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This is a self-contained wiki webserver that makes sharing easy and _fast_. You can make any page you want, and any page is editable by anyone. Pages load instantly for editing, and have special rendering for whether you want to view as a web page or view as list.
**Simplicity**. The philosophy here is to *just type*. To jot a note, simply load the page at [`/`](http://AwwKoala.com/) and just start typing. No need to press edit, the browser will already be focused on the text. No need to press save - it will automatically save when you stop writing. The URL at [`/`](http://AwwKoala.com/) will redirect to an easy-to-remember name that you can use to reload the page at anytime, anywhere. But, you can also use any URL you want, e.g. [`/AnythingYouWant`](http://AwwKoala.com/AnythingYouWant).
**Viewing**. All pages can be rendered into HTML by adding `/view`. For example, the page [`/AnythingYouWant`](http://AwwKoala.com/AnythingYouWant) is rendered at [`/AnythingYouWant/view`](http://AwwKoala.com/AnythingYouWant/view). You can write in HTML or [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) for page rendering. To quickly link to `/view` pages, just use `[[AnythingYouWnat]]`. Math is supported with [Katex](https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX) using `$\frac{1}{2}$` for inline equations and `$$\frac{1}{2}$$` for regular equations.
**Listifying**. If you are writing a list and you want to tick off things really easily, just add `/list`. For example, after editing [`/grocery`](http://AwwKoala.com/grocery), goto [`/grocery/list`](http://AwwKoala.com/grocery/list). In this page, whatever you click on will be striked through and moved to the end. This is helpful if you write a grocery list and then want to easily delete things from it.
**Automatic versioning**. All previous versions of all notes are stored and can be accessed by adding `?version=X` onto `/view` or `/edit`. If you are on the `/view` or `/edit` pages the menu below will show the most substantial changes in the history. Note, only the _current_ version can be edited (no branching allowed, yet).
**Security**. HTTPS support is provided. Also uses a HTML sanitizer to prevent XSS attacks. Though all URLs are publically accessible, you are free to secure your website by using an obscure (or random) name. The automatic URL is an alliterative animal description, of which there are almost 1,000,000 possibilities.
**Admin controls**. The Admin can view/delete all the documents by setting the `-a YourAdminKey` when starting the program. Then the admin has access to the `/ls/YourAdminKey` to view and delete any of the pages.
I recommend using `NGINX` as middleware, as it will do caching of the static files for you. There is an example `NGINX` block in `install/`. If you want to use SSL instead, follow the instructions in `letsencrypt/README.md`. To automatically install, on Raspberry Pi / Ubuntu / Debian system use:
If you'd like help, go ahead and clone and send a pull request. If you find a bug, please submit [an issue](https://github.com/schollz/AwwKoala/issues). Any other comments, questions or anything at all, just <ahref="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=zack_118"class="twitter-mention-button"data-related="zack_118">tweet me @zack_118</a>
# Contributors
Thanks to [tscholl2](https://github.com/tscholl2).