package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "" "" ) // AllowedIPs is a white/black list of // IP addresses allowed to access awwkoala var AllowedIPs = map[string]bool{ "": true, "": true, "": true, } // RuntimeArgs contains all runtime // arguments available var RuntimeArgs struct { WikiName string ExternalIP string Port string DatabaseLocation string ServerCRT string ServerKey string SourcePath string AdminKey string Socket string } var VersionNum string func main() { VersionNum = "0.93" // _, executableFile, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) // get full path of this file cwd, _ := os.Getwd() databaseFile := path.Join(cwd, "data.db") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.Port, "p", ":8003", "port to bind") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.DatabaseLocation, "db", databaseFile, "location of database file") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.AdminKey, "a", RandStringBytesMaskImprSrc(50), "key to access admin priveleges") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.ServerCRT, "crt", "", "location of ssl crt") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.ServerKey, "key", "", "location of ssl key") flag.StringVar(&RuntimeArgs.WikiName, "w", "AwwKoala", "custom name for wiki") dumpDataset := flag.Bool("dump", false, "flag to dump all data to 'dump' directory") flag.CommandLine.Usage = func() { fmt.Println(`AwwKoala (version ` + VersionNum + `): A Websocket Wiki and Kind Of A List Application run this to start the server and then visit localhost at the port you specify (see parameters). Example: 'awwkoala' Example: 'awwkoala -p :8080 localhost:8080' Example: 'awwkoala -db /var/lib/awwkoala/db.bolt localhost:8003' Example: 'awwkoala -p :8080 -crt ssl/server.crt -key ssl/server.key localhost:8080' Options:`) flag.CommandLine.PrintDefaults() } flag.Parse() if *dumpDataset { fmt.Println("Dumping data to 'dump' folder...") Open(RuntimeArgs.DatabaseLocation) dumpEverything() Close() os.Exit(1) } RuntimeArgs.ExternalIP = flag.Arg(0) if RuntimeArgs.ExternalIP == "" { RuntimeArgs.ExternalIP = GetLocalIP() + RuntimeArgs.Port } RuntimeArgs.SourcePath = cwd // create programdata bucket Open(RuntimeArgs.DatabaseLocation) err := db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error { _, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte("programdata")) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("create bucket: %s", err) } return err }) if err != nil { panic(err) } Close() // Default page aboutFile, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(RuntimeArgs.SourcePath, "templates/")) p := WikiData{"help", "", []string{}, []string{}, false} // var q WikiData // q.load("about") // fmt.Println(getImportantVersions(q)) r := gin.Default() r.LoadHTMLGlob(path.Join(RuntimeArgs.SourcePath, "templates/*")) r.GET("/", newNote) r.HEAD("/", func(c *gin.Context) { c.Status(200) }) r.GET("/:title", editNote) r.GET("/:title/*option", everythingElse) r.POST("/:title/*option", encryptionRoute) r.DELETE("/listitem", deleteListItem) r.DELETE("/deletepage", deletePage) if RuntimeArgs.ServerCRT != "" && RuntimeArgs.ServerKey != "" { RuntimeArgs.Socket = "wss" fmt.Println("--------------------------") fmt.Println("AwwKoala (version " + VersionNum + ") is up and running on https://" + RuntimeArgs.ExternalIP) fmt.Println("Admin key: " + RuntimeArgs.AdminKey) fmt.Println("--------------------------") r.RunTLS(RuntimeArgs.Port, RuntimeArgs.ServerCRT, RuntimeArgs.ServerKey) } else { RuntimeArgs.Socket = "ws" fmt.Println("--------------------------") fmt.Println("AwwKoala (version " + VersionNum + ") is up and running on http://" + RuntimeArgs.ExternalIP) fmt.Println("Admin key: " + RuntimeArgs.AdminKey) fmt.Println("--------------------------") r.Run(RuntimeArgs.Port) } }