# Cowyo... _...is the Collection of Online Words You Open._ This tool is supposed to make sharing online notes and lists fast and easy. To jot a note, simply load the page at [`/`](http://cowyo.com/) and write. The url will redirect to an easy-to-remember name that you can use to reload the page at anytime, anywhere. (You can use any url you want too: [`/AnythingYouWant`](http://cowyo.com/AnythingYouWant)). No need to press save, it will automatically save when you stop writing. You can also write your notes in [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) and then render your page by adding `/view`. For example, the page `/about` is rendered at [`/about/view`](/about/view). _Coming soon: To lock your page, simply add a line with ``. This will signal the server to always redirect to `/view`, but will allow one to edit with the correct password. If `public` is set to `false` then the server will also require a password for `/view`._ If you are writing a list and you want to tick off things really easily, just add `/list`. For example, after editing [`/grocery`](http://cowyo.com/grocery), goto [`/grocery/list`](http://cowyo.com/grocery/list). In this page, whatever you click on will be striked through and moved to the end. This is helpful if you write a grocery list and then want to easily delete things from it. Math is supported using [Katex](https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX). Be cautious about writing sensitive information in the notes as anyone with the URL has access to it. For more information, or if you'd like to edit the code, [use the github](https://github.com/schollz/cowyo). **Powered by Raspberry Pi and Go** ![Raspberry Pi](http://cowyo.com/static/img/raspberrypi.png) ![Go Mascot](http://cowyo.com/static/img/gomascot.png) # Install `go get github.com/schollz/cowyo` # Usage ``` $ ./cowyo --help cowyo: a websocket notepad run this to start the server and then visit localhost at the port you specify (see parameters). Example: 'cowyo localhost' Example: 'cowyo -p :8080 localhost' Example: 'cowyo -db /var/lib/cowyo/db.bolt localhost' Example: 'cowyo -p :8080 -crt ssl/server.crt -key ssl/server.key localhost' Options: -crt string location of ssl crt -db string location of database file (default "/home/mu/cowyo/data.db") -httptest.serve string if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks -key string location of ssl key -p string port to bind (default ":12312")``` ```