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* $Id$
* Application for setting system date, time and local timezone
* Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors.
* This program is licenced under terms of the
* GNU General Public Licence version 2 or newer.
* See COPYING for details.
// This is the Calendar widget class inspired by the Calendar originally
// developed by Alexey Parshin for SPTK and later imported into efltk.
#ifndef _EDE_CALENDAR_H_
#define _EDE_CALENDAR_H_
#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Repeat_Button.H>
#include <edelib/DateTime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/** EDE_Calendar */
class EDE_Calendar : public Fl_Group {
static void cbSwitchButtonClicked(Fl_Widget *,long);
Fl_Group *m_headerBox;
Fl_Group *m_buttonBox;
Fl_Box *m_monthNameBox;
Fl_Box *m_dayNameBoxes[7];
Fl_Box *m_dayButtons[31];
Fl_Repeat_Button *m_switchButtons[4];
Fl_Box *m_filler[3];
edelib::Date today_date_;
edelib::Date active_date_;
// Update color and appearance of boxes and buttons
void update_calendar();
// Resize various boxes and buttons
void layout(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
// Debugging:
void printdate(const char* c, edelib::Date d) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d.%d.%d\n", c, d.day(), d.month(), d.year()); }
/** The traditional constructor creates the calendar using the position, size, and label. */
EDE_Calendar(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *lbl=0L);
/** Reset active and current date to system date */
virtual void reset() {
today_date_.set(edelib::Date::YearNow, edelib::Date::MonthNow, edelib::Date::DayNow);
edelib::Date d1 = active_date_;
active_date_.set(edelib::Date::YearNow, edelib::Date::MonthNow, edelib::Date::DayNow);
if (d1.month()!= edelib::Date::MonthNow || d1.year()!=edelib::Date::YearNow)
/** Change active date */
void active_date(const edelib::Date d) {
edelib::Date d1 = active_date_;
active_date_ = d;
// turn calendar to another page
if (d1.month()!=d.month() || d1.year()!=d.year())
const edelib::Date active_date() const { return active_date_; }
/** Change today date */
void today_date(const edelib::Date d) {
today_date_ = d;
const edelib::Date today_date() const { return today_date_; }
// Keyboard and mouse handling
int handle(int e);
// Overload resize to call our layout()
void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
// Since box colors are based on Calendar color, we need to
// overload color changing methods
void color(Fl_Color c) { Fl_Widget::color(c); update_calendar(); }
void color(Fl_Color c1, Fl_Color c2) { Fl_Widget::color(c1,c2); update_calendar(); }
Fl_Color color() { return Fl_Widget::color(); }