// A GIN middleware providing low-fi security for sites with simple needs. // // Redirects users to a login page until they provide a secret code. // No CSRF protection, so any js on the web can log you // out (or in, if they know the password). // // Protects you from brute-force attacks by making all login attempts // take 1 second (configurable) and serializing them through a mutex. // // Scripts can send `Authorization: ` instead of // having to keep a cookie jar. // package gin_teeny_security import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin" import "github.com/gin-contrib/sessions" import "net/http" import "net/url" import "io" import "time" import "sync" import "html/template" // Convenient entry-point for those using gin-sessions and // not wanting to override anything. func RequiresSecretAccessCode(secretAccessCode, path string) gin.HandlerFunc { cfg := &Config{ Path: path, Secret: secretAccessCode, } return cfg.Middleware } // Main entry point type Config struct { Path string // defaults to 'login' Secret string // the password RequireAuth func(*gin.Context) bool // defaults to always requiring auth if unset; override to allow some public access. Template *template.Template // Markup for the login page SaveKeyToSession func(*gin.Context, string) // Override to use something other than gin-sessions GetKeyFromSession func(*gin.Context) string // Override to use something other than gin-sessions LoginAttemptSlowdown time.Duration // Increase to slow-down attempts to brute force your password. mutex sync.Mutex } func (c Config) saveKey(ctx *gin.Context, k string) { if c.SaveKeyToSession == nil { c.SaveKeyToSession = DefaultSetSession } c.SaveKeyToSession(ctx, k) } func (c Config) getKey(ctx *gin.Context) string { if c.GetKeyFromSession == nil { c.GetKeyFromSession = DefaultGetSession } return c.GetKeyFromSession(ctx) } // Saves your login status using gin-sessions func DefaultSetSession(c *gin.Context, secret string) { session := sessions.Default(c) session.Set("secretAccessCode", secret) session.Save() } // Gets your login status from gin-sessions func DefaultGetSession(c *gin.Context) string { session := sessions.Default(c) str, ok := session.Get("secretAccessCode").(string) if !ok { return "" } return str } func (c Config) path() string { if c.Path == "" { return "/login/" } return c.Path } func (c Config) requireAuth(ctx *gin.Context) bool { if ctx.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") != "" { // Slow down brute-force attempts. c.mutex.Lock() defer c.mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(c.loginSlowdown()) } if ctx.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") == c.Secret { return false } return c.RequireAuth == nil || c.RequireAuth(ctx) } func (c Config) template() *template.Template { if c.Template == nil { return DEFAULT_LOGIN_PAGE } return c.Template } func (c Config) loginSlowdown() time.Duration { if c.LoginAttemptSlowdown == 0 { return time.Second } return c.LoginAttemptSlowdown } func (c Config) ExecTemplate(w io.Writer, message, returnUrl string) error { return c.template().Execute(w, LoginPageParams{ Message: message, Path: c.path() + "?" + url.Values{"return": []string{returnUrl}}.Encode(), }) } type LoginPageParams struct { Message string Path string } var DEFAULT_LOGIN_PAGE = template.Must(template.New("login").Parse(`


{{ if .Message }}

{{ .Message }}

{{ end }}
CURL users: try setting -H 'Authorization: '
`)) func (cfg *Config) Middleware(c *gin.Context) { if c.Request.URL.Path == cfg.path() { returnTo := c.Request.URL.Query().Get("return") if returnTo == "" { returnTo = "/" } if c.Request.Method == "POST" { // slow down brute-force attacks cfg.mutex.Lock() defer cfg.mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(cfg.loginSlowdown()) c.Request.ParseForm() if c.Request.PostForm.Get("secretAccessCode") == cfg.Secret { c.Header("Location", returnTo) cfg.saveKey(c, cfg.Secret) c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusFound) return } else { cfg.saveKey(c, "") c.Writer.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) cfg.ExecTemplate(c.Writer, "Wrong Password", returnTo) c.Abort() return } } else if c.Request.Method == "GET" { cfg.ExecTemplate(c.Writer, "", returnTo) c.Abort() return } else { c.Next() return } } v := cfg.getKey(c) if cfg.requireAuth(c) && (v != cfg.Secret) { c.Header("Location", cfg.Path+"?"+url.Values{"return": []string{c.Request.URL.RequestURI()}}.Encode()) c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) } else { c.Next() } }