var selfDestruct = false; $(document).ready(function() { var isTyping = false; var typingTimer; //timer identifier var updateInterval; var uhohTimer; var doneTypingInterval = 500; //time in ms, 5 second for example var pollToGetNewestCopyInterval = 20000; //on keyup, start the countdown $('#emit').keyup(function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); clearInterval(updateInterval); $('#saveInfo').removeClass().addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-remove"); typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); }); //on keydown, clear the countdown $('#emit').keydown(function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); clearInterval(updateInterval); $('#saveInfo').removeClass().addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-remove"); document.title = '✗ ' + title_name; }); //user is "finished typing," do something function doneTyping() { payload = JSON.stringify({ TextData: currentText(), Title: title_name, UpdateServer: true, UpdateClient: false }) send(payload) uhohTimer = setTimeout(uhoh, 3000); $('#saveInfo').removeClass().addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-open"); console.log("Done typing") updateInterval = setInterval(updateText, pollToGetNewestCopyInterval); document.title = "✓ " + title_name; if (currentText().indexOf("self-destruct\n") > -1 || currentText().indexOf("\nself-destruct") > -1) { if (selfDestruct == false) { selfDestruct = true; swal({ title: "Info", text: "This page is primed to self-destruct.", timer: 1000, showConfirmButton: true }); } } else { if (selfDestruct == true) { selfDestruct = false; swal({ title: "Info", text: "This page is no longer primed to self-destruct.", timer: 1000, showConfirmButton: true }); } } } function uhoh() { $('#saveInfo').removeClass().addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-remove"); setInterval(location.reload(), 1000); } function updateText() { console.log("Getting server's latest copy") payload = JSON.stringify({ TextData: currentText(), Title: title_name, UpdateServer: false, UpdateClient: true }) send(payload) } // websockets url = socketType + '://'+external_ip+'/ws'; c = new WebSocket(url); send = function(data){ console.log("Sending: " + data) c.send(data) } c.onmessage = function(msg){ console.log(msg) data = JSON.parse(; if (data.UpdateClient == true) { console.log("Updating...") $('#emit_data').val(data.TextData) document.title = " " + title_name; } console.log((data.TextData == "saved")) console.log(data.TextData) if (data.TextData == "saved") { $('#saveInfo').removeClass().addClass("glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-saved"); clearTimeout(uhohTimer); } console.log(data) } c.onopen = function(){ // updateText(); updateInterval = setInterval(updateText, pollToGetNewestCopyInterval); } $('.postselfdestruct').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#emit_data').val("self-destruct\n\n"+currentText() + "\n\n"); doneTyping(); }); });