- re-order and mostly re-write cwmrc(5)

- merge example config file into cwmrc(5) and remove (little good in here)

feedback from jmc@ - thanks!

ok simon@
This commit is contained in:
okan 2008-05-18 19:33:36 +00:00
parent 9a58e74401
commit 0f50af616e
2 changed files with 129 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# $OpenBSD$
# Makes the Xft(3) font string fontname the default font
#fontname "sans-serif:pixelsize=14:bold"
# Set sticky group mode on
#sticky no
# Any entry here is shown in the application menu
#command firefox firefox
#command xmms xmms
#command top "xterm -e top"
# Autogroup definition
#autogroup 3 "aterm,XTerm"
#autogroup 3 "xterm,XTerm"
# Cause cwm to ignore programs by that name by not drawing borders around them.
#ignore XMMS
#ignore xwi
#ignore xapm
#ignore xclock
# Keys
#bind CM-r "label"
#bind CS-Return "xterm -e top"
#bind 4-o "unmap"

View File

@ -15,153 +15,163 @@
.\" The following requests are required for all man pages.
.Dd $Mdocdate: April 15 2008 $
.Dd $Mdocdate: April 28 2008 $
.Nm cwmrc
.Nd calm window manager configuration file
This manual page describes the
.Xr cwm 1
window manager configuration file format.
There are quite a few settings that affect the operation of
.Xr cwm 1 .
configuration file.
The following options are accepted in the configuration file:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Ic fontname Ar font
Makes the
.Xr Xft 3
font string
.Ar font
the default font.
.It Ic sticky Ic yes Ns \&| Ns Ic no
Set sticky group mode on.
The default behavior for new windows is to not assign any group.
This changes the default behavior to assigning the currrently selected
group to any newly created windows.
.Bl -tag -width Ds -compact
.It Ic autogroup Ar group Dq windowclass
.It Ic autogroup Ar group Dq windowclass,windowname
Control automatic window grouping, based on the class and/or name
properties, where
.Ar group
is a number between 1 and 9.
The class and name of a window may be obtained using
.Xr xprop 1 .
.It Ic bind Ar keys Ar command
Cause the creation of a keybinding, or replacement of a default
The modifier keys come first, followed by a
.Sq - .
The following modifiers are recognised:
.Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact
.It C
The Control key.
.It M
The Meta key.
.It S
The Shift key.
.It 2
The Mod2 key.
.It 3
The Mod3 key.
.It 4
The Mod4 key (normally the windows key).
.Sq -
should be followed by either a keysym name, taken from
.Pa /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h ,
or a numerical keycode value enclosed in
.Dq [] .
.Ar command
may either be the name of a task from the
.Dq name_to_kbfunc
structure in
.Pa conf.c ,
or the commandline that is to be executed.
A special
.Ar command
.Dq unmap
can be used to remove the named keybinding.
This can be used to remove a binding which conflicts with an
.It Ic command Ar name Ar path
Every command entry is shown in the application menu.
When it is selected, the image is executed with
.Ar name
entry is shown in the application menu.
When selected, the defined
.Ar path
is executed with
.Xr execve 2 .
The entries
.Ar name
.Nm term
.Nm lock
have a special meaning.
When they exist they point to the terminal program and screen locking
programs used by the keybindings specified above.
The defaults for these are
They point to the terminal and screen locking programs specified by
The defaults are
.Xr xterm 1
.Xr xlock 1 ,
.It Ic autogroup Ar group Dq windowclass
.It Ic autogroup Ar group Dq windowclass,windowname
Autogroups are read upon startup and control the
automatic grouping feature, which is based on the window name and class
The group is a number between 1 and 9.
To obtain the name and class of a window, use
.Ql xprop WM_CLASS ,
then click on the window.
The first quoted string is the window name; the second one is the
window class.
.It Ic fontname Ar font
Change the default
.Ar font
.Xr Xft 3 .
For example, to make all windows in the
.Xr xterm 1
class go to the third group:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
autogroup 3 XTerm
.It Ic ignore Ar program
Ignore programs by that name by not drawing borders around them.
For example the command
.Bd -literal -offset indent
ignore xclock
will cause any instances of
.Xr xclock 1
to not have borders.
.It Ic bind Ar keys Ar command
Cause the creation of keyboard shortcuts.
The default shortcuts will always be created.
In case of conflict, user-defined shortcuts take precidence.
The modifier keys come first, followed by a ``-''.
The following modifiers are recognised:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Pa C
The Control key.
.It Pa M
The Meta key.
.It Pa S
The Shift key.
.It Pa 2
The Mod2 key.
.It Pa 3
The Mod3 key.
.It Pa 4
The Mod4 key (normally the windows key).
The ``-'' should be followed by either a keysym name, taken from
.Pa /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdef.h ,
or a numerical keycode value enclosed in ``[]''.
The command should be either the name of a task from the
structure in
.Pa conf.c ,
or, alternatively it should be the commandline that is wished to be executed.
A special case is the ``unmap'' keyword, which causes any bindings using the
named shortcut to be removed.
This can be used to remove a binding which conflicts with an application.
For example, to cause
.Ic C-M-r
to add a label to a window:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
bind CM-r "label"
Launch an xterm running
.Xr top 1
with C-S-Enter:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
bind CS-Return "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -e top"
Remove a keybinding for Mod4-o
.Bd -literal -offset indent
bind 4-o "unmap"
.It Ic gap Ar top bottom left right
Define "gaps" at the edge of the screen, so that when a window is maximized it will not overlap this area.
This gap can be used for other applications such as
Define a
.Dq gap
in pixels at the edge of the screen, so that when a
window is maximized it will not overlap this area.
.Dq gap
can be used for applications such as
.Xr xclock 1 ,
which the user may wish to remain visible.
where the user may wish to remain visible.
.Pa top bottom left
.Pa right
are the sizes of each the gap in pixels.
.It Ic ignore Ar windowname
Ignore drawing borders around a window with the name
.Ar windowname .
.It Ic sticky Ic yes Ns \&| Ns Ic no
Toggle sticky group mode.
The default behavior for new windows is to not assign any group.
By enabling sticky group mode,
.Xr cwm 1
will assign new windows to the currently selected group.
.Bd -literal
# Set default Xft(3) font
fontname "sans-serif:pixelsize=14:bold"
# Set sticky group mode on
sticky no
# Any entry here is shown in the application menu
command firefox firefox
command xmms xmms
command top "xterm -e top"
# Autogroup definitions
autogroup 3 "aterm,XTerm"
autogroup 3 "xterm,XTerm"
# Ignore programs by that name by not drawing borders around them.
ignore XMMS
ignore xwi
ignore xapm
ignore xclock
# Keybindings
bind CM-r "label"
bind CS-Return "xterm -e top"
bind 4-o "unmap"
.Bl -tag -width "~/.cwmrcXXX" -compact
.It Pa ~/.cwmrc
.Xr cwm 1
configuration file
.Xr cwm 1
.An -nosplit
was initially written by
.An Marius Aamodt Eriksen Aq marius@monkey.org
with contributions from
.An Andy Adamson Aq dros@monkey.org ,
.An Niels Provos Aq provos@monkey.org ,
.An Antti Nykänen Aq aon@iki.fi .