
2022-05-31 12:10:38 +03:00
- [text_editor](https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/examples/term.ui/text_editor.v) - Small text editor from the official V examples.
2019-08-08 20:19:51 +03:00
### Web
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vorum](https://github.com/vlang/vorum) - Open-source blogging/forum software written in V.
2020-08-25 13:10:49 +03:00
- [vblog](https://github.com/scurty-labs/vblog) - A simple, fast and responsive blogging system.
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Heroku Buildpack for V](https://github.com/louis77/heroku-buildpack-v) - Deploy V apps on Heroku.
2022-06-20 20:27:57 +03:00
- [Vlang Benchmarks Visualization](https://github.com/ArtemkaKun/VlangBenchmarksVisualization) - Fancy statistics and plots for *[Is V still fast?](https://fast.vlang.io/)*.
- [Vieter](https://github.com/ChewingBever/vieter) - Archlinux repository server & package build system, written in V.
- [VTik](https://github.com/Sharqo78/VTik) - TikTok and Twitter video downloader app (CLI / Telegram Bot).
2022-09-07 15:42:01 +03:00
- [Vebview.JS](https://github.com/malisipi/Vebview.JS) - Electron/Neutralino.JS alternative written in V.
2022-09-18 13:45:20 +03:00
- [vss](https://github.com/vssio/vss) - Easy-to-use static site generator.
2019-08-08 20:19:51 +03:00
2019-12-12 03:46:54 +03:00
### Graphics
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
- [vRayTracer](https://github.com/ali-raheem/vraytracer) - A simple ray tracer written in V.
2019-12-12 03:46:54 +03:00
### Games
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Boundstone](https://github.com/organization/boundstone) - High Performance / Fast Compilation / Lightweight Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server.
2020-09-03 07:00:50 +03:00
- [v-pong](https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/v-pong) - A classic paddle game brought back to life through the power of V.
- [minesweeper](https://github.com/ali-furkan/minesweeper-v) - A simple Minesweeper game written in vlang.
- [flappylearning-v](https://github.com/uxnow/flappylearning-v) - A simple flappy learning demo in v. ( Archived )
2021-11-11 22:50:51 +03:00
- [Kurarin](https://github.com/FireRedz/kurarin) - osu! beatmap visualizer made in V. [Example video](https://p153.p0.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/6quvQjb5/ce3ea737-eb29-4b8c-a5f3-65a804a2f56f.mp4).
2019-11-22 06:29:17 +03:00
### Command-line
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [HN-top](https://github.com/BafS/hn-top) - A simple command to list most recent news from hacker-news.
2020-03-05 12:50:54 +03:00
- [vast](https://github.com/lydiandy/vast) - A simple tool for vlang, generate v source file to AST json file.
- [symlinker](https://github.com/serkonda7/symlinker) - A small Linux tool to manage symlinks.
2020-07-02 21:46:08 +03:00
- [runner](https://github.com/Naheel-Azawy/runner) - A tool that automates running/compiling code written in various programming languages.
2021-02-19 09:46:01 +03:00
- [vcredits](https://github.com/zakuro9715/vcredits) - A tool that creates CREDITS from LICENSE files of dependencies.
2021-07-23 18:29:48 +03:00
- [vinit](https://github.com/pranavbaburaj/vinit) - A tool to generate v projects.
2022-01-03 17:36:16 +03:00
- [vspect](https://github.com/zakuro9715/vspect) - A tool to inspect vlang source file. ( Archived )
2022-03-22 00:07:04 +03:00
- [vLogQL](https://github.com/lmangani/vLogQL) - A tiny command-line utility to query LogQL APIs.
- [klonol](https://github.com/hungrybluedev/klonol) - CLI tool to help you "clone all" git repositories belonging to you. Works with GitHub and Gitea.
2022-09-10 23:01:12 +03:00
- [vqrcode](https://github.com/carlosqsilva/vqrcode) - CLI for creating QR Codes.
- [verve](https://github.com/MohammadMD1383/verve) - Simple and fast static file server.
2020-05-28 20:42:32 +03:00
2020-05-29 10:32:23 +03:00
### Project management
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vset](https://github.com/mulh8377/vset) - A project setup and configuration tool for V projects.
2022-10-04 21:30:26 +03:00
- [Lenra template](https://github.com/lenra-io/template-v) - The Lenra template to write V app for Lenra platform.
2019-12-06 18:39:44 +03:00
### Serialization
- [vproto](https://github.com/emily33901/vproto) - Protobuf compiler and runtime in V.
2021-04-02 23:06:18 +03:00
- [v-toxml](https://github.com/radare/v-toxml) - XML Serialization library for V.
- [vlang-yaml](https://github.com/jdonnerstag/vlang-yaml) - A V-native YAML reader, incl. YAML-to-JSON converter.
## Libraries
### Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [boxx](https://github.com/thecodrr/boxx) - Create highly customizable terminal boxes that also look great! 📦
2020-02-24 21:25:28 +03:00
- [lol](https://github.com/0xLeif/lol) - V version of lolcat (text/character rainbowizer).
- [progressbar](https://github.com/Waqar144/progressbar) - An easy to use V library for creating progress bars in cli.
- [termtable](https://github.com/serkonda7/termtable) - V Terminal Tables: Simple and highly customizable library to display tables in the terminal.
- [vargs](https://github.com/nedpals/vargs) - V library for parsing arguments from argv-like arrays. ( Archived )
2021-11-11 22:44:42 +03:00
- [vesseract](https://github.com/barrack-obama/vesseract) - V wrapper for Tesseract-OCR (optical character recognition).
2022-01-03 17:27:33 +03:00
- [spinners](https://github.com/rhygg/spinners) - Create spinners in your terminal!
2019-12-12 03:46:54 +03:00
### Text processing
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [v-regex](https://github.com/spytheman/v-regex) - A simple regex library for V.
- [chalk](https://github.com/etienne-napoleone/chalk) - Colorize strings in the terminal.
2020-01-24 07:12:40 +03:00
- [crayon](https://github.com/thecodrr/crayon) - Paint your terminal output like Picasso. 🖍️🎨
- [cjson](https://github.com/lydiandy/cjson) - Wrap cJSON for vlang.
2020-06-21 17:58:18 +03:00
- [ascii_robot](https://github.com/Delta456/ascii_robot) - ASCII Robot generator written in V.
- [iconv](https://github.com/fanlia/iconv) - Wrap iconv for vlang.
- [Rosie-RPL](https://github.com/jdonnerstag/vlang-rosie) - A Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) implementation.
- [strfmt](https://github.com/BenStigsen/strfmt) - Tiny and fast string formatting library ideal for templating.
2019-12-12 03:46:54 +03:00
2019-07-22 23:55:52 +03:00
### Graphics
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vgl](https://github.com/justicesuh/vgl) - Low-level graphics API access.
- [viup](https://github.com/kjlaw89/viup) - V wrapper for the C-based cross-platform UI library, IUP.
- [vsdl](https://github.com/kjlaw89/vsdl) - V wrapper for the C-based SDL library.
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vsdl2](https://github.com/nsauzede/vsdl2) - A libSDL2 wrapper.
- [V Earcut](https://github.com/Larpon/earcut) - fast (real-time) polygon triangulation library based on [mapbox/Earcut](https://github.com/mapbox/earcut) to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections.
- [vgui](https://github.com/BenStigsen/vgui) - Minimal, lightweight and cross-platform GUI library.
- [V_sokol_gp](https://github.com/mohamedLT/V_sokol_gp) - A V wrapper for the sokol_gp library for easy and fast 2d graphics.
### Game development
- [V_ecs](https://github.com/mohamedLT/V_ecs) - ECS library made in V inspired by Bevy ECS.
2021-11-11 22:56:07 +03:00
- [engine](https://github.com/LouisSchmieder/engine) - WIP Vulkan in V.
- [raylib.v](https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.v) - Updated V bindings for [raylib](https://www.raylib.com) with plans for complete cross-platform support.
- [vraylib](https://github.com/MajorHard/vraylib) - V wrapper (bindings) for raylib, the C game development framework.
- [vraylib](https://github.com/mohamedLT/vraylib) - A V wrapper for the awesome raylib library.
2019-07-22 23:55:52 +03:00
2019-12-17 15:45:42 +03:00
### Web
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vex](https://github.com/nedpals/vex) - Web framework written on V inspired by Express and Sinatra.
- [vweb](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/vlib/vweb) - V's built-in web framework. Used by Vorum.
- [validate](https://github.com/endeveit/v-validate) - A simple library to validate strings in V.
- [valval](https://github.com/taojy123/valval) - Web framework written in V, improved by vweb.
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [v-jsonrpc](https://github.com/nedpals/v-jsonrpc) - Basic JSON-RPC 2.0-compliant server written on V.
2020-09-03 07:00:23 +03:00
- [pico.v](https://github.com/S-YOU/pico.v) - A web server in V based on picoev and picohttpparser.
2021-01-23 09:51:45 +03:00
- [vxbloauth](https://github.com/WolvesFortress/vxbl-oauth) - A minimalistic Xbox Live authenticator for vweb.
2021-03-02 22:49:00 +03:00
- [vcurrency](https://github.com/mehtaarn000/vcurrency) - API wrapper (written in V) for [https://api.exchangeratesapi.io](https://api.exchangeratesapi.io).
- [vigest](https://github.com/withs/vigest) - Simple client for digest authentication (written in V).
2019-12-17 15:45:42 +03:00
2020-02-21 17:18:39 +03:00
### Database clients
- [redis](https://github.com/patrickpissurno/vredis) - Redis client for V, written in V.
2020-07-02 10:34:37 +03:00
- [vsql](https://github.com/lydiandy/vsql) - A sql query builder for V.
2020-10-18 19:08:54 +03:00
- [vmemcached](https://github.com/blacktrub/vmemcached) - Memcached client for V, written in V.
2020-02-21 17:18:39 +03:00
2019-12-12 03:38:29 +03:00
### Audio
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-24 07:12:40 +03:00
- [vave](https://github.com/thecodrr/vave) - A crazy simple library for reading/writing WAV files in V. 🌊
- [vspeech](https://github.com/thecodrr/vspeech) - Complete V bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech TensorFlow based Speech-to-Text library. 📢📜
2022-09-23 23:53:29 +03:00
- [miniaudio](https://github.com/Larpon/miniaudio) - Bindings for the excellent miniaudio C audio library.
2019-12-12 03:38:29 +03:00
2020-05-29 10:32:23 +03:00
### Operating system
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [clipboard](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/vlib/clipboard) - V module for interacting with the OS clipboard. Fully cross-platform.
2020-05-16 10:44:48 +03:00
- [vlipboard](https://github.com/asvvvad/vlipboard) - An easy to use wrapper of clipboard with Wayland and Termux support.
- [mmap](https://github.com/jdonnerstag/vlang-mmap) - Provide native V-lang support for memory-mapping on Linux and Windows.
2019-12-12 03:52:40 +03:00
2021-11-11 23:16:52 +03:00
### Networking
2022-01-03 14:24:57 +03:00
- [vmq](https://github.com/jordan-bonecutter/vmq) - V wrapper For [ZMQ](https://zeromq.org/) (aka ZeroMQ, ØMQ, 0MQ: a high-performance asynchronous messaging library).
2021-11-11 23:16:52 +03:00
### Serial Communications
- [vserialport](https://github.com/erdetn/vserialport) - V wrapper for [libserialport](https://sigrok.org/wiki/Libserialport).
- [vserialx](https://github.com/erdetn/vserialx) - A tiny (wrapper) serial communication library for Linux written in V.
- [vi2c](https://github.com/erdetn/vi2c) - A tiny (wrapper) library for I2C serial communication for Linux written in V.
2019-08-16 22:33:21 +03:00
### Automation
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vrobot](https://github.com/eioo/vrobot) - Desktop automation for V. Only supports Windows.
2019-08-16 22:33:21 +03:00
2019-07-15 17:49:52 +03:00
### Telegram
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-06-09 11:57:01 +03:00
- [vgram](https://github.com/dariotarantini/vgram) - Telegram bot library.
### Discord
- [viscord](https://github.com/vlang/viscord) - Pretty basic library for connecting to the Discord gateway.
- [discord.v](https://github.com/Terisback/discord.v) - User-friendly Discord bot library.
- [vord](https://github.com/9xN/vord) - Library for interacting with user account endpoints and gateway (Self-bots, custom clients, etc).
2020-07-01 12:50:43 +03:00
### IRC
- [vitric](https://github.com/m-242/vitric) - A transparent IRC library.
2019-07-20 03:07:39 +03:00
### Files
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [v-mime](https://github.com/nedpals/v-mime) - MIME detection library for V.
- [vmon](https://github.com/Larpon/vmon) - Asynchronously watch for file changes in a directory. The module is essentially a V wrapper for `septag/dmon`. It works for Windows, macOS and Linux.
2019-07-20 03:07:39 +03:00
2019-11-25 09:23:17 +03:00
### Eventing
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [eventbus](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/vlib/eventbus) - A simple event bus system for V.
2019-11-25 09:23:17 +03:00
2020-05-29 10:32:23 +03:00
### User Interface toolkits
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [V UI](https://github.com/vlang/ui) - Integrated cross platform UI toolkit for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and the web.
2020-01-25 12:10:11 +03:00
- [vgtk3](https://github.com/vgtk/vgtk3) - A wrapper for GTK3 in V.
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [vig](https://github.com/nsauzede/vig) - Bindings for [Dear ImGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) GUI toolkit.
- [vnk](https://github.com/nsauzede/vnk) - Bindings for [Nuklear](https://github.com/vurtun/nuklear) GUI toolkit.
2022-09-07 15:42:01 +03:00
- [mui](https://github.com/malisipi/mui) - A Cross-Platform UI library for Windows, Linux, Android and Web.
2020-05-29 10:32:23 +03:00
### Scientific computing
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-02-15 13:14:38 +03:00
- [vsl](https://github.com/vlang/vsl) - A pure-V scientific library with a great variety of functions.
- [vtl](https://github.com/vlang/vtl) - Numerical computing library supporting n-dimensional data structure, backed by LAPACKE and OpenBLAS.
2021-11-11 22:41:02 +03:00
- [vplot](https://github.com/erdetn/vplot) - V wrapper for GNU Plot (`gnuplot_i`).
2019-12-29 08:55:45 +03:00
2020-05-28 20:42:32 +03:00
### Utility
- [range](https://github.com/Delta456/range) - Functionality of Python's range() in V.
2020-06-19 12:41:15 +03:00
- [random](https://github.com/Delta456/random) - An all purpose random library written in V.
2021-02-24 15:55:26 +03:00
- [vdotenv](https://github.com/zztkm/vdotenv) - Support for .env files which loads environment variables.
2022-03-01 11:02:41 +03:00
- [vaker](https://github.com/ChAoSUnItY/vaker) - A light-weight compile-time-generated data faker written in V.
2022-06-20 15:13:53 +03:00
- [vexc](https://github.com/div72/vexc) - Exceptions for V using setjmp/longjmp.
2020-05-28 20:42:32 +03:00
### Telecommunications
- [vagi](https://github.com/Ouri028/vagi) - Asterisk FastAGI library in V.
## Other
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
### Syntax highlighting
- [v-vim](https://github.com/ollykel/v-vim) - Support for V syntax highlighting in Vim.
- [vim-v](https://github.com/cheap-glitch/vim-v) - Quality syntax highlighting for the V programming language.
- [vscode-vlang](https://github.com/0x9ef/vscode-vlang) - V Language extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [kate-syntax-highlight-v](https://github.com/Larpon/kate-syntax-highlight-v) - V syntax highlighting for [Kate](https://kate-editor.org/).
- [scite-v-support](https://github.com/sunnylcw/scite-v-support) - V syntax highlighting for [SciTE](https://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html).
- [language-v](https://github.com/Cutlery-Drawer/language-v) - V language support for Atom (port of vscode-vlang).
2020-09-24 19:50:17 +03:00
- [vlang-mode.el](https://github.com/Naheel-Azawy/vlang-mode.el) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
- [v-mode](https://github.com/damon-kwok/v-mode) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
2020-12-23 16:05:33 +03:00
- [vlang-sublime](https://github.com/oversoul/vlang-sublime) - Sublime text 3 Support for the Vlang Programming Language.
2020-12-23 16:29:04 +03:00
### Editor plugins
- [vim-vtools](https://github.com/zakuro9715/vim-vtools) - V tools for Vim, including auto formatting.
2021-02-27 20:25:46 +03:00
- [sublime-v](https://github.com/onerbs/sublime-v) - Fully-featured Sublime Text 3 package for the V Programming Language.
2020-12-23 16:29:04 +03:00
### GitHub actions
- [setup-v](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/setup-vlang) - GitHub action to install and use V in your workflow.
2020-12-30 21:49:56 +03:00
- [action-create-v-docs](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/create-documentation-for-v-modules) - GitHub action to create documentation for V modules.
2020-05-28 20:42:32 +03:00
2019-10-15 12:41:04 +03:00
### Videos
2019-08-02 12:44:49 +03:00
- [V Programming Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVCuZ7z7GMY&list=PLEPMhdsq-gNpFr40A-ZnX-Hu9l-Sp5Oc_)
- [The V Programming Language](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLZIElNyubHOvbfudT7KS1A)
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-05-29 10:32:23 +03:00
### Programming contests
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
- [Rosetta Code V](https://github.com/RustemB/rosetta-code-v) - Solutions for Rosetta Code in V.
- [Advent of Code 2019](https://github.com/mvlootman/aoc2019) - Solution of Advent of Code 2019 in V.
- [SoloLearn Coding Challenges](https://github.com/Serkonda/v-sololearn-coding-challenges) - Implementation of the SoloLearn coding challenges in V.
2019-07-15 17:46:57 +03:00
2019-10-18 15:09:05 +03:00
### Tutorials
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [Learn V in Y Minutes](https://github.com/v-community/learn_v_in_y_minutes)
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
- [V by Example](https://github.com/v-community/v_by_example) - V book as [GitBook](https://v-community.gitbook.io/v-by-example/).
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [V learning notes](https://github.com/lydiandy/vlang_note) - Personal learning notes in Chinese.
- [V for Node Devs](https://github.com/Thigidu/vlang-for-nodejs-developers) - Vlang for node js developers.
2019-10-18 15:09:05 +03:00
### IDEs with V
- [Vide](https://github.com/IsaiahPatton/Vide)
2019-11-08 17:47:36 +03:00
### Online IDEs with V
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-07-01 06:30:53 +03:00
- [V Playground](https://v-wasm.now.sh/)
2019-11-08 17:47:36 +03:00
2019-12-12 03:56:03 +03:00
### Articles
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [An introduction to V](https://simonknott.de/articles/VLang.html)
- [Todo App with V](https://practicaldime.org/docs/v-fresh-take/v-todo-implementation)
2019-10-15 12:41:04 +03:00
2022-01-03 17:18:13 +03:00
### Books
- [Getting Started with V Programming - Navule Pavan Kumar Rao - Packt 2021 Dec](https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Started-Programming-end-end-ebook/dp/B09FKK3JL7/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Getting+started+with+V+programming&qid=1639480830&sr=8-1) - Introductory book on V.
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
### Communities
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [V Community](https://github.com/v-community)
2019-10-18 15:09:05 +03:00
### Forums
2020-01-23 13:07:06 +03:00
2020-01-12 23:43:08 +03:00
- [r/vlang](https://www.reddit.com/r/vlang)
- [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/vlang)
2021-11-11 23:09:08 +03:00
### Operating Systems & OS Development Examples
2022-01-03 14:24:57 +03:00
- [Simple Linux kernel module example](https://github.com/spytheman/simple_kernel_module_in_v) - Demonstration & test of writing a very simple Linux kernel module, using V.