#include "connected_layer.h" //#include "old_conv.h" #include "convolutional_layer.h" #include "maxpool_layer.h" #include "network.h" #include "image.h" #include "parser.h" #include "data.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mini_blas.h" #include #include #include #define _GNU_SOURCE #include void test_convolve() { image dog = load_image("dog.jpg",300,400); printf("dog channels %d\n", dog.c); image kernel = make_random_image(3,3,dog.c); image edge = make_image(dog.h, dog.w, 1); int i; clock_t start = clock(), end; for(i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){ convolve(dog, kernel, 1, 0, edge, 1); } end = clock(); printf("Convolutions: %lf seconds\n", (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); show_image_layers(edge, "Test Convolve"); } void test_convolve_matrix() { image dog = load_image("dog.jpg",300,400); printf("dog channels %d\n", dog.c); int size = 11; int stride = 4; int n = 40; float *filters = make_random_image(size, size, dog.c*n).data; int mw = ((dog.h-size)/stride+1)*((dog.w-size)/stride+1); int mh = (size*size*dog.c); float *matrix = calloc(mh*mw, sizeof(float)); image edge = make_image((dog.h-size)/stride+1, (dog.w-size)/stride+1, n); int i; clock_t start = clock(), end; for(i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){ im2col_cpu(dog.data, dog.c, dog.h, dog.w, size, stride, matrix); gemm(0,0,n,mw,mh,1,filters,mh,matrix,mw,1,edge.data,mw); } end = clock(); printf("Convolutions: %lf seconds\n", (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); show_image_layers(edge, "Test Convolve"); cvWaitKey(0); } void test_color() { image dog = load_image("test_color.png", 300, 400); show_image_layers(dog, "Test Color"); } void verify_convolutional_layer() { srand(0); int i; int n = 1; int stride = 1; int size = 3; float eps = .00000001; image test = make_random_image(5,5, 1); convolutional_layer layer = *make_convolutional_layer(test.h,test.w,test.c, n, size, stride, RELU); image out = get_convolutional_image(layer); float **jacobian = calloc(test.h*test.w*test.c, sizeof(float)); forward_convolutional_layer(layer, test.data); image base = copy_image(out); for(i = 0; i < test.h*test.w*test.c; ++i){ test.data[i] += eps; forward_convolutional_layer(layer, test.data); image partial = copy_image(out); subtract_image(partial, base); scale_image(partial, 1/eps); jacobian[i] = partial.data; test.data[i] -= eps; } float **jacobian2 = calloc(out.h*out.w*out.c, sizeof(float)); image in_delta = make_image(test.h, test.w, test.c); image out_delta = get_convolutional_delta(layer); for(i = 0; i < out.h*out.w*out.c; ++i){ out_delta.data[i] = 1; backward_convolutional_layer(layer, in_delta.data); image partial = copy_image(in_delta); jacobian2[i] = partial.data; out_delta.data[i] = 0; } int j; float *j1 = calloc(test.h*test.w*test.c*out.h*out.w*out.c, sizeof(float)); float *j2 = calloc(test.h*test.w*test.c*out.h*out.w*out.c, sizeof(float)); for(i = 0; i < test.h*test.w*test.c; ++i){ for(j =0 ; j < out.h*out.w*out.c; ++j){ j1[i*out.h*out.w*out.c + j] = jacobian[i][j]; j2[i*out.h*out.w*out.c + j] = jacobian2[j][i]; printf("%f %f\n", jacobian[i][j], jacobian2[j][i]); } } image mj1 = float_to_image(test.w*test.h*test.c, out.w*out.h*out.c, 1, j1); image mj2 = float_to_image(test.w*test.h*test.c, out.w*out.h*out.c, 1, j2); printf("%f %f\n", avg_image_layer(mj1,0), avg_image_layer(mj2,0)); show_image(mj1, "forward jacobian"); show_image(mj2, "backward jacobian"); } void test_load() { image dog = load_image("dog.jpg", 300, 400); show_image(dog, "Test Load"); show_image_layers(dog, "Test Load"); } void test_upsample() { image dog = load_image("dog.jpg", 300, 400); int n = 3; image up = make_image(n*dog.h, n*dog.w, dog.c); upsample_image(dog, n, up); show_image(up, "Test Upsample"); show_image_layers(up, "Test Upsample"); } void test_rotate() { int i; image dog = load_image("dog.jpg",300,400); clock_t start = clock(), end; for(i = 0; i < 1001; ++i){ rotate_image(dog); } end = clock(); printf("Rotations: %lf seconds\n", (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); show_image(dog, "Test Rotate"); image random = make_random_image(3,3,3); show_image(random, "Test Rotate Random"); rotate_image(random); show_image(random, "Test Rotate Random"); rotate_image(random); show_image(random, "Test Rotate Random"); } void test_parser() { network net = parse_network_cfg("test_parser.cfg"); float input[1]; int count = 0; float avgerr = 0; while(++count < 100000000){ float v = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX); float truth = v*v; input[0] = v; forward_network(net, input); float *out = get_network_output(net); float *delta = get_network_delta(net); float err = pow((out[0]-truth),2.); avgerr = .99 * avgerr + .01 * err; if(count % 1000000 == 0) printf("%f %f :%f AVG %f \n", truth, out[0], err, avgerr); delta[0] = truth - out[0]; backward_network(net, input, &truth); update_network(net, .001,0,0); } } void test_data() { char *labels[] = {"cat","dog"}; data train = load_data_image_pathfile_random("train_paths.txt", 101,labels, 2, 300, 400); free_data(train); } void train_full() { network net = parse_network_cfg("cfg/imagenet.cfg"); srand(2222222); int i = 0; char *labels[] = {"cat","dog"}; float lr = .00001; float momentum = .9; float decay = 0.01; while(1){ i += 1000; data train = load_data_image_pathfile_random("images/assira/train.list", 1000, labels, 2, 256, 256); image im = float_to_image(256, 256, 3,train.X.vals[0]); //visualize_network(net); //cvWaitKey(100); //show_image(im, "input"); //cvWaitKey(100); //scale_data_rows(train, 1./255.); normalize_data_rows(train); clock_t start = clock(), end; float loss = train_network_sgd(net, train, 1000, lr, momentum, decay); end = clock(); printf("%d: %f, Time: %lf seconds, LR: %f, Momentum: %f, Decay: %f\n", i, loss, (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, lr, momentum, decay); free_data(train); if(i%10000==0){ char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "cfg/assira_backup_%d.cfg", i); save_network(net, buff); } //lr *= .99; } } void test_full() { network net = parse_network_cfg("cfg/backup_1300.cfg"); srand(2222222); int i,j; int total = 100; char *labels[] = {"cat","dog"}; FILE *fp = fopen("preds.txt","w"); for(i = 0; i < total; ++i){ visualize_network(net); cvWaitKey(100); data test = load_data_image_pathfile_part("images/assira/test.list", i, total, labels, 2, 256, 256); image im = float_to_image(256, 256, 3,test.X.vals[0]); show_image(im, "input"); cvWaitKey(100); normalize_data_rows(test); for(j = 0; j < test.X.rows; ++j){ float *x = test.X.vals[j]; forward_network(net, x); int class = get_predicted_class_network(net); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", class); } free_data(test); } fclose(fp); } void test_nist() { srand(444444); srand(888888); network net = parse_network_cfg("nist.cfg"); data train = load_categorical_data_csv("mnist/mnist_train.csv", 0, 10); data test = load_categorical_data_csv("mnist/mnist_test.csv",0,10); normalize_data_rows(train); normalize_data_rows(test); //randomize_data(train); int count = 0; float lr = .0005; float momentum = .9; float decay = 0.001; clock_t start = clock(), end; while(++count <= 100){ //visualize_network(net); float loss = train_network_sgd(net, train, 1000, lr, momentum, decay); printf("%5d Training Loss: %lf, Params: %f %f %f, ",count*100, loss, lr, momentum, decay); end = clock(); printf("Time: %lf seconds\n", (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); start=end; //cvWaitKey(100); //lr /= 2; if(count%5 == 0){ float train_acc = network_accuracy(net, train); fprintf(stderr, "\nTRAIN: %f\n", train_acc); float test_acc = network_accuracy(net, test); fprintf(stderr, "TEST: %f\n\n", test_acc); printf("%d, %f, %f\n", count, train_acc, test_acc); //lr *= .5; } } } void test_ensemble() { int i; srand(888888); data d = load_categorical_data_csv("mnist/mnist_train.csv", 0, 10); normalize_data_rows(d); data test = load_categorical_data_csv("mnist/mnist_test.csv", 0,10); normalize_data_rows(test); data train = d; // data *split = split_data(d, 1, 10); // data train = split[0]; // data test = split[1]; matrix prediction = make_matrix(test.y.rows, test.y.cols); int n = 30; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){ int count = 0; float lr = .0005; float momentum = .9; float decay = .01; network net = parse_network_cfg("nist.cfg"); while(++count <= 15){ float acc = train_network_sgd(net, train, train.X.rows, lr, momentum, decay); printf("Training Accuracy: %lf Learning Rate: %f Momentum: %f Decay: %f\n", acc, lr, momentum, decay ); lr /= 2; } matrix partial = network_predict_data(net, test); float acc = matrix_accuracy(test.y, partial); printf("Model Accuracy: %lf\n", acc); matrix_add_matrix(partial, prediction); acc = matrix_accuracy(test.y, prediction); printf("Current Ensemble Accuracy: %lf\n", acc); free_matrix(partial); } float acc = matrix_accuracy(test.y, prediction); printf("Full Ensemble Accuracy: %lf\n", acc); } void test_random_classify() { network net = parse_network_cfg("connected.cfg"); matrix m = csv_to_matrix("train.csv"); //matrix ho = hold_out_matrix(&m, 2500); float *truth = pop_column(&m, 0); //float *ho_truth = pop_column(&ho, 0); int i; clock_t start = clock(), end; int count = 0; while(++count <= 300){ for(i = 0; i < m.rows; ++i){ int index = rand()%m.rows; //image p = float_to_image(1690,1,1,m.vals[index]); //normalize_image(p); forward_network(net, m.vals[index]); float *out = get_network_output(net); float *delta = get_network_delta(net); //printf("%f\n", out[0]); delta[0] = truth[index] - out[0]; // printf("%f\n", delta[0]); //printf("%f %f\n", truth[index], out[0]); //backward_network(net, m.vals[index], ); update_network(net, .00001, 0,0); } //float test_acc = error_network(net, m, truth); //float valid_acc = error_network(net, ho, ho_truth); //printf("%f, %f\n", test_acc, valid_acc); //fprintf(stderr, "%5d: %f Valid: %f\n",count, test_acc, valid_acc); //if(valid_acc > .70) break; } end = clock(); FILE *fp = fopen("submission/out.txt", "w"); matrix test = csv_to_matrix("test.csv"); truth = pop_column(&test, 0); for(i = 0; i < test.rows; ++i){ forward_network(net, test.vals[i]); float *out = get_network_output(net); if(fabs(out[0]) < .5) fprintf(fp, "0\n"); else fprintf(fp, "1\n"); } fclose(fp); printf("Neural Net Learning: %lf seconds\n", (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); } void test_split() { data train = load_categorical_data_csv("mnist/mnist_train.csv", 0, 10); data *split = split_data(train, 0, 13); printf("%d, %d, %d\n", train.X.rows, split[0].X.rows, split[1].X.rows); } void test_im2row() { int h = 20; int w = 20; int c = 3; int stride = 1; int size = 11; image test = make_random_image(h,w,c); int mc = 1; int mw = ((h-size)/stride+1)*((w-size)/stride+1); int mh = (size*size*c); int msize = mc*mw*mh; float *matrix = calloc(msize, sizeof(float)); int i; for(i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){ im2col_cpu(test.data, c, h, w, size, stride, matrix); //image render = float_to_image(mh, mw, mc, matrix); } } void train_VOC() { network net = parse_network_cfg("cfg/voc_start.cfg"); srand(2222222); int i = 20; char *labels[] = {"aeroplane","bicycle","bird","boat","bottle","bus","car","cat","chair","cow","diningtable","dog","horse","motorbike","person","pottedplant","sheep","sofa","train","tvmonitor"}; float lr = .00001; float momentum = .9; float decay = 0.01; while(i++ < 1000 || 1){ data train = load_data_image_pathfile_random("images/VOC2012/val_paths.txt", 1000, labels, 20, 300, 400); image im = float_to_image(300, 400, 3,train.X.vals[0]); show_image(im, "input"); visualize_network(net); cvWaitKey(100); normalize_data_rows(train); clock_t start = clock(), end; float loss = train_network_sgd(net, train, 1000, lr, momentum, decay); end = clock(); printf("%d: %f, Time: %lf seconds, LR: %f, Momentum: %f, Decay: %f\n", i, loss, (float)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC, lr, momentum, decay); free_data(train); if(i%10==0){ char buff[256]; sprintf(buff, "cfg/voc_clean_ramp_%d.cfg", i); save_network(net, buff); } //lr *= .99; } } int voc_size(int x) { x = x-1+3; x = x-1+3; x = x-1+3; x = (x-1)*2+1; x = x-1+5; x = (x-1)*2+1; x = (x-1)*4+11; return x; } image features_output_size(network net, IplImage *src, int outh, int outw) { int h = voc_size(outh); int w = voc_size(outw); printf("%d %d\n", h, w); IplImage *sized = cvCreateImage(cvSize(w,h), src->depth, src->nChannels); cvResize(src, sized, CV_INTER_LINEAR); image im = ipl_to_image(sized); reset_network_size(net, im.h, im.w, im.c); forward_network(net, im.data); image out = get_network_image_layer(net, 6); //printf("%d %d\n%d %d\n", outh, out.h, outw, out.w); free_image(im); cvReleaseImage(&sized); return copy_image(out); } void features_VOC(int part, int total) { int i,j, count = 0; network net = parse_network_cfg("cfg/voc_features.cfg"); char *path_file = "images/VOC2012/all_paths.txt"; char *out_dir = "voc_features/"; list *paths = get_paths(path_file); node *n = paths->front; int size = paths->size; for(count = 0; count < part*size/total; ++count) n = n->next; while(n && count++ < (part+1)*size/total){ char *path = (char *)n->val; char buff[1024]; sprintf(buff, "%s%s.txt",out_dir, path); printf("%s\n", path); FILE *fp = fopen(buff, "w"); if(fp == 0) file_error(buff); IplImage* src = 0; if( (src = cvLoadImage(path,-1)) == 0 ) { printf("Cannot load file image %s\n", path); exit(0); } int w = src->width; int h = src->height; int sbin = 8; int interval = 10; double scale = pow(2., 1./interval); int m = (wnext; } } void features_VOC_image(char *image_file, char *image_dir, char *out_dir) { int i,j; network net = parse_network_cfg("cfg/imagenet.cfg"); char image_path[1024]; sprintf(image_path, "%s%s",image_dir, image_file); char out_path[1024]; sprintf(out_path, "%s%s.txt",out_dir, image_file); printf("%s\n", image_file); FILE *fp = fopen(out_path, "w"); if(fp == 0) file_error(out_path); IplImage* src = 0; if( (src = cvLoadImage(image_path,-1)) == 0 ) file_error(image_path); int w = src->width; int h = src->height; int sbin = 8; int interval = 10; double scale = pow(2., 1./interval); int m = (wheight/8-2; int w = img->width/8-2; image out = features_output_size(net, img, h, w); int c = out.c; out.c = 1; show_image(out, "output"); out.c = c; image input = ipl_to_image(img); show_image(input, "input"); CvScalar s; int i,j; image affects = make_image(input.h, input.w, 1); int count = 0; for(i = 0; iheight; i += 1){ for(j = 0; j < img->width; j += 1){ IplImage *copy = cvCloneImage(img); s=cvGet2D(copy,i,j); // get the (i,j) pixel value printf("%d/%d\n", count++, img->height*img->width); s.val[0]=0; s.val[1]=0; s.val[2]=0; cvSet2D(copy,i,j,s); // set the (i,j) pixel value image mod = features_output_size(net, copy, h, w); image dist = image_distance(out, mod); show_image(affects, "affects"); cvWaitKey(1); cvReleaseImage(©); //affects.data[i*affects.w + j] += dist.data[3*dist.w+5]; affects.data[i*affects.w + j] += dist.data[1*dist.w+1]; free_image(mod); free_image(dist); } } show_image(affects, "Origins"); cvWaitKey(0); cvWaitKey(0); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //train_full(); //test_distribution(); //feenableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW); //test_blas(); //test_convolve_matrix(); // test_im2row(); //test_split(); //test_ensemble(); //test_nist(); //test_full(); //train_VOC(); features_VOC_image(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); printf("Success!\n"); //test_random_preprocess(); //test_random_classify(); //test_parser(); //test_backpropagate(); //test_ann(); //test_convolve(); //test_upsample(); //test_rotate(); //test_load(); //test_network(); //test_convolutional_layer(); //verify_convolutional_layer(); //test_color(); //cvWaitKey(0); return 0; }