# Stupid python path shit. # Instead just add darknet.py to somewhere in your python path # OK actually that might not be a great idea, idk, work in progress # Use at your own risk. or don't, i don't care import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'python/')) import darknet as dn import pdb net = dn.load_net("cfg/yolo-tag.cfg", "yolo-tag_final.weights", 0) meta = dn.load_meta("cfg/openimages.data") pdb.set_trace() rr = dn.detect(net, meta, 'data/dog.jpg') print rr pdb.set_trace() # And then down here you could detect a lot more images like: rr = dn.detect(net, meta, "data/eagle.jpg") print rr rr = dn.detect(net, meta, "data/giraffe.jpg") print rr rr = dn.detect(net, meta, "data/horses.jpg") print rr rr = dn.detect(net, meta, "data/person.jpg") print rr