package main import ( "fmt" "net" "os" "time" "" "" cli "" ) var version string var pathToData string func main() { app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "cowyo" app.Usage = "a simple wiki" app.Version = version app.Compiled = time.Now() app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { pathToData = c.GlobalString("data") os.MkdirAll(pathToData, 0755) host := c.GlobalString("host") crt_f := c.GlobalString("cert") // crt flag key_f := c.GlobalString("key") // key flag if host == "" { host = GetLocalIP() } TLS := false if crt_f != "" && key_f != "" { TLS = true } if TLS { fmt.Printf("\nRunning cowyo server (version %s) at https://%s:%s\n\n", version, host, c.GlobalString("port")) } else { fmt.Printf("\nRunning cowyo server (version %s) at http://%s:%s\n\n", version, host, c.GlobalString("port")) } server.Serve( pathToData, c.GlobalString("host"), c.GlobalString("port"), c.GlobalString("cert"), c.GlobalString("key"), TLS, c.GlobalString("css"), c.GlobalString("default-page"), c.GlobalString("lock"), c.GlobalInt("debounce"), c.GlobalBool("diary"), c.GlobalString("cookie-secret"), c.GlobalString("access-code"), c.GlobalBool("allow-insecure-markup"), c.GlobalBool("allow-file-uploads"), c.GlobalUint("max-upload-mb"), c.GlobalUint("max-document-length"), logger(c.GlobalBool("debug")), ) return nil } app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "data", Value: "data", Usage: "data folder to use", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "olddata", Value: "", Usage: "data folder for migrating", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "host", Value: "", Usage: "host to use", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "port,p", Value: "8050", Usage: "port to use", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cert", Value: "", Usage: "absolute path to SSL public sertificate", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "key", Value: "", Usage: "absolute path to SSL private key", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "css", Value: "", Usage: "use a custom CSS file", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "default-page", Value: "", Usage: "show default-page/read instead of editing (default: show random editing)", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "allow-insecure-markup", Usage: "Skip HTML sanitization", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "lock", Value: "", Usage: "password to lock editing all files (default: all pages unlocked)", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "debounce", Value: 500, Usage: "debounce time for saving data, in milliseconds", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "debug, d", Usage: "turn on debugging", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "diary", Usage: "turn diary mode (doing New will give a timestamped page)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "access-code", Value: "", Usage: "Secret code to login with before accessing any wiki stuff", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "cookie-secret", Value: "secret", Usage: "random data to use for cookies; changing it will invalidate all sessions", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "allow-file-uploads", Usage: "Enable file uploads", }, cli.UintFlag{ Name: "max-upload-mb", Value: 2, Usage: "Largest file upload (in mb) allowed", }, cli.UintFlag{ Name: "max-document-length", Value: 100000000, Usage: "Largest wiki page (in characters) allowed", }, } app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "migrate", Aliases: []string{"m"}, Usage: "migrate from the old cowyo", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { pathToData = c.GlobalString("data") pathToOldData := c.GlobalString("olddata") if len(pathToOldData) == 0 { fmt.Printf("You need to specify folder with -olddata") return nil } os.MkdirAll(pathToData, 0755) if !exists(pathToOldData) { fmt.Printf("Can not find '%s', does it exist?", pathToOldData) return nil } server.Migrate(pathToOldData, pathToData, logger(c.GlobalBool("debug"))) return nil }, }, } app.Run(os.Args) } // GetLocalIP returns the local ip address func GetLocalIP() string { addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs() if err != nil { return "" } bestIP := "" for _, address := range addrs { // check the address type and if it is not a loopback the display it if ipnet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipnet.IP.IsLoopback() { if ipnet.IP.To4() != nil { return ipnet.IP.String() } } } return bestIP } // exists returns whether the given file or directory exists or not func exists(path string) bool { _, err := os.Stat(path) return !os.IsNotExist(err) } func logger(debug bool) *lumber.ConsoleLogger { if !debug { return lumber.NewConsoleLogger(lumber.WARN) } return lumber.NewConsoleLogger(lumber.TRACE) }