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2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
* $Id$
* Evoke, head honcho of everything
* Part of Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE).
* Copyright (c) 2000-2007 EDE Authors.
* This program is licensed under terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 or newer.
* See COPYING for details.
#include <sys/types.h> // getpid
#include <unistd.h> // pipe
#include <fcntl.h> // fcntl
#include <stdlib.h> // free
#include <string.h> // strdup, memset
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
#include <edelib/File.h>
#include <edelib/Config.h>
#include <edelib/DesktopFile.h>
#include <edelib/Directory.h>
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
#include <edelib/StrUtil.h>
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
#include <edelib/Util.h>
#include <edelib/Debug.h>
#include <edelib/MessageBox.h>
#include <edelib/Nls.h>
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
#include "Log.h"
#include "Logout.h"
#include "EvokeService.h"
#include "Splash.h"
#include "Spawn.h"
#include "Autostart.h"
static void resolve_path(const edelib::String& datadir, edelib::String& item, bool have_datadir) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
const char* i = item.c_str();
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(!edelib::file_exists(i) && have_datadir) {
2008-10-02 12:23:53 +04:00
item = edelib::build_filename(datadir.c_str(), i);
i = item.c_str();
if(!edelib::file_exists(i)) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
// no file, send then empty
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
static char* get_basename(const char* path) {
char* p = strrchr(path, '/');
return (p + 1);
return (char*)path;
* 'Remove' duplicate entries by looking at their basename
* (aka. filename, but ignoring directory path). Item is not actually removed from
* the list (will mess up list pointers, but this can be resolved), but data it points
* to is cleared, which is a sort of marker to caller to skip it. Dumb yes, but very simple.
* It will use brute force for lookup and 'removal' and (hopfully) it should not have
* a large impact on startup since, afaik, no one keeps hundreds of files in autostart
* directories (if keeps them, then that issue is not up to this program :-P).
* Alternative would be to sort items (by their basename) and apply consecutive unique on
* them, but... is it worth ?
static void basename_unique(StringList& lst) {
StringListIter first, last, first1, last1;
first = lst.begin();
last = lst.end();
if(first == last)
const char* p1, *p2;
for(; first != last; ++first) {
for(first1 = lst.begin(), last1 = lst.end(); first1 != last1; ++first1) {
p1 = (*first).c_str();
p2 = (*first1).c_str();
if(first != first1 && strcmp(get_basename(p1), get_basename(p2)) == 0)
static int get_int_property_value(Atom at) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
Atom real;
int format;
unsigned long n, extra;
unsigned char* prop;
int status = XGetWindowProperty(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen),
at, 0L, 0x7fffffff, False, XA_CARDINAL, &real, &format, &n, &extra,
(unsigned char**)&prop);
int ret = -1;
if(status != Success && !prop)
return ret;
ret = int(*(long*)prop);
return ret;
static int get_string_property_value(Atom at, char* txt, int txt_len) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
XTextProperty names;
XGetTextProperty(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), &names, at);
if(!names.nitems || !names.value)
return 0;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
char** vnames;
int nsz = 0;
if(!XTextPropertyToStringList(&names, &vnames, &nsz)) {
return 0;
strncpy(txt, vnames[0], txt_len);
txt[txt_len] = 0;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
return 1;
* This is re-implementation of XmuClientWindow() so I don't have to link code with libXmu.
* XmuClientWindow() will return parent window of given window; this is used so we don't
* send delete message to some button or else, but it's parent.
static Window mu_try_children(Display* dpy, Window win, Atom wm_state) {
Atom real;
Window root, parent;
Window* children = 0;
Window ret = 0;
unsigned int nchildren;
unsigned char* prop;
unsigned long n, extra;
int format;
if(!XQueryTree(dpy, win, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren))
return 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; (i < nchildren) && !ret; i++) {
prop = NULL;
XGetWindowProperty(dpy, children[i], wm_state, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType,
&real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop);
ret = children[i];
for(unsigned int i = 0; (i < nchildren) && !ret; i++)
ret = mu_try_children(dpy, win, wm_state);
return ret;
static Window mu_client_window(Display* dpy, Window win, Atom wm_state) {
Atom real;
int format;
unsigned long n, extra;
unsigned char* prop;
int status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, win, wm_state, 0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType,
&real, &format, &n, &extra, (unsigned char**)&prop);
if(status != Success)
return win;
return win;
Window w = mu_try_children(dpy, win, wm_state);
if(!w) w = win;
return w;
void service_watcher_cb(int pid, int signum) {
EvokeService::instance()->service_watcher(pid, signum);
static void wake_up_cb(int fd, void* v) {
EvokeService::EvokeService() :
is_running(0), logfile(NULL), xsm(NULL),
pidfile(NULL), lockfile(NULL) {
wake_up_pipe[0] = wake_up_pipe[1] = -1;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
EvokeService::~EvokeService() {
delete logfile;
delete composite;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(lockfile) {
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
if(pidfile) {
if(wake_up_pipe[0] != -1)
if(wake_up_pipe[1] != -1)
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
EvokeService* EvokeService::instance(void) {
static EvokeService es;
return &es;
bool EvokeService::setup_channels(void) {
if(pipe(wake_up_pipe) != 0)
return false;
fcntl(wake_up_pipe[1], F_SETFL, fcntl(wake_up_pipe[1], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
Fl::add_fd(wake_up_pipe[0], FL_READ, wake_up_cb);
return true;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
bool EvokeService::setup_logging(const char* file) {
logfile = new DummyLog();
logfile = new RealLog();
if(!logfile->open(file)) {
delete logfile;
logfile = NULL;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
return false;
return true;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
bool EvokeService::setup_pid(const char* file, const char* lock) {
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
return false;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
return false;
FILE* l = fopen(lock, "w");
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
return false;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
fprintf(l, " ");
lockfile = strdup(lock);
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
FILE* f = fopen(file, "w");
return false;
fprintf(f, "%i", getpid());
pidfile = strdup(file);
return true;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
bool EvokeService::init_splash(const char* config, bool no_splash, bool dry_run) {
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
edelib::Config c;
return false;
char buff[1024];
bool have_datadir = false;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
c.get("evoke", "DataDirectory", buff, sizeof(buff));
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
// no evoke section
if(c.error() == edelib::CONF_ERR_SECTION)
return false;
edelib::String datadir;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(c.error() == edelib::CONF_SUCCESS) {
datadir = buff;
have_datadir = true;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
edelib::String splashimg;
if(c.get("evoke", "Splash", buff, sizeof(buff)))
splashimg = buff;
// Startup key must exists
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
if(!c.get("evoke", "Startup", buff, sizeof(buff)))
return false;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
StringList vs;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
edelib::stringtok(vs, buff, ",");
// nothing, fine, do nothing
unsigned int sz = vs.size();
if(sz == 0)
return true;
EvokeClient ec;
const char* key_name;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
for(StringListIter it = vs.begin(); it != vs.end(); ++it) {
key_name = (*it).c_str();
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
// probably listed but not the same key; also Exec value must exists
if(!c.get(key_name, "Exec", buff, sizeof(buff)))
ec.exec = buff;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(c.get(key_name, "Description", buff, sizeof(buff)))
ec.desc = buff;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
if(c.get(key_name, "Icon", buff, sizeof(buff)))
ec.icon = buff;
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
* Now, before data is send to Splash, resolve directories
* since Splash expects that.
resolve_path(datadir, splashimg, have_datadir);
ClientListIter it, it_end;
for(it = clients.begin(), it_end = clients.end(); it != it_end; ++it)
resolve_path(datadir, (*it).icon, have_datadir);
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
Splash sp(no_splash, dry_run);
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
return true;
* This is implementation of Autostart Spec (http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html).
* The Autostart Directories are $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart.
* If the same filename is located under multiple Autostart Directories
* only the file under the most important directory should be used.
* Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set the Autostart Directory in the user's home
* directory is ~/.config/autostart/
* Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not set the system wide Autostart Directory
* is /etc/xdg/autostart/
* Example: If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS are not set and the two
* files /etc/xdg/autostart/foo.desktop and ~/.config/autostart/foo.desktop exist
* then only the file ~/.config/autostart/foo.desktop will be used because ~/.config/autostart/
* is more important than /etc/xdg/autostart/
* If Hidden key is set true in .desktop file, file MUST be ignored.
* OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn (list of strings identifying desktop environments) if (or if not)
* contains environment name, MUST not be started/not started.
* TryExec is same as for .desktop spec.
void EvokeService::init_autostart(bool safe) {
const char* autostart_dirname = "/autostart/";
edelib::String adir = edelib::user_config_dir();
adir += autostart_dirname;
StringList dfiles, sysdirs, tmp;
StringListIter it, it_end, tmp_it, tmp_it_end;
edelib::dir_list(adir.c_str(), dfiles, true);
if(!sysdirs.empty()) {
for(it = sysdirs.begin(), it_end = sysdirs.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
*it += autostart_dirname;
* append content
* FIXME: too much of copying. There should be some way to merge list items
* probably via merge() member
edelib::dir_list((*it).c_str(), tmp, true);
for(tmp_it = tmp.begin(), tmp_it_end = tmp.end(); tmp_it != tmp_it_end; ++tmp_it)
* Remove duplicates where first one seen have priority to be keept.
* This way is required by spec.
* Also handle this case (noted in spec):
* if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/foo.desktop and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/foo.desktop
* exists, but $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/foo.desktop have 'Hidden = true',
* $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/foo.autostart is ignored too.
* Latter is implied via basename_unique().
const char* name;
char buff[1024];
edelib::DesktopFile df;
edelib::String item_name;
AstartDialog dlg(dfiles.size(), safe);
for(it = dfiles.begin(), it_end = dfiles.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
name = (*it).c_str();
if(!edelib::str_ends(name, ".desktop"))
if(!df.load(name)) {
EVOKE_LOG("Can't load %s. Skipping...\n", name);
// If Hidden key is set true in .desktop file, file MUST be ignored.
if(df.name(buff, sizeof(buff)))
item_name = buff;
item_name = name;
if(df.try_exec(buff, sizeof(buff)) || df.exec(buff, sizeof(buff)))
dlg.add_item(item_name, buff);
if(dlg.list_size() > 0)
void EvokeService::init_xsettings_manager(void) {
xsm = new Xsm;
if(Xsm::manager_running(fl_display, fl_screen)) {
int ret = edelib::ask(_("XSETTINGS manager already running on this screen. Would you like to replace it?"));
if(ret < 1) {
} else
goto do_it;
if(!xsm->init(fl_display, fl_screen)) {
edelib::alert(_("Unable to load XSETTINGS manager properly"));
if(!xsm) return;
void EvokeService::stop_xsettings_manager(bool serialize) {
delete xsm;
xsm = NULL;
void EvokeService::init_composite(void) {
composite = new Composite();
if(!composite->init()) {
delete composite;
composite = NULL;
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
void EvokeService::setup_atoms(Display* d) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
// with them must be send '1' or property will be ignored (except _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN)
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
_ede_shutdown_all = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL", False);
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
_ede_evoke_quit = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_QUIT", False);
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00
_ede_spawn = XInternAtom(d, "_EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN", False);
void EvokeService::quit_x11(void) {
Window dummy, *wins;
Window root = RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen);
unsigned int n;
if(!XQueryTree(fl_display, root, &dummy, &dummy, &wins, &n))
Atom _wm_protocols = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
Atom _wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
Atom _wm_state = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WM_STATE", False);
XWindowAttributes attr;
XEvent ev;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(XGetWindowAttributes(fl_display, wins[i], &attr) && (attr.map_state == IsViewable))
wins[i] = mu_client_window(fl_display, wins[i], _wm_state);
wins[i] = 0;
* Hm... probably we should first quit known processes started by us
* then rest of the X familly
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(wins[i]) {
EVOKE_LOG("closing %i window\n", i);
// FIXME: check WM_PROTOCOLS before sending WM_DELETE_WINDOW ???
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
ev.xclient.window = wins[i];
ev.xclient.message_type = _wm_protocols;
ev.xclient.format = 32;
ev.xclient.data.l[0] = (long)_wm_delete_window;
ev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
XSendEvent(fl_display, wins[i], False, 0L, &ev);
EVOKE_LOG("%i window closed\n", i);
XSync(fl_display, False);
// kill remaining windows
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(wins[i]) {
EVOKE_LOG("killing remaining %i window\n", i);
XKillClient(fl_display, wins[i]);
XSync(fl_display, False);
EVOKE_LOG("now close myself\n");
* This is run each time when some of the managed childs quits.
* Instead directly running wake_up(), it will be notified wia
* wake_up_pipe[] channel, via add_fd() monitor.
void EvokeService::service_watcher(int pid, int ret) {
write(wake_up_pipe[1], &pid, sizeof(int));
write(wake_up_pipe[1], &ret, sizeof(int));
#include <FL/fl_ask.H>
void EvokeService::wake_up(int fd) {
puts("=== wake_up() ===");
int child_pid = -1;
// child can return anything so there is no default value
int child_ret;
if(read(wake_up_pipe[0], &child_pid, sizeof(int)) == -1 || child_pid == -1) {
puts("unable to read from channel");
if(read(wake_up_pipe[0], &child_ret, sizeof(int)) == -1) {
puts("unable to read from channel");
Mutex mutex;
if(child_ret == SPAWN_CHILD_CRASHED) {
EvokeProcess pc;
bool ret;
ret = find_and_unregister_process(child_pid, pc);
if(ret) {
printf("%s crashed with core dump\n", pc.cmd.c_str());
} else {
switch(child_ret) {
printf("child %i killed\n", child_pid);
case 127:
edelib::alert(_("Program not found"));
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
//fl_alert(_("Program not found"));
case 126:
edelib::alert(_("Program not executable"));
printf("child %i exited with %i\n", child_pid, child_ret);
* Execute program. It's return status
* will be reported via service_watcher()
void EvokeService::run_program(const char* cmd, bool enable_vars) {
edelib::String scmd(cmd);
pid_t child;
if(enable_vars && scmd.length() > 6) {
if(scmd.substr(0, 6) == "$TERM ") {
char* term = getenv("TERM");
term = "xterm";
edelib::String tmp(term);
tmp += " -e ";
tmp += scmd.substr(6, scmd.length());
scmd = tmp;
int r = spawn_program_with_core(scmd.c_str(), service_watcher_cb, &child);
if(r != 0)
edelib::alert("Unable to start %s. Got code %i", cmd, r);
else {
Mutex mutex;
register_process(scmd.c_str(), child);
void EvokeService::register_process(const char* cmd, pid_t pid) {
EvokeProcess pc;
pc.cmd = cmd;
pc.pid = pid;
printf("registering %s with %i\n", cmd, pid);
void EvokeService::unregister_process(pid_t pid) {
ProcessListIter it = processes.begin();
ProcessListIter it_end = processes.end();
while(it != it_end) {
if((*it).pid == pid) {
printf("Found %s with pid %i, cleaning...\n", (*it).cmd.c_str(), pid);
bool EvokeService::find_and_unregister_process(pid_t pid, EvokeProcess& pc) {
return 0;
ProcessListIter it = processes.begin();
ProcessListIter it_end = processes.end();
while(it != it_end) {
if((*it).pid == pid) {
printf("Found %s with pid %i, cleaning...\n", (*it).cmd.c_str(), pid);
pc.cmd = (*it).cmd;
pc.pid = pid;
return 1;
return 0;
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
int EvokeService::composite_handle(const XEvent* xev) {
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
return composite->handle_xevents(xev);
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
return 1;
* Main loop for processing got X events.
* Great care must be taken to route this events to FLTK too (via fl_handle()), since
* add_fd() (in evoke.cpp) will not do that. If events are not routed to fltk, popped
* dialogs, especially from service_watcher() will not be correctly drawn and will hang
* whole program.
int EvokeService::handle(const XEvent* xev) {
if(xsm && xsm->should_terminate(xev)) {
EVOKE_LOG("XSETTINGS manager shutdown\n");
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
return 1;
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
if(xev->type == PropertyNotify) {
if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_spawn) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
char buff[1024];
if(get_string_property_value(_ede_spawn, buff, sizeof(buff))) {
EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN with %s. Starting client...\n", buff);
} else {
EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SPAWN with malformed data. Ignoring...\n");
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_evoke_quit) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
int val = get_int_property_value(_ede_evoke_quit);
if(val == 1) {
EVOKE_LOG("Got accepted _EDE_EVOKE_QUIT\n");
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
} else
EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_QUIT with bad code (%i). Ignoring...\n", val);
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
if(xev->xproperty.atom == _ede_shutdown_all) {
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
int val = get_int_property_value(_ede_shutdown_all);
if(val == 1) {
int dw = DisplayWidth(fl_display, fl_screen);
int dh = DisplayHeight(fl_display, fl_screen);
// TODO: add XDM service permissions
printf("got %i\n", logout_dialog(dw, dh, 1, 1));
} else
EVOKE_LOG("Got _EDE_EVOKE_SHUTDOWN_ALL with bad code (%i). Ignoring...\n", val);
2007-07-30 17:25:13 +04:00
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
// let FLTK handle the rest
A lot of changes, especially the ways how screen is repainted (in composite). Composite will now draw only damaged regions, and their damage is (now) correctly reported, mostly due changes in main FLTK loop. Also there are two ways how evoke will be running: if USE_FLTK_LOOP_EMULATION is defined (default yes), it will fully emulate FLTK loop (as done before). Oposite way (without emulation) it will relay on FLTK message passing, but it is very unpredictable since FLTK will sometime miss SelectionClear events (XSETTINGS relay on it), probably due large XDamageNotify throttling. When emulation is used, there are no such problems since all events are processed before they are routed to FLTK. In composite is added another way of repainting (when USE_CHECK is defined), and it will relay on Fl::add_check() function; there are some differences between this function and timer used for screen refresh. Timer will try to refresh it every XX ms and when there are large number of XDamageNotify reports, this will not be suitable for movements smoothing on the screen; on other hand add_check() will call callback every time when event is processed, which brings smooth movements. For now only timer is used untill I finish compositing stuff. Also composite will handle messages from it's own add_handler() since (somehow), all pending XDamageNotify events will not be correctly reported inside EvokeService handler. And about splash... splash will now keep it's window at the top, no matter what window is raised. This is a small hack until I implement _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in edewm (I don't have to say that this hack works for all wm's I tested :P). Sound from splash is removed; reason for this is when evoke starts childs (only when X session was started), device descriptors will be used by childs too making sound device unusable and marked as busy. This can be solved by using better sound library, which is story for itself...
2008-01-14 15:50:30 +03:00
return 0;
// let composite manager do the rest
return composite_handle(xev);
2007-07-11 20:03:18 +04:00