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2009-02-19 11:12:29 +03:00
evoke documentation
2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
2009-02-19 11:12:29 +03:00
evoke is EDE service responsible for starting and quitting desktop, including
all needed prerequisites. Also, it will autostart programs (run programs using
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/autostart-spec[autostart specification])
and behave as http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/xsettings-spec[XSETTINGS] manager.
It is usually started at EDE startup, from 'startede' script and will allow only one instance of
itself to be running.
-s, --startup::
Run in starup mode. Startup mode should be used when environment is
starting and it will read 'ede-startup.conf' file looking for components to
be started.
-n, --no-splash::
Do not display splash during startup. Only usefull if in startup mode
(given '-s' or '--startup').
-d, --dry-run::
Only useful in startup mode (if '-s' or '--startup' are given). Mainly to test
splash screen themes
-a, --autostart::
Run in autostart mode. It will check 'autostart' directory and run .desktop
files from it. This will be done according to freedesktop.org autostart specification.
-u, --autostart-safe::
Same as '-a' or '--autostart' option, but display dialog with items that should
be run.
-h, --help::
This help.
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evoke can be started with or without options. If started without options, it will behave as
XSETTINGS manager (more below).
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
2009-02-19 11:12:29 +03:00
2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
Autostart option is used to run applications from 'autostart' directory. This directory is
usually located at $HOME/.config/autostart or, if not exists, in /etc/xdg/autostart.
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
Of course, both directories can exists and evoke will run applications from both, but with one exception:
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if application with the same .desktop name exists in both (and is valid desktop file), it will
be run only from prefered directory, which is $HOME/.config/autostart.
If you want some application to be run at EDE startup (implying evoke is started with '-a' option),
just copy it's .desktop file to autostart directory. Before that, make sure that .desktop file
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conforms to the http://freedesktop.org[freedesktop.org] specification for Desktop Files.
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
If you want to disable running some application from autostart directory, you can simply delete it's
.desktop file or set this key in it:
2009-02-19 11:12:29 +03:00
Hidden = true
Make sure that 'Hidden' key is under '[Desktop Entry]' section.
Autostart mode can be run in two ways: safe and unsafe. Safe way ('-u' or '--autostart-safe') will
2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
popup window with programs that should be started, from where you can chose either to
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start some of them, start all of them or to start nothing. On other hand, unsafe way ('-a' or '--autostart')
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will simply run all programs without any questioning (should I say that this can be very insecure).
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These options are intentionally provided so you can choose startup policy depending on your security
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Startup option used when EDE is starting, running each component (or program) from 'ede-startup.conf'.
This file is in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/ede (usually /etc/xdg/ede) and it's main purpose is to run
EDE parts.
This configuration file is in the following form:
2009-02-19 11:12:29 +03:00
# start_order key is used to notify evoke what to start
# and program keys must be separated with comma (if multiple ones are given)
start_order = program1, program2, program3
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# theme for starting splash screen
splash_theme = name
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# now comes each value from Startup key as separate key
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# icon is icon used in splash screen progress (it is part of splash theme)
icon = icon1.png
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
# exec is program executable to be run
exec = program1
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# description is used to describe what is starting
description = my cool program
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
icon = icon2.png
exec = program2
description = my cool second program
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2009-02-19 12:15:32 +03:00
XSETTINGS is protocol that provides a mechanism for applications to share simple configuration settings and
it is toolkit neutral.
.XSETTINGS support
Not all toolkits supports XSETTINGS protocol; currently only Gtk+ and edelib apps understainds
it (as I know).