import ClipboardAction from '../src/clipboard-action'; import Emitter from 'tiny-emitter'; describe('ClipboardAction', () => { before(() => { global.input = document.createElement('input'); global.input.setAttribute('id', 'input'); global.input.setAttribute('value', 'abc'); document.body.appendChild(global.input); global.paragraph = document.createElement('p'); global.paragraph.setAttribute('id', 'paragraph'); global.paragraph.textContent = 'abc'; document.body.appendChild(global.paragraph); }); after(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; }); describe('#resolveOptions', () => { it('should set base properties', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), text: 'foo' });, 'action');, 'emitter');, 'target');, 'text');, 'trigger');, 'selectedText'); }); }); describe('#initSelection', () => { it('should throw an error since both "text" and "target" were passed', done => { try { new ClipboardAction({ text: 'foo', target: document.querySelector('#input') }); } catch(e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Multiple attributes declared, use either "target" or "text"'); done(); } }); it('should throw an error since neither "text" nor "target" were passed', done => { try { new ClipboardAction(); } catch(e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Missing required attributes, use either "target" or "text"'); done(); } }); }); describe('#set action', () => { it('should throw an error since "action" is invalid', done => { try { new ClipboardAction({ text: 'foo', action: 'paste' }); } catch(e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Invalid "action" value, use either "copy" or "cut"'); done(); } }); }); describe('#set target', () => { it('should throw an error since "target" do not match any element', done => { try { new ClipboardAction({ target: document.querySelector('#foo') }); } catch(e) { assert.equal(e.message, 'Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element'); done(); } }); }); describe('#selectText', () => { it('should create a fake element and select its value', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), text: 'blah' }); assert.equal(clip.selectedText, clip.fakeElem.value); }); }); describe('#removeFake', () => { it('should remove a temporary fake element', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), text: 'blah' }); clip.removeFake(); assert.equal(clip.fakeElem, null); }); }); describe('#selectTarget', () => { it('should select text from editable element', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), target: document.querySelector('#input') }); assert.equal(clip.selectedText,; }); it('should select text from non-editable element', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), target: document.querySelector('#paragraph') }); assert.equal(clip.selectedText,; }); }); describe('#copyText', () => { before(() => { global.stub = sinon.stub(document, 'execCommand'); }); after(() => { global.stub.restore(); }); it('should fire a success event on browsers that support copy command', done => { global.stub.returns(true); let emitter = new Emitter(); emitter.on('success', () => { done(); }); let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: emitter, target: document.querySelector('#input') }); }); it('should fire an error event on browsers that support copy command', done => { global.stub.returns(false); let emitter = new Emitter(); emitter.on('error', () => { done(); }); let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: emitter, target: document.querySelector('#input') }); }); }); describe('#handleResult', () => { it('should fire a success event with certain properties', done => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), target: document.querySelector('#input') }); clip.emitter.on('success', (e) => {, 'action');, 'text');, 'trigger');, 'clearSelection'); done(); }); clip.handleResult(true); }); it('should fire a error event with certain properties', done => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), target: document.querySelector('#input') }); clip.emitter.on('error', (e) => {, 'action');, 'trigger');, 'clearSelection'); done(); }); clip.handleResult(false); }); }); describe('#clearSelection', () => { it('should remove focus from target and text selection', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), target: document.querySelector('#input') }); clip.clearSelection(); let selectedElem = document.activeElement; let selectedText = window.getSelection().toString(); assert.equal(selectedElem, document.body); assert.equal(selectedText, ''); }); }); describe('#destroy', () => { it('should destroy an existing fake element', () => { let clip = new ClipboardAction({ emitter: new Emitter(), text: 'blah' }); clip.selectFake(); clip.destroy(); assert.equal(clip.fakeElem, null); }); }); });