# Awesome V A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources. ## Table of contents * [Applications](#applications) * [Interpreters/Compilers](#interpreters-compilers) * [Package manager](#package-manager) * [Libraries](#libraries) * [Syntax highlighting](#syntax-highlighting) * [Command-line](#command-line) * [Text processing](#text-processing) * [Telegram](#telegram) * [Other](#other) * [Programming contests](#programming-contests) * [Articles](#articles) ## Applications ### Package manager * [vpkg](https://github.com/nedpals/vpkg) - Toy package manager written on V. * [vpm](https://github.com/yue-best-practices/vpm) - The V language package management tool written in V. ### Interpreters/Compilers * [v](https://github.com/vlang/v) - V itself. Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. * [vbf](https://github.com/vpervenditti/vbf) - A brainfuck interpreter/compiler. ## Libraries ### Syntax highlighting * [v-vim](https://github.com/ollykel/v-vim) - Support for V syntax highlighting in Vim. * [vim-v](https://github.com/lcolaholicl/vim-v) - Vim syntax highlighter for V programming language. * [vscode-vlang](https://github.com/0x9ef/vscode-vlang) - V Language extension for Visual Studio Code. ### Command-line * [v-args](https://github.com/nedpals/v-args) - V library for parsing arguments from argv-like arrays. ### Graphics * [vgl](https://github.com/justicesuh/vgl) - Low-level graphics API access. ### Text processing * [v-regex](https://github.com/ShellBear/v-regex) - A simple regex library for V. ### Telegram * [vgram](https://github.com/vpervenditti/vgram) - Telegram bot library ### Files * [v-mime](https://github.com/nedpals/v-mime) - MIME detection library for V. ## Other * [vbf](https://github.com/vpervenditti/vbf) - BrainFuck interpreter/compiler in V ### Programming contests * [rosetta-code-v](https://github.com/RustemB/rosetta-code-v) - Solutions for Rosetta Code in V. ## Articles * [An introduction to V](https://simonknott.de/articles/VLang.html)