
1417 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
| */ static const char pkgname[] = "darkhttpd/0.1"; /*
| */ static const char copyright[] = "copyright (c) 2003 Emil Mikulic"; /*
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* $Id$
2003-03-01 10:01:56 +03:00
* x Ignore SIGPIPE.
* x Actually serve files.
* . Generate directory listings.
* x Log to file.
2003-03-01 10:01:56 +03:00
* . Partial content.
* x If-Modified-Since.
* x Test If-Mod-Since with IE, Phoenix, lynx, links, Opera
2003-03-01 10:01:56 +03:00
* . Keep-alive connections.
* . Chroot, set{uid|gid}.
* . Port to Win32.
* x Detect Content-Type from a list of content types.
* x Log Referer, User-Agent.
* x Ensure URIs requested are safe.
2003-03-01 10:01:56 +03:00
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* for easy defusal */
#define debugf printf
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) ( ((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b) )
LIST_HEAD(conn_list_head, connection) connlist =
struct connection
LIST_ENTRY(connection) entries;
int socket;
in_addr_t client;
time_t last_active;
enum {
RECV_REQUEST, /* receiving request */
SEND_HEADER, /* sending generated header */
SEND_REPLY, /* sending reply */
DONE /* connection closed, need to remove from queue */
} state;
/* char request[request_length+1] is null-terminated */
char *request;
size_t request_length;
/* request fields */
char *method, *uri, *referer, *user_agent;
size_t range_begin, range_end;
int range_begin_given, range_end_given;
char *header;
size_t header_length, header_sent;
int header_dont_free, header_only, http_code;
char *reply;
int reply_dont_free;
FILE *reply_file;
size_t reply_length, reply_sent;
unsigned int total_sent; /* header + body = total, for logging */
LIST_HEAD(mime_map_head, mime_mapping) mime_map =
struct mime_mapping
LIST_ENTRY(mime_mapping) entries;
char *extension, *mimetype;
/* If a connection is idle for IDLETIME seconds or more, it gets closed and
* removed from the connlist. Define to 0 to remove the timeout
* functionality.
#define IDLETIME 60
/* To prevent a malformed request from eating up too much memory, die once the
* request exceeds this many bytes:
/* Defaults can be overridden on the command-line */
static in_addr_t bindaddr = INADDR_ANY;
static u_int16_t bindport = 80;
static int max_connections = -1; /* kern.ipc.somaxconn */
static const char *index_name = "index.html";
static int sockin = -1; /* socket to accept connections from */
static char *wwwroot = NULL; /* a path name */
static char *logfile_name = NULL; /* NULL = no logging */
static FILE *logfile = NULL;
static int want_chroot = 0;
static const char *default_extension_map[] = {
/* Linear search used - order affects speed significantly.
* This could be done in a better way.
"text/html html htm",
"image/png png",
"image/jpeg jpeg jpe jpg",
"image/gif gif",
"audio/mpeg mp2 mp3 mpga",
"application/ogg ogg",
"text/css css",
"text/plain txt asc",
"text/xml xml",
"video/mpeg mpeg mpe mpg",
"video/x-msvideo avi",
static const char default_mimetype[] = "application/octet-stream";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* malloc that errx()s if it can't allocate.
static void *xmalloc(const size_t size)
void *ptr = malloc(size);
if (ptr == NULL) errx(1, "can't allocate %u bytes", size);
return ptr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* realloc() that errx()s if it can't allocate.
static void *xrealloc(void *original, const size_t size)
void *ptr = realloc(original, size);
if (ptr == NULL) errx(1, "can't reallocate %u bytes", size);
return ptr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* strdup() that errx()s if it can't allocate.
static char *xstrdup(const char *src)
size_t len = strlen(src);
char *dest = (char*) xmalloc(len + 1);
memcpy(dest, src, len+1);
return dest;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* asprintf() that errx()s if it fails.
static unsigned int xvasprintf(char **ret, const char *format, va_list ap)
int len = vasprintf(ret, format, ap);
if (ret == NULL || len == -1) errx(1, "out of memory in vasprintf()");
return (unsigned int)len;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* asprintf() that errx()s if it fails.
static unsigned int xasprintf(char **ret, const char *format, ...)
va_list va;
unsigned int len;
va_start(va, format);
len = xvasprintf(ret, format, va);
return len;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Make the specified socket non-blocking.
static void nonblock_socket(const int sock)
if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
err(1, "fcntl() to set O_NONBLOCK");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Split string out of src with range [left:right-1]
static char *split_string(const char *src,
const size_t left, const size_t right)
char *dest;
assert(left <= right);
dest = (char*) xmalloc(right - left + 1);
memcpy(dest, src+left, right-left);
dest[right-left] = '\0';
return dest;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Resolve /./ and /../ in a URI, returing a new, safe URI, or NULL if the URI
* is invalid/unsafe.
static char *make_safe_uri(const char *uri)
char **elements, **reassembly, *out;
unsigned int slashes, elem, reasm, urilen, i, j;
if (uri[0] != '/') return NULL;
urilen = (unsigned int)strlen(uri);
/* count the slashes */
for (i=0, slashes=0; i<urilen; i++)
if (uri[i] == '/') slashes++;
/* make an array for the URI elements */
elements = (char**) xmalloc(sizeof(char*) * slashes);
for (i=0; i<slashes; i++) elements[i] = NULL;
/* split by slash */
elem = i = 0;
while (i < urilen) /* i is the left bound */
/* look for a non-slash */
for (; uri[i] == '/'; i++);
/* look for the next slash */
for (j=i+1; uri[j] != '/' && uri[j] != '\0'; j++);
elements[elem++] = split_string(uri, i, j);
i = j; /* iterate */
reassembly = (char**) xmalloc(sizeof(char*) * slashes);
for (i=0; i<slashes; i++) reassembly[i] = NULL;
reasm = 0;
/* process */
for (i=0; i<elem; i++)
if (strcmp(elements[i], ".") == 0)
{ /* do nothing */ }
else if (strcmp(elements[i], "..") == 0)
/* try to backstep */
if (reasm == 0)
/* user walked out of wwwroot! unsafe uri! */
for (j=0; j<elem; j++)
if (elements[j] != NULL) free(elements[j]);
return NULL;
/* else */
reassembly[reasm] = NULL;
/* plain copy */
reassembly[reasm++] = elements[i];
/* reassemble */
out = (char*) xmalloc(urilen+1);
out[0] = '\0';
for (i=0; i<reasm; i++)
strcat(out, "/");
strcat(out, reassembly[i]);
out = (char*) xrealloc(out, strlen(out)+1); /* shorten buffer */
debugf("`%s' -safe-> `%s'\n", uri, out);
return out;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses a mime.types line and adds the parsed data to the mime_map.
static void parse_mimetype_line(const char *line)
unsigned int pad, bound1, lbound, rbound;
/* parse mimetype */
for (pad=0; line[pad] == ' ' || line[pad] == '\t'; pad++);
if (line[pad] == 0 || /* empty line */
line[pad] == '#') /* comment */
for (bound1=pad+1;
line[bound1] != ' ' &&
line[bound1] != '\t';
if (line[bound1] == 0) return; /* malformed line */
lbound = bound1;
for (;;)
struct mime_mapping *mapping;
/* find beginning of extension */
for (; line[lbound] == ' ' || line[lbound] == '\t'; lbound++);
if (line[lbound] == 0) return; /* end of line */
/* find end of extension */
for (rbound = lbound;
line[rbound] != ' ' &&
line[rbound] != '\t' &&
line[rbound] != '\0';
mapping = (struct mime_mapping *)
xmalloc(sizeof(struct mime_mapping));
mapping->mimetype = split_string(line, pad, bound1);
mapping->extension = split_string(line, lbound, rbound);
assert(strlen(mapping->mimetype) > 0);
assert(strlen(mapping->extension) > 0);
debugf("*.%s \t-> %s\n", mapping->extension, mapping->mimetype);
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&mime_map, mapping, entries);
if (line[rbound] == 0) return; /* end of line */
else lbound = rbound+1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds contents of default_extension_map[] to mime_map list.
static void parse_default_extension_map(void)
int i;
for (i=0; default_extension_map[i] != NULL; i++)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds contents of specified file to mime_map list.
static void parse_extension_map_file(const char *filename)
char *buf = NULL;
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) err(1, "fopen(\"%s\")", filename);
while (!feof(fp))
size_t line_len;
char c;
long filepos;
/* store current file position */
filepos = ftell(fp);
if (filepos == -1) err(1, "ftell()");
/* read to newline */
for (c=0, line_len=0;
!feof(fp) && c != '\n' && c != '\r';
c = fgetc(fp), line_len++);
/* jump back to beginning of current line */
if (fseek(fp, filepos, SEEK_SET) == -1)
err(1, "fseek()");
if (line_len-1 != 0)
/* alloc and fill up buf */
buf = (char*) xmalloc(line_len);
if (fread(buf, 1, line_len-1, fp) != (line_len-1))
err(1, "fread()");
buf[line_len-1] = '\0';
/* parse it */
c = fgetc(fp); /* read last char (newline) */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Uses the mime_map to determine a Content-Type: for a requested URI.
static const char *uri_content_type(const char *uri)
struct mime_mapping *mapping;
size_t urilen = strlen(uri);
LIST_FOREACH(mapping, &mime_map, entries)
size_t extlen = strlen(mapping->extension);
if (urilen >= extlen+3) /* "/a." + "ext" */
if (uri[urilen-1-extlen] == '.' &&
strcmp(uri+urilen-extlen, mapping->extension) == 0)
return mapping->mimetype;
return default_mimetype;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize the sockin global. This is the socket that we accept
* connections from.
static void init_sockin(void)
struct sockaddr_in addrin;
int sockopt;
/* create incoming socket */
sockin = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockin == -1) err(1, "socket()");
/* reuse address */
sockopt = 1;
if (setsockopt(sockin, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
&sockopt, sizeof(sockopt)) == -1)
err(1, "setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR)");
/* bind socket */
addrin.sin_family = (u_char)PF_INET;
addrin.sin_port = htons(bindport);
addrin.sin_addr.s_addr = bindaddr;
memset(&(addrin.sin_zero), 0, 8);
if (bind(sockin, (struct sockaddr *)&addrin,
sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
err(1, "bind(port %u)", bindport);
debugf("listening on %s:%u\n", inet_ntoa(addrin.sin_addr), bindport);
/* listen on socket */
if (listen(sockin, max_connections) == -1)
err(1, "listen()");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prints a usage statement.
static void usage(void)
printf("\n usage: darkhttpd /path/to/wwwroot [options]\n\n"
"\t--port number (default: %u)\n" /* bindport */
"\t\tSpecifies which port to listen on for connections.\n"
"\t--addr ip (default: all)\n"
"\t\tIf multiple interfaces are present, specifies\n"
"\t\twhich one to bind the listening port to.\n"
"\t--maxconn number (default: system maximum)\n"
"\t\tSpecifies how many concurrent connections to accept.\n"
"\t--log filename (default: no logging)\n"
"\t\tSpecifies which file to append the request log to.\n"
"\t--chroot (default: don't chroot)\n"
"\t\tLocks server into wwwroot directory for added security.\n"
"\t--index filename (default: %s)\n" /* index_name */
"\t\tDefault file to serve when a directory is requested.\n"
"\t--mimetypes filename (optional)\n"
"\t\tParses specified file for extension-MIME associations.\n"
/* "\t--uid blah, --gid blah\n" FIXME */
, bindport, index_name);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Expands a path beginning with a tilde. The returned string needs to be
* deallocated.
static char *expand_tilde(const char *path)
const char *home;
char *tmp = NULL;
if (path[0] != '~') return xstrdup(path); /* do nothing */
home = getenv("HOME");
if (home == NULL)
/* no ENV variable, try getpwuid() */
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pw) home = pw->pw_dir;
if (home == NULL) errx(1, "can't expand `~'");
xasprintf(&tmp, "%s%s", home, path+1);
return tmp;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Strips the ending slash from a string (if there is one)
static void strip_endslash(char **str)
if (strlen(*str) < 1) return;
if ((*str)[strlen(*str)-1] != '/') return;
(*str)[strlen(*str)-1] = 0;
*str = (char*) xrealloc(*str, strlen(*str)+1);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parses commandline options.
static void parse_commandline(const int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
if (
(argc < 2) ||
(argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)
usage(); /* no wwwroot given */
wwwroot = expand_tilde( argv[1] ); /* ~/html -> /home/user/html */
/* walk through the remainder of the arguments (if any) */
for (i=2; i<argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--port") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing number after --port");
bindport = (u_int16_t)atoi(argv[i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--addr") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing ip after --addr");
bindaddr = inet_addr(argv[i]);
if (bindaddr == (in_addr_t)INADDR_NONE)
errx(1, "malformed --addr argument");
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--maxconn") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing number after --maxconn");
max_connections = atoi(argv[i]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--log") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing filename after --log");
logfile_name = argv[i];
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--chroot") == 0)
want_chroot = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--index") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing filename after --index");
index_name = argv[i];
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--mimetypes") == 0)
if (++i >= argc) errx(1, "missing filename after --mimetypes");
errx(1, "unknown argument `%s'", argv[i]);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Allocate and initialize an empty connection.
static struct connection *new_connection(void)
struct connection *conn = (struct connection *)
xmalloc(sizeof(struct connection));
conn->socket = -1;
conn->client = INADDR_ANY;
conn->last_active = time(NULL);
conn->request = NULL;
conn->method = NULL;
conn->uri = NULL;
conn->referer = NULL;
conn->user_agent = NULL;
conn->request_length = 0;
conn->header = NULL;
conn->header_sent = 0;
conn->header_length = 0;
conn->header_dont_free = 0;
conn->header_only = 0;
conn->http_code = 0;
conn->reply = NULL;
conn->reply_dont_free = 0;
conn->reply_file = NULL;
conn->reply_sent = 0;
conn->reply_length = 0;
conn->total_sent = 0;
/* Make it harmless so it gets garbage-collected if it should, for some
* reason, fail to be correctly filled out.
conn->state = DONE;
return conn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Accept a connection from sockin and add it to the connection queue.
static void accept_connection(void)
struct sockaddr_in addrin;
socklen_t sin_size;
struct connection *conn;
/* allocate and initialise struct connection */
conn = new_connection();
sin_size = (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr);
conn->socket = accept(sockin, (struct sockaddr *)&addrin,
if (conn->socket == -1) err(1, "accept()");
conn->state = RECV_REQUEST;
conn->client = addrin.sin_addr.s_addr;
LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&connlist, conn, entries);
debugf("accepted connection from %s:%u\n",
ntohs(addrin.sin_port) );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cleanly deallocate the internals of a struct connection
static void free_connection(struct connection *conn)
if (conn->socket != -1) close(conn->socket);
if (conn->request != NULL) free(conn->request);
if (conn->method != NULL) free(conn->method);
if (conn->uri != NULL) free(conn->uri);
if (conn->referer != NULL) free(conn->referer);
if (conn->user_agent != NULL) free(conn->user_agent);
if (conn->header != NULL && !conn->header_dont_free) free(conn->header);
if (conn->reply != NULL && !conn->reply_dont_free) free(conn->reply);
if (conn->reply_file != NULL) fclose(conn->reply_file);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Uppercasify all characters in a string of given length.
static void strntoupper(char *str, const size_t length)
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
str[i] = toupper(str[i]);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If a connection has been idle for more than IDLETIME seconds, it will be
* marked as DONE and killed off in httpd_poll()
static void poll_check_timeout(struct connection *conn)
#if IDLETIME > 0
if (time(NULL) - conn->last_active >= IDLETIME)
debugf("poll_check_timeout(%d) caused closure\n", conn->socket);
conn->state = DONE;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Format [when] as an RFC1123 date, stored in the specified buffer. The same
* buffer is returned for convenience.
#define DATE_LEN 30 /* strlen("Fri, 28 Feb 2003 00:02:08 GMT")+1 */
static char *rfc1123_date(char *dest, const time_t when)
time_t now = when;
if (strftime(dest, DATE_LEN,
"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", gmtime(&now) ) == 0)
errx(1, "strftime() failed [%s]", dest);
return dest;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Decode URL by converting %XX (where XX are hexadecimal digits) to the
* character it represents. Don't forget to free the return value.
static char *urldecode(const char *url)
size_t i, len = strlen(url);
char *out = (char*)xmalloc(len+1);
int pos;
for (i=0, pos=0; i<len; i++)
if (url[i] == '%' && i+2 < len &&
isxdigit(url[i+1]) && isxdigit(url[i+2]))
/* decode %XX */
#define HEX_TO_DIGIT(hex) ( \
((hex) >= 'A' && (hex) <= 'F') ? ((hex)-'A'+10): \
((hex) >= 'a' && (hex) <= 'f') ? ((hex)-'a'+10): \
((hex)-'0') )
out[pos++] = HEX_TO_DIGIT(url[i+1]) * 16 +
i += 2;
/* straight copy */
out[pos++] = url[i];
out[pos] = 0;
out = xrealloc(out, strlen(out)+1); /* dealloc what we don't need */
return out;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003-03-01 10:01:56 +03:00
* A default reply for any (erroneous) occasion.
static void default_reply(struct connection *conn,
const int errcode, const char *errname, const char *format, ...)
char *reason, date[DATE_LEN];
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
xvasprintf(&reason, format, va);
/* Only really need to calculate the date once. */
(void)rfc1123_date(date, time(NULL));
conn->reply_length = xasprintf(&(conn->reply),
"<html><head><title>%d %s</title></head><body>\n"
"<h1>%s</h1>\n" /* errname */
"%s\n" /* reason */
"Generated by %s on %s\n"
errcode, errname, errname, reason, pkgname, date);
conn->header_length = xasprintf(&(conn->header),
"HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n"
"Server: %s\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n" /* FIXME: remove for keepalive */
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
errcode, errname, date, pkgname, conn->reply_length);
conn->reply_type = REPLY_GENERATED;
conn->http_code = errcode;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003-06-07 01:08:54 +04:00
* Parses a single HTTP request field. Returns string from end of [field] to
* first \r, \n or end of request string. Returns NULL if [field] can't be
* matched.
2003-06-07 01:08:54 +04:00
* You need to remember to deallocate the result.
* example: parse_field(conn, "Referer: ");
static char *parse_field(const struct connection *conn, const char *field)
size_t bound1, bound2;
char *pos;
/* find start */
pos = strstr(conn->request, field);
if (pos == NULL) return NULL;
bound1 = pos - conn->request + strlen(field);
/* find end */
for (bound2 = bound1;
conn->request[bound2] != '\r' &&
bound2 < conn->request_length; bound2++)
/* copy to buffer */
return split_string(conn->request, bound1, bound2);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parse a Range: field into range_begin and range_end. Only handles the
* first range if a list is given. Sets range_{begin,end}_given to 1 if
* either part of the range is given.
static void parse_range_field(struct connection *conn)
int bound1, bound2, len;
char *range;
do /* break handling */
range = parse_field(conn, "Range: bytes=");
if (range == NULL) return;
len = strlen(range);
/* parse number up to hyphen */
bound1 = 0;
for (bound2=0;
isdigit( (int)range[bound2] ) && bound2 < len;
if (bound2 == len || range[bound2] != '-')
break; /* there must be a hyphen here */
if (bound1 != bound2)
conn->range_begin_given = 1;
conn->range_begin = atoi(range+bound1);
/* parse number after hyphen */
for (bound1=bound2;
isdigit( (int)range[bound2] ) && bound2 < len;
; /* FIXME */
if (bound2 != len && range[bound2] != ',')
break; /* must be end of string or a list to be valid */
if (bound1 != bound2)
conn->range_end_given = 1;
conn->range_end = atoi(range+bound1);
while(0); /* break handling */
/* sanity check: begin <= end */
if (conn->range_begin_given && conn->range_end_given &&
(conn->range_begin > conn->range_end))
conn->range_begin_given = conn->range_end_given = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parse an HTTP request like "GET / HTTP/1.1" to get the method (GET), the
* url (/), the referer (if given) and the user-agent (if given). Remember to
* deallocate all these buffers. The method will be returned in uppercase.
static void parse_request(struct connection *conn)
size_t bound1, bound2;
assert(conn->request_length == strlen(conn->request));
/* parse method */
for (bound1 = 0; bound1 < conn->request_length &&
conn->request[bound1] != ' '; bound1++);
conn->method = split_string(conn->request, 0, bound1);
strntoupper(conn->method, bound1);
/* parse uri */
for (bound2=bound1+1; bound2 < conn->request_length &&
conn->request[bound2] != ' ' &&
conn->request[bound2] != '\r'; bound2++);
conn->uri = split_string(conn->request, bound1+1, bound2);
/* parse referer, user_agent */
conn->referer = parse_field(conn, "Referer: ");
conn->user_agent = parse_field(conn, "User-Agent: ");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Process a GET/HEAD request
static void process_get(struct connection *conn)
char *decoded_url, *safe_url, *target, *if_mod_since;
char date[DATE_LEN], lastmod[DATE_LEN];
const char *mimetype = NULL;
struct stat filestat;
/* FIXME */
printf("-----\n%s-----\n\n", conn->request);
/* work out path of file being requested */
decoded_url = urldecode(conn->uri);
/* make sure it's safe */
safe_url = make_safe_uri(decoded_url);
free(decoded_url); decoded_url = NULL;
if (safe_url == NULL)
default_reply(conn, 400, "Bad Request",
"You requested an invalid URI: %s", conn->uri);
/* does it end in a slash? serve up url/index_name */
if (safe_url[strlen(safe_url)-1] == '/')
xasprintf(&target, "%s%s%s", wwwroot, safe_url, index_name);
mimetype = uri_content_type(index_name);
else /* points to a file */
xasprintf(&target, "%s%s", wwwroot, safe_url);
mimetype = uri_content_type(safe_url);
free(safe_url); safe_url = NULL;
debugf("uri=%s, target=%s, content-type=%s\n",
conn->uri, target, mimetype);
conn->reply_file = fopen(target, "rb");
free(target); target = NULL;
if (conn->reply_file == NULL)
/* fopen() failed */
if (errno == ENOENT)
default_reply(conn, 404, "Not Found",
"The URI you requested (%s) was not found.", conn->uri);
default_reply(conn, 403, "Forbidden",
"The URI you requested (%s) cannot be returned.<br>\n"
"%s.", /* reason why */
conn->uri, strerror(errno));
/* get information on the file */
if (fstat(fileno(conn->reply_file), &filestat) == -1)
default_reply(conn, 500, "Internal Server Error",
"fstat() failed: %s.", strerror(errno));
conn->reply_type = REPLY_FROMFILE;
conn->reply_length = filestat.st_size;
(void) rfc1123_date(lastmod, filestat.st_mtime);
/* check for If-Modified-Since, may not have to send */
if_mod_since = parse_field(conn, "If-Modified-Since: ");
if (if_mod_since != NULL &&
strcmp(if_mod_since, lastmod) == 0)
debugf("not modified since %s\n", if_mod_since);
default_reply(conn, 304, "Not Modified", "");
conn->header_only = 1;
conn->header_length = xasprintf(&(conn->header),
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n"
"Server: %s\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n" /* FIXME: remove this for keepalive */
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
"Content-Type: %s\r\n"
"Last-Modified: %s\r\n"
rfc1123_date(date, time(NULL)), pkgname, conn->reply_length,
mimetype, lastmod
conn->http_code = 200;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Process a request: build the header and reply, advance state.
static void process_request(struct connection *conn)
if (strcmp(conn->method, "GET") == 0)
else if (strcmp(conn->method, "HEAD") == 0)
conn->header_only = 1;
else if (strcmp(conn->method, "OPTIONS") == 0 ||
strcmp(conn->method, "POST") == 0 ||
strcmp(conn->method, "PUT") == 0 ||
strcmp(conn->method, "DELETE") == 0 ||
strcmp(conn->method, "TRACE") == 0 ||
strcmp(conn->method, "CONNECT") == 0)
default_reply(conn, 501, "Not Implemented",
"The method you specified (%s) is not implemented.",
default_reply(conn, 400, "Bad Request",
"%s is not a valid HTTP/1.1 method.", conn->method);
/* advance state */
conn->state = SEND_HEADER;
/* request not needed anymore */
free(conn->request); conn->request = NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Receiving request.
static void poll_recv_request(struct connection *conn)
#define BUFSIZE 65536
char buf[BUFSIZE];
ssize_t recvd;
recvd = recv(conn->socket, buf, BUFSIZE, 0);
debugf("poll_recv_request(%d) got %d bytes\n", conn->socket, (int)recvd);
if (recvd == -1) err(1, "recv()");
if (recvd == 0)
/* socket closed on us */
conn->state = DONE;
conn->last_active = time(NULL);
#undef BUFSIZE
/* append to conn->request */
conn->request = xrealloc(conn->request, conn->request_length+recvd+1);
memcpy(conn->request+conn->request_length, buf, (size_t)recvd);
conn->request_length += recvd;
conn->request[conn->request_length] = 0;
/* process request if we have all of it */
if (conn->request_length > 4 &&
memcmp(conn->request+conn->request_length-4, "\r\n\r\n", 4) == 0)
/* die if it's too long */
if (conn->request_length > MAX_REQUEST_LENGTH)
default_reply(conn, 413, "Request Entity Too Large",
"Your request was dropped because it was too long.");
conn->state = SEND_HEADER;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sending header. Assumes conn->header is not NULL.
static void poll_send_header(struct connection *conn)
ssize_t sent;
assert(conn->header_length == strlen(conn->header));
sent = send(conn->socket, conn->header + conn->header_sent,
conn->header_length - conn->header_sent, 0);
conn->last_active = time(NULL);
debugf("poll_send_header(%d) sent %d bytes\n", conn->socket, (int)sent);
/* handle any errors (-1) or closure (0) in send() */
if (sent < 1)
if (sent == -1) debugf("send() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
conn->state = DONE;
conn->header_sent += (unsigned int)sent;
conn->total_sent += (unsigned int)sent;
/* check if we're done sending */
if (conn->header_sent == conn->header_length)
if (!conn->header_dont_free) free(conn->header);
conn->header = NULL;
if (conn->header_only)
conn->state = DONE;
conn->state = SEND_REPLY;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Sending reply.
static void poll_send_reply(struct connection *conn)
ssize_t sent;
assert( (conn->reply_type == REPLY_GENERATED &&
conn->reply_length == strlen(conn->reply)) ||
conn->reply_type == REPLY_FROMFILE);
if (conn->reply_type == REPLY_GENERATED)
sent = send(conn->socket, conn->reply + conn->reply_sent,
conn->reply_length - conn->reply_sent, 0);
/* from file! */
#define BUFSIZE 65000
char buf[BUFSIZE];
size_t amount = min((size_t)BUFSIZE,
conn->reply_length - conn->reply_sent);
#undef BUFSIZE
if (fseek(conn->reply_file, (long)conn->reply_sent, SEEK_SET) == -1)
err(1, "fseek(%d)", conn->reply_sent);
if (fread(buf, amount, 1, conn->reply_file) != 1)
err(1, "fread()");
sent = send(conn->socket, buf, amount, 0);
conn->last_active = time(NULL);
debugf("poll_send_reply(%d) sent %d bytes [%d to %d]\n",
conn->socket, (int)sent, (int)conn->reply_sent,
/* handle any errors (-1) or closure (0) in send() */
if (sent < 1)
if (sent == -1) debugf("send() error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
conn->state = DONE;
conn->reply_sent += (unsigned int)sent;
conn->total_sent += (unsigned int)sent;
/* check if we're done sending */
if (conn->reply_sent == conn->reply_length)
if (!conn->reply_dont_free && conn->reply != NULL)
conn->reply = NULL;
if (conn->reply_file != NULL) fclose(conn->reply_file);
conn->state = DONE;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add a connection's details to the logfile.
static void log_connection(const struct connection *conn)
struct in_addr inaddr;
assert(conn->http_code != 0);
if (logfile == NULL) return;
/* Separated by tabs:
* time client_ip method uri http_code bytes_sent "referer" "user-agent"
inaddr.s_addr = conn->client;
fprintf(logfile, "%lu\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%u\t\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\n",
time(NULL), inet_ntoa(inaddr), conn->method, conn->uri,
conn->http_code, conn->total_sent,
(conn->referer == NULL)?"":conn->referer,
(conn->user_agent == NULL)?"":conn->user_agent
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Main loop of the httpd - a select() and then delegation to accept
* connections, handle receiving of requests, and sending of replies.
static void httpd_poll(void)
fd_set recv_set, send_set;
int max_fd, select_ret;
struct connection *conn;
struct timeval timeout = { IDLETIME, 0 };
int bother_with_timeout = 0;
max_fd = 0;
/* set recv/send fd_sets */
#define MAX_FD_SET(sock, fdset) FD_SET(sock,fdset), \
max_fd = (max_fd<sock) ? sock : max_fd
MAX_FD_SET(sockin, &recv_set);
LIST_FOREACH(conn, &connlist, entries)
switch (conn->state)
MAX_FD_SET(conn->socket, &recv_set);
bother_with_timeout = 1;
MAX_FD_SET(conn->socket, &send_set);
bother_with_timeout = 1;
case DONE:
/* clean out stale connections while we're at it */
LIST_REMOVE(conn, entries);
default: errx(1, "invalid state");
#undef MAX_FD_SET
debugf("select("), fflush(stdout);
select_ret = select(max_fd + 1, &recv_set, &send_set, NULL,
(bother_with_timeout) ? &timeout : NULL);
if (select_ret == 0)
if (!bother_with_timeout)
errx(1, "select() timed out");
if (select_ret == -1) err(1, "select()");
/* poll connections that select() says need attention */
if (FD_ISSET(sockin, &recv_set)) accept_connection();
LIST_FOREACH(conn, &connlist, entries)
switch (conn->state)
if (FD_ISSET(conn->socket, &recv_set)) poll_recv_request(conn);
if (FD_ISSET(conn->socket, &send_set)) poll_send_header(conn);
if (FD_ISSET(conn->socket, &send_set)) poll_send_reply(conn);
default: errx(1, "invalid state");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Execution starts here.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("%s, %s.\n", pkgname, copyright);
parse_commandline(argc, argv);
/* open logfile */
if (logfile_name != NULL)
logfile = fopen(logfile_name, "ab");
if (logfile == NULL) err(1, "fopen(\"%s\")", logfile_name);
if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
err(1, "signal(ignore SIGPIPE)");
for (;;) httpd_poll();
(void) close(sockin); /* unreachable =/ fix later */
return 0;
/* vim:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab tw=78: */