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// PImage.cc for pekwm
// Copyright © 2005-2009 Claes Nästén <me@pekdon.net>
// This program is licensed under the GNU GPL.
// See the LICENSE file for more information.
#include "config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include "PImage.hh"
#include "PScreen.hh"
#include "ScreenResources.hh"
#include "PixmapHandler.hh"
#include "Util.hh"
#include <iostream>
extern "C" {
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::list;
using std::string;
list<PImageLoader*> PImage::_loader_list = list<PImageLoader*>();
* PImage constructor, loads image if one is specified.
* @param dpy Display image is valid on.
* @param path Path to image file, if specified this is loaded.
PImage::PImage(Display *dpy, const std::string &path) throw(LoadException&)
: _dpy(dpy), _type(IMAGE_TYPE_NO), _pixmap(None), _mask(None), _width(0), _height(0),
_data(0), _has_alpha(false), _use_alpha(false)
if (path.size()) {
if (! load(path)) {
throw LoadException(path.c_str());
//! @brief PImage destructor.
//! @brief Loads image from file.
//! @param file File to load.
//! @return Returns true on success, else false.
PImage::load(const std::string &file)
string ext(Util::getFileExt(file));
if (! ext.size()) {
cerr << " *** WARNING: no file extension on " << file << "!" << endl;
return false;
list<PImageLoader*>::iterator it(_loader_list.begin());
for (; it != _loader_list.end(); ++it) {
if (! strcasecmp((*it)->getExt(), ext.c_str())) {
_data = (*it)->load(file, _width, _height, _has_alpha, _use_alpha);
if (_data) {
_pixmap = createPixmap(_data, _width, _height);
_mask = createMask(_data, _width, _height);
return (_data);
//! @brief Frees resources used by image.
if (_data) {
delete [] _data;
_data = 0;
if (_pixmap) {
if (_mask) {
_pixmap = None;
_mask = None;
_width = 0;
_height = 0;
//! @brief Draws image on drawable.
//! @param draw Drawable to draw on.
//! @param x Destination x coordinate.
//! @param y Destination y coordinate.
//! @param width Destination width, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
//! @param height Destination height, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
PImage::draw(Drawable draw, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
if (! _data) {
// Expand variables.
if (! width) {
width = _width;
} if (! height) {
height = _height;
// Draw image, select correct drawing method depending on image type,
// size and if alpha exists.
if ((_type == IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED)
|| ((_type == IMAGE_TYPE_SCALED)
&& (_width == width) && (_height == height))) {
if (_use_alpha) {
drawAlphaFixed(draw, x, y, width, height);
} else {
drawFixed(draw, x, y, width, height);
} else if (_type == IMAGE_TYPE_SCALED) {
if (_use_alpha) {
drawAlphaScaled(draw, x, y, width, height);
} else {
drawScaled(draw, x, y, width, height);
} else if (_type == IMAGE_TYPE_TILED) {
if (_use_alpha) {
drawAlphaTiled(draw, x, y, width, height);
} else {
drawTiled(draw, x, y, width, height);
//! @brief Returns pixmap at sizen.
//! @param need_free Is set to wheter shape mask returned needs to be freed.
//! @param width Pixmap width, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
//! @param height Pixmap height, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
//! @return Returns pixmap at size or None on error.
PImage::getPixmap(bool &need_free, uint width, uint height)
// Default
Pixmap pix = None;
need_free = false;
// Expand parameters.
if (! width) {
width = _width;
if (! height) {
height = _height;
// Same size, return _pixmap.
if ((width == _width) && (height == _height)) {
pix = _pixmap;
} else {
uchar *scaled_data;
scaled_data = getScaledData(width, height);
if (scaled_data) {
need_free = true;
pix = createPixmap(scaled_data, width, height);
delete [] scaled_data;
return pix;
//! @brief Returns shape mask at size, if any.
//! @param need_free Is set to wheter shape mask returned needs to be freed.
//! @param width Shape mask width, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
//! @param height Shape mask height, defaults to 0 which expands to image size.
//! @return Returns shape mask at size or None if there is no mask information.
PImage::getMask(bool &need_free, uint width, uint height)
// Default
Pixmap pix = None;
need_free = false;
// Expand parameters.
if (! width) {
width = _width;
if (! height) {
height = _height;
// Same size, return _mask.
if ((width == _width) && (height == _height)) {
pix = _mask;
} else {
uchar *scaled_data;
scaled_data = getScaledData(width, height);
if (scaled_data) {
need_free = true;
pix = createMask(scaled_data, width, height);
delete [] scaled_data;
return pix;
//! @brief Scales image to size.
//! @param width Width to scale image to.
//! @param height Height to scale image to.
PImage::scale(uint width, uint height)
// Invalid width or height or no need to scale.
if (! width || ! height || ((width == _width) && (height == height))) {
uchar *scaled_data;
scaled_data = getScaledData(width, height);
if (scaled_data) {
// Free old resources.
// Set data pointer and create pixmap and mask at new size.
_data = scaled_data;
_pixmap = createPixmap(_data, width, height);
_mask = createMask(_data, width, height);
_width = width;
_height = height;
//! @brief Draw image at position, not scaling.
PImage::drawFixed(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
// Plain copy of the pixmap onto Drawable.
XCopyArea(_dpy, _pixmap, dest, PScreen::instance()->getGC(),
0, 0, width, height, x, y);
//! @brief Draw image scaled to fit width and height.
PImage::drawScaled(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
uchar *scaled_data;
// Create scaled representation of image.
scaled_data = getScaledData(width, height);
if (scaled_data) {
Pixmap pix;
// Create pixmap.
pix = createPixmap(scaled_data, width, height);
if (pix) {
XCopyArea(_dpy, pix, dest, PScreen::instance()->getGC(),
0, 0, width, height, x, y);
delete [] scaled_data;
//! @brief Draw image tiled to fit width and height.
PImage::drawTiled(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
// Create a GC with _pixmap as tile and tiled fill style.
GC gc;
XGCValues gv;
gv.fill_style = FillTiled;
gv.tile = _pixmap;
gv.ts_x_origin = x;
gv.ts_y_origin = y;
gc = XCreateGC(_dpy , dest,
GCFillStyle|GCTile|GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin, &gv);
// Tile the image onto drawable.
XFillRectangle(_dpy, dest, gc, x, y, width, height);
XFreeGC(_dpy, gc);
//! @brief Draw image at position, not scaling.
PImage::drawAlphaFixed(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height, uchar *data)
XImage *dest_image = XGetImage(_dpy, dest, x, y, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
if (! dest_image) {
cerr << " *** ERROR: failed to get image for destination." << endl;
// Get mask from visual
Visual *visual = PScreen::instance()->getVisual()->getXVisual();
dest_image->red_mask = visual->red_mask;
dest_image->green_mask = visual->green_mask;
dest_image->blue_mask = visual->blue_mask;
uchar *src;
uchar r, g, b, a;
uchar d_r = 0, d_g = 0, d_b = 0;
float a_percent, a_percent_inv;
if (data) {
src = data;
} else {
src = _data;
width = std::min(width, _width);
height = std::min(height, _height);
for (uint i_y = 0; i_y < height; ++i_y) {
for (uint i_x = 0; i_x < width; ++i_x) {
// Get pixel value, copy them directly if alpha is set to 255.
r = *src++;
g = *src++;
b = *src++;
a = *src++;
// Alpha not 100% solid, blend
if (a != 255) {
// Get RGB values from pixel.
getRgbFromPixel(dest_image, XGetPixel(dest_image, i_x, i_y),
d_r, d_g, d_b);
a_percent = static_cast<float>(a) / 255;
a_percent_inv = 1 - a_percent;
r = static_cast<uchar>((a_percent_inv * d_r) + (a_percent * r));
g = static_cast<uchar>((a_percent_inv * d_g) + (a_percent * g));
b = static_cast<uchar>((a_percent_inv * d_b) + (a_percent * b));
XPutPixel(dest_image, i_x, i_y, getPixelFromRgb(dest_image, r, g, b));
XPutImage(_dpy, dest, PScreen::instance()->getGC(), dest_image,
0, 0, x, y, width, height);
//! @brief Draw image scaled to fit width and height.
PImage::drawAlphaScaled(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
uchar *scaled_data = getScaledData(width, height);
if (scaled_data) {
drawAlphaFixed(dest, x, y, width, height, scaled_data);
delete [] scaled_data;
//! @brief Draw image tiled to fit width and height.
PImage::drawAlphaTiled(Drawable dest, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
// FIXME: Implement tiled rendering with alpha support
drawTiled(dest, x, y, width, height);
//! @brief Creates Pixmap from data.
//! @param data Pointer to data to create pixmap from.
//! @param width Width of image data is representing.
//! @param height Height of image data is representing.
//! @return Returns Pixmap on success, else None.
PImage::createPixmap(uchar *data, uint width, uint height)
XImage *ximage;
Pixmap pix = None;
ximage = createXImage(data, width, height);
if (ximage) {
pix = ScreenResources::instance()->getPixmapHandler()->getPixmap(width,
height, PScreen::instance()->getDepth());
XPutImage(_dpy, pix, PScreen::instance()->getGC(), ximage,
0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
delete [] ximage->data;
ximage->data = 0;
return pix;
//! @brief Creates shape mask Pixmap from data.
//! @param data Pointer to data to create mask from.
//! @param width Width of image data is representing.
//! @param height Height of image data is representing.
//! @return Returns Pixmap mask on success, else None.
PImage::createMask(uchar *data, uint width, uint height)
if (! _has_alpha) {
return None;
// Create XImage
XImage *ximage;
ximage = XCreateImage(_dpy, PScreen::instance()->getVisual()->getXVisual(),
1, ZPixmap, 0, 0, width, height, 32, 0);
if (! ximage) {
cerr << " *** WARNING: unable to create XImage!" << endl;
return None;
// Alocate ximage data storage.
ximage->data = new char[ximage->bytes_per_line * height / sizeof(char)];
uchar *src = data + 3; // Skip R, G and B.
ulong pixel_trans, pixel_solid;
pixel_trans = PScreen::instance()->getBlackPixel();
pixel_solid = PScreen::instance()->getWhitePixel();
for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
XPutPixel(ximage, x, y, (*src > 127) ? pixel_solid : pixel_trans);
src += 4; // Skip R, G, B and A
// Create Pixmap
Pixmap pix;
pix = ScreenResources::instance()->getPixmapHandler()->getPixmap(width, height, 1);
GC gc = XCreateGC(_dpy, pix, 0, 0);
XPutImage(_dpy, pix, gc, ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
XFreeGC(_dpy, gc);
delete [] ximage->data;
ximage->data = 0;
return pix;
//! @brief Createx XImage from data.
//! @param data Pointer to data to create XImage from.
//! @param width Width of image data is representing.
//! @param height Height of image data is representing.
PImage::createXImage(uchar *data, uint width, uint height)
// Create XImage
XImage *ximage;
ximage = XCreateImage(_dpy, PScreen::instance()->getVisual()->getXVisual(),
PScreen::instance()->getDepth(), ZPixmap, 0, 0,
width, height, 32, 0);
if (! ximage) {
cerr << " *** WARNING: unable to create XImage!" << endl;
return 0;
// Allocate ximage data storage.
ximage->data = new char[ximage->bytes_per_line * height / sizeof(char)];
uchar *src = data;
uchar r, g, b;
// Put data into XImage.
for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
r = *src++;
g = *src++;
b = *src++;
if (_has_alpha) {
XPutPixel(ximage, x, y, getPixelFromRgb(ximage, r, g, b));
return ximage;
//! @brief Scales image data and returns pointer to new data.
//! @param width Width of image data to return.
//! @param height Height of image data to return.
//! @return Pointer to image data on success, else 0.
//! @todo Implement decent scaling routine with data [] cache?
PImage::getScaledData(uint width, uint height)
if (! width || ! height) {
return 0;
// Calculate aspect ratio.
float ratio_x, ratio_y;
ratio_x = static_cast<float>(_width) / static_cast<float>(width);
ratio_y = static_cast<float>(_height) / static_cast<float>(height);
// Allocate memory.
uchar *scaled_data, *dest;
scaled_data = new uchar[width * height * (_has_alpha ? 4 : 3)];
dest = scaled_data;
// Scale image.
int i_src;
float f_src;
for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
f_src = static_cast<int>(ratio_y * y) * _width;
for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
i_src = static_cast<int>(f_src);
i_src *= (_has_alpha ? 4 : 3);
*dest++ = _data[i_src++];
*dest++ = _data[i_src++];
*dest++ = _data[i_src++];
if (_has_alpha) {
*dest++ = _data[i_src++];
f_src += ratio_x;
return scaled_data;