[default] dataDir = "root_data/${HOST}" maxDocumentLength = 100000000 # Specify multiple times to change keys without expiring sessions [[default.CookieKeys]] authenticateBase64 = "RpW4LjGCPNOx75G8DrywmzlEHLB/ISXCAAayZ47Ifkc=" encryptBase64 = "ofCKkrfosQb5T4cvz7R5IMP4BQUDHOPsLSMZZy2CUOA=" [[sites]] host = "nerdy.party" dataDir = "somewhere else" # theme = "custom.css" # TODO: Theme support. Would prefer to move to a complete directory replacement. defaultPage = "welcome" allowInsecureMarkup = true lock = "1234" debounceSave = 600 diary = true accessCode = "correct horse battery staple" fileUploadsAllowed = true maxFileUploadMb = 6 port = 8090 #[sites.TLS] # TODO: ACME support eg letsencrypt #certPath = "path.crt" #keyPath = "path.key" #port = 8443 [[sites]] host = "cowyo.com" allowInsecureMarkup = false fileUploadsAllowed = false port = 8090 # Catchall config [[sites]] host = "*" port = 8100 cookieSecret = "ASADFGKLJSH+4t4cC2X3f7GzsLZ+wtST67qoLuErpugJz06ZIpdDHEjcMxR+XOLM"