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# data file for the FLTK User Interface Designer (FLUID)
version 2.0100
images_dir ./
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cpp}
gridx 5
gridy 5
snap 3
decl {/*
* $Id$
* Colors and fonts settings
* Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 EDE Authors.
* This program is licenced under terms of the
* GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer.
* See COPYING for details.
*/} {}
decl {\#include "../edeconf.h"} {}
decl {\#include <fltk/ColorChooser.h>} {}
decl {\#include "ecolorutils.h"} {}
Function {} {open
} {
code {//fl_init_locale_support("ecolorconf", PREFIX"/share/locale");} {}
{fltk::Window} windowColorSettings {
label {Colors and fonts settings}
callback {exit(0);} open
xywh {507 139 330 360} resizable visible
} {
{fltk::TabGroup} {} {open
private xywh {5 5 318 200} color 0xfffffffe
} {
{fltk::Group} {} {
label {Default colors} open
xywh {0 25 318 175}
} {
{fltk::Button} colorBox {
label Widgets
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {90 30 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} labelColorBox {
label Label
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {15 75 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} selectionColorBox {
label {Sel. back.}
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {240 120 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} selectionTextColorBox {
label Selection
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {165 120 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} highlightColorBox {
label Highlight
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {165 30 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} highlightLabelColorBox {
label Highlight
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {165 75 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} textColorBox {
label Text
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {15 120 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} backgroundBox {
label Background
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {15 30 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} textBackgroundBox {
label Background
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {90 120 65 20} align 5 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Group} {} {
label Tooltips open
xywh {0 26 318 169} hide
} {
{fltk::Button} tooltipBox {
label {Tooltip color}
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {156 44 65 20} align 133 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::Button} tooltipTextColorButton {
label {Tooltip text color}
callback ChangeBoxColor
xywh {236 44 65 20} align 133 buttonbox DOWN_BOX
{fltk::CheckButton} tooltipsEnableEffects {
label {Enable effects}
xywh {10 39 145 25}
{fltk::CheckButton} tooltipsEnable {
label Enabled
xywh {10 14 145 25}
{fltk::Choice} tooltipsEffectType {
label {Effect type:} open
xywh {75 80 115 23} align 0
} {
{fltk::Item} {} {
label None
{fltk::Item} {} {
label Animation
{fltk::Item} {} {
label Fading
{fltk::ValueInput} tooltipsDelay {
label {Delay:}
xywh {75 119 50 25}
{fltk::Group} {} {
label Fonts open
xywh {0 26 318 169} hide
extra_code {o->label(_(o->label()));}
} {
{fltk::Button} setLabelFont {
label {...}
callback {labelfont_cb();}
xywh {275 14 30 25}
{fltk::Button} setTextFont {
label {...}
callback {textfont_cb();}
xywh {275 49 30 25}
{fltk::InvisibleBox} labelFontInput {
label label
xywh {75 14 190 25} align 36 box DOWN_BOX
{fltk::InvisibleBox} textFontInput {
label label
xywh {75 50 190 24} align 36 box DOWN_BOX
{fltk::InvisibleBox} {} {
label {Label font:}
xywh {15 14 65 25} align 40
{fltk::InvisibleBox} {} {
label {Text font:}
xywh {15 49 65 25} align 40
{fltk::Group} {} {
label Menus open
xywh {0 26 318 174} hide
} {
{fltk::CheckButton} menusEnableEffects {
label {Enable effects}
xywh {10 14 305 25}
{fltk::CheckButton} menusEnableSubwindowEffects {
label {Enable subwindow effects}
xywh {10 39 305 25}
{fltk::Choice} menusEffectType {
label {Effect type:}
xywh {75 80 115 23} align 0
} {
{fltk::Item} {} {
label None
{fltk::Item} {} {
label Animation
{fltk::Item} {} {
label Fading
{fltk::ValueInput} menusSpeed {
label {Speed:}
xywh {75 119 45 25}
{fltk::ValueInput} menusDelay {
label {Delay:}
xywh {211 119 50 25}
{fltk::Group} {} {
label Others open
xywh {0 26 318 174} hide
} {
{fltk::CheckButton} mdiAnimation {
label {Enable MDI animation}
xywh {11 14 300 25}
{fltk::CheckButton} mdiOpaqueAnimation {
label {MDI opaque animation}
xywh {11 44 300 25}
{fltk::CheckButton} imagesStateEffect {
label {Enable images state effect}
xywh {11 74 300 25}
{fltk::Group} {} {open
xywh {3 210 320 110} box DOWN_BOX
} {
{fltk::Button} {} {
label {&Save as...}
callback {saveSchemeAs();}
private xywh {194 25 80 25}
{fltk::CheckButton} allApplyRadioButton {
label {Ap&ply colors to all programs}
xywh {6 65 299 25} when CHANGED
{fltk::Choice} schemeListBox {
label {Schemes:}
callback {getSchemeColors();} open selected
xywh {9 27 175 23} align 5 when CHANGED
extra_code {\#include <efltk/Fl_Input_Browser.h>
class {fltk::InputBrowser}
} {}
{fltk::Button} {} {
label {&OK}
callback {//windowColorSettings->hide();
private xywh {75 328 80 25}
{fltk::Button} {} {
label {&Apply}
callback {saveActiveScheme();
private xywh {160 328 80 25}
{fltk::Button} {} {
label {&Cancel}
callback {exit(0);}
private xywh {245 328 80 25}
code {//updateFontAll();
loadEfltkConfig();} {}
Function {ChangeBoxColor(fltk::Button *box, void *)} {open return_type void
} {
code {//Fl_Button *colorBox = box;
fltk::Color oldColor = box->color();
fltk::Color defColor = oldColor;
fltk::color_chooser(_("Choose color"), defColor);
if (defColor != oldColor)
}} {}